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Gene Review

MANF  -  mesencephalic astrocyte-derived...

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: ARMET, ARP, Arginine-rich protein, Mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor, Protein ARMET
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Disease relevance of ARMET


High impact information on ARMET


Chemical compound and disease context of ARMET


Biological context of ARMET


Anatomical context of ARMET


Associations of ARMET with chemical compounds

  • Both binding activity and heparin precipitability appeared to correlate with an increase in arginine-rich apoprotein (apo-E) in the active H.D.L. subfraction [25].
  • In the ER, an estrogen-inducible p-NLS was found in the hormone binding domain (HBD), in addition to three lysine/arginine-rich motifs resembling prototype constitutive nuclear localization signals (NLSs) [26].
  • The larger kink (43 degrees ) is induced by a novel mechanism, 'phosphate bridging by an arginine-rich helix': the recognition helix with an arginine cluster is inserted perpendicularly into the major groove and bridges the groove through direct interactions with the phosphate groups [27].
  • The gene codes for a 34.5 kd protein which contains glycine/arginine rich sequence repeats at the amino terminus similar to those found in other nucleolar proteins [28].
  • Estrogen withdrawal promptly restored the type III pattern with its abnormal enrichment of VLD lipoproteins with apolipoprotein E (the arginine-rich peptide) [29].

Physical interactions of ARMET

  • The removal of the positive or negative charges from these regions in HEXIM1 leads to its sequestration into the large complex and inhibition of transcription independently of the arginine-rich motif [30].
  • Moreover, the arginine-rich motif within it is essential for its binding to 7SK snRNA, P-TEFb, and inhibition of transcription [30].
  • These results provide evidence for the first time that arginine-rich signals are able to recognize different nuclear import receptors and transport the RASSF proteins into distinct sub-cellular compartments [31].
  • The driving force for arginine-rich selection appears to be the DNA-binding function of protamine P1 and an interaction with a protein kinase in the fertilized egg [32].
  • RNase S complex bearing arginine-rich peptide and anti-HIV activity [33].

Enzymatic interactions of ARMET

  • In addition, we speculate that lactoferrin may cleave arginine-rich sequences in a variety of microbial virulence proteins, contributing to its long-recognized antimicrobial properties [34].
  • The plasmin formed from plasminogen by the activators catalyzes the decomposition of the arginine-rich protamine substrate, yielding smaller polycationic fragments that are not sensed by the electrode [35].

Regulatory relationships of ARMET


Other interactions of ARMET


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ARMET

  • These latter subjects received an L-amino acid-based diet that was arginine-rich or arginine-free each for 6 days prior to conduct, on day 7, of an 8-hr (first 3 hr, fast; final 5 hr, fed) primed continuous intravenous infusion protocol using L-[guanidino-13C]arginine, L-[5,5-2H2]citrulline, and L-[5,5,5-2H3]leucine, as tracers [42].
  • Western blots and mass spectrometry identified the HBcrAg as a 22-kDa precore protein (p22cr) containing the uncleaved signal peptide and lacking the arginine-rich domain that is involved in binding the RNA pregenome or the DNA genome [43].
  • Furthermore, using overlapping glutathione S-transferase (GST)-EB2 peptides, we have, by RNA electrophoretic mobility shift assays (REMSAs) and Northwestern blotting, located an RNA-binding motif in a 33-amino acid segment of EB2 that has structural features of the arginine-rich RNA-binding motifs (ARMs) also found in many RNA-binding proteins [44].
  • We have used affinity chromatography with immobilized transcription elongation factor SII to purify a protein complex that contains core RNA polymerase II (RNA Pol II), the general transcription initiation factors, and several splicing factors, including the U1, U2, and U4 small nuclear RNPs, the U2AF(65), and serine/arginine-rich proteins [45].
  • Complexes of the arginine-rich histone tetramer (H3)2(H4)2 with negatively supercoiled DNA: electron microscopy and chemical cross-linking [46].


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