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Gene Review

SLC20A1  -  solute carrier family 20 (phosphate...

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: GLVR-1, GLVR1, Gibbon ape leukemia virus receptor 1, Glvr-1, Leukemia virus receptor 1 homolog, ...
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Disease relevance of SLC20A1

  • Growth plate chondrocyte hypertrophy is associated with expression of the type III sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate (Pi) cotransporter phosphate transporter/retrovirus receptor 1 (PiT-1) [1].
  • This study was undertaken to test the hypothesis that IL-8 promotes chondrocyte hypertrophy by modulating chondrocyte PiT-1 expression and sodium-dependent Pi uptake, and to assess differential roles in this activity [1].
  • CONCLUSION: Our results link low-grade IL-8-mediated cartilaginous inflammation in OA to altered chondrocyte differentiation and disease progression through PiT-1 expression and sodium-dependent Pi uptake mediated by CXCR1 signaling [1].
  • We have identified two Streptococcus pneumoniae genetic loci, pit1 and pit2, encoding homologues of ABC iron transporters that are required for iron uptake by this organism [2].
  • A stretch of nine amino acids (region A) in the predicted fourth extracellular loop was previously shown to be critical for the function of Glvr1 as receptor for GALV and FeLV-B [3].

High impact information on SLC20A1

  • RNA analysis shows wide but distinct tissue distributions, with Glvr-1 expression being highest in bone marrow and Ram-1 in heart [4].
  • Overexpression of Ram-1 severely repressed Glvr-1 synthesis in fibroblasts, suggesting that transporter expression may be controlled by net phosphate accumulation [4].
  • By expression in Xenopus laevis oocytes and in mammalian cells, we have identified Glvr-1 and Ram-1 as sodium-dependent phosphate symporters [4].
  • The increase in transduction with PG13 vectors correlated with Northern blotting and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction studies that indicated that both K562 cells and the LAD EBV B cells express transcripts for the gibbon ape leukemia virus receptor at higher levels than for the amphotropic virus receptor [5].
  • Type III sodium-dependent phosphate (NaP(i)) cotransporters, Pit1 and Pit2, have been assigned housekeeping P(i) transport functions and suggested involved in chondroblastic and osteoblastic mineralization and ectopic calcification [6].

Biological context of SLC20A1

  • In addition, the regulation of Glvr-1 gene expression also has potential applications to gene therapy, since retroviral vectors carrying gibbon ape leukemia virus envelope proteins are used for gene delivery into different cell types [7].
  • Characterization of the human Glvr-1 phosphate transporter/retrovirus receptor gene and promoter region [7].
  • The aim of this study was thus to clone the human Glvr-1 gene in order to describe its structure and its promoter region.Our results indicate that the Glvr-1 gene consists of 11 exons and 10 introns spread over 18kb of genomic DNA [7].
  • Moreover, the downregulation of 10A1 receptor function by changes in region A of human Pit1 indicates that this region is also involved in 10A1 entry [8].
  • These transporters, called PiT-1 and PiT-2, respectively, are approximately 59% identical in amino acid sequence and are members of a gene family distinct from the renal type I and type II NaPi sodium-dependent phosphate transporters [9].

Anatomical context of SLC20A1

  • Rapid amplification of cDNA ends (5'-RACE) suggests that, in human SaOS-2 osteoblast-like cells, transcription of Glvr-1 is initiated at multiple sites, mostly located between bp 32 and 50 of the published cDNA sequence, which was initially obtained from HL-60 cells [7].
  • However, at least in one cell line it used Pit1 more efficiently for entry [10].
  • We then analyzed whether this enhanced expression of GLVR-1 correlated with increased infectivity of lymphocytes by retroviral vectors that utilize the GALV envelope compared to those that use the amphotropic envelope [11].
  • The superior transduction efficacy of CD8+ T cells by MuLV-10A1 correlates with a longer half-life of this pseudotype in comparison with A-MuLV and, as shown by interference analysis with the human T cell line HUT78, by the utilization of both the A-MuLV receptor (Pit2) and the GaLV receptor (Pit1) for cell entry [12].
  • Hormonal treatment or P(i) starvation of tooth germs in vitro did not alter Pit2 levels or patterns of expression, indicating mechanisms of regulation different from those of PiT-1 or other cell types [13].

Associations of SLC20A1 with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of SLC20A1


Other interactions of SLC20A1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of SLC20A1


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  2. A Streptococcus pneumoniae pathogenicity island encoding an ABC transporter involved in iron uptake and virulence. Brown, J.S., Gilliland, S.M., Holden, D.W. Mol. Microbiol. (2001) [Pubmed]
  3. Chimeras of receptors for gibbon ape leukemia virus/feline leukemia virus B and amphotropic murine leukemia virus reveal different modes of receptor recognition by retrovirus. Pedersen, L., Johann, S.V., van Zeijl, M., Pedersen, F.S., O'Hara, B. J. Virol. (1995) [Pubmed]
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