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Gene Review

CXCR1  -  chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 1

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: C-C, C-C-CKR-1, C-X-C chemokine receptor type 1, CD128, CD181, ...
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Disease relevance of IL8RA


Psychiatry related information on IL8RA


High impact information on IL8RA

  • Major progress has been made in the understanding of chemokine actions on T lymphocytes that respond to several CC chemokines but also to IP10 and Mig, two CXC chemokines that selectively attract T cells via a novel receptor [7].
  • The immunoregulatory proteins C-C chemokines are potent chemoattractants of lymphocytes and monocytes, as well as activators and attractants of eosinophils and basophils [8].
  • We now report cloning of the genes for IL8RA, IL8RB and a recently inactivated pseudogene of receptor A (IL8RAP) [9].
  • We show that pepducins derived from either the i1 or i3 intracellular loops of CXCR1 and CXCR2 prevent the IL-8 response of both receptors and reverse the lethal sequelae of sepsis, including disseminated intravascular coagulation and multi-organ failure in mice [10].
  • Here we report the identification and characterization of a C-C chemokine (DC-CK1) that is specifically expressed by human dendritic cells at high levels [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of IL8RA


Biological context of IL8RA

  • IL8, IL8RA, and IL8RB SNPs were analyzed using a multiplex assay system, haplotypes were constructed, and risks were estimated using Cox proportional hazards models [16].
  • Several studies have shown that CC chemokines attract T lymphocytes, and that CD45RO+, memory phenotype cells are considered to be the main responders [17].
  • Blocking monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) specific for CXCR-2 or CXCR-1 either suppress the first optimum of NAP-2-induced chemotaxis or drastically reduce the second one, respectively [18].
  • These observations suggest that down-regulation of CXCR expression may substantially reduce the responsiveness of phagocytosing neutrophils to CXC chemokines [19].
  • Compared with controls, a significant increase in the frequency of the CXCR-2 +785 CC homozygote and of the CXCR-2 +1208 TT homozygote was found in the SSc patients (37% versus 22% [P = 0.01] and 33% versus 17% [P = 0.003], respectively) [4].

Anatomical context of IL8RA

  • The prominent role of IL-2 in CC chemokine responsiveness of lymphocytes suggests that IL-2-mediated expansion is a prerequisite for the recruitment of antigen-activated T cells into sites of immune and inflammatory reactions [17].
  • In summary, this study clearly demonstrates that CXCR1 and CXCR2 are not expressed on human eosinophils, even after priming with different bioactive cytokines [20].
  • This potentiation correlated with enhanced binding to neutrophils and increased signaling through CXC chemokine receptor-1 (CXCR1), but it was significantly less pronounced on a CXCR2-expressing cell line [21].
  • Since systemic angiogenesis induced by IL-8 would more likely involve microvessel ECs, we investigated CXC receptor expression on human microvascular dermal endothelial cells (HMECs) [22].
  • Monoclonal antibodies detect different distribution patterns of IL-8 receptor A and IL-8 receptor B on human peripheral blood leukocytes [23].

Associations of IL8RA with chemical compounds

  • Examination of the sequences of the CXC chemokines reveals that the highly conserved leucine, corresponding to Leu25 in IL-8, is always replaced by tyrosine in CC chemokines [24].
  • Ca(2+) mobilization by S3 and DeltaCCR1 were also cross-desensitized by CXCR1 and CXCR2 despite lack of receptor phosphorylation [25].
  • Activation of CXCR1 appears to depend significantly on the presence of a basic binding determinant close to the second cysteine [26].
  • Positive staining of transfectants, monocytes, and lymphocytes was inhibited by the GST protein fused with the NH2-terminal portion of CCR1, further indicating that this antibody recognized the NH2-terminal portion of CC CKR1 [27].
  • The LPS-induced reduction of neutrophil CXCR 1 and 2 expression, as determined by fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis, was inhibited in volunteers receiving the high dose of the p38 MAPK inhibitor [28].

Physical interactions of IL8RA

  • This confirms the importance of this region in IL-8 in receptor binding and in conferring specificity between CXC and CC chemokines [29].
  • Only IL-8 and GCP-2 bind CXCR-1 with high affinity [30].
  • Human IL-8 receptor A binds with low affinity to MGSA or NAP-2 [31].
  • This cytokine belongs to the family of CXC chemokines, mediating the response through binding to the seven-transmembrane helical G protein-coupled receptors CXCR1 and CXCR2 [32].
  • MCP3 has been reported to interact with several C-C chemokine receptors, which can be simultaneously or selectively expressed on leukocyte subpopulations [33].

Regulatory relationships of IL8RA

  • Interleukin-2 regulates CC chemokine receptor expression and chemotactic responsiveness in T lymphocytes [17].
  • In addition, we demonstrate that podocytes release IL-8 in the presence of FCS and that IL-8 down-regulates cell surface CXCR1 [5].
  • The form in which IL-8 and NAP-2 bind to their specific receptors was analyzed in binding experiments with COS-1 cells expressing IL-8 receptor A or B in recombinant forms [34].
  • Sufficient stimulation of the CXCR1 terminated this cooperative relationship by downregulating surface expression of CXCR2 [35].
  • These findings suggest that a homolog or ortholog of hCXCR1 is expressed in the mouse to be activated by a hitherto unknown CXC chemokine of the mouse [36].

Other interactions of IL8RA

  • Crossdesensitization studies in PMNL enzyme release revealed crossreactivities with the NAP-1/IL-8-R on PMNL [37].
  • The chemotactic response to the CXC and CC chemokines correlated with the receptor expression except that all 3 populations responded to GRO-alpha, despite their lack of CXCR2 expression [38].
  • METHODS: The presence of CC and CXC chemokine receptors on cultured FLS was studied at the messenger RNA (mRNA) level by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction and at the cell surface expression level by flow cytometry [39].
  • In contrast, the CC chemokines MCP-1 and eotaxin had little or no activity in the concentration range tested (up to 1 microg/ml) [40].
  • Expression of functional CCR and CXCR chemokine receptors in podocytes [5].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of IL8RA


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