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Gene Review

CCNA2  -  cyclin A2

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CCN1, CCNA, Cyclin-A, Cyclin-A2
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Disease relevance of CCNA2

  • The human cyclin A gene was identified as the site of integration of hepatitis B virus in a hepatocarcinoma cell line; in addition, cyclin A is associated with the E2F transcription factor in a complex which is dissociated by the E1A oncogene product [1].
  • We have produced human cyclin A in Escherichia coli and investigated how it generates H1 kistone kinase activity when added to cyclin-free extracts prepared from parthenogenetically activated Xenopus eggs [2].
  • We have previously shown that the promoter complex HiNF-D, which interacts with cell cycle control elements in multiple histone genes, contains the key cell cycle factors cyclin A, CDC2, and a retinoblastoma (pRB) protein-related protein [3].
  • In particular, well differentiated cells in squamous cell carcinoma stained positively for cyclin E; in contrast, cyclin A was expressed in the nonkeratinized proliferating areas of the tumor nests [4].
  • Proliferative activity was assessed in serial sections by determining the expression of the cell cycle proteins Ki-67 and cyclin A. p27kip1 protein was significantly reduced in oral dysplasias and carcinomas compared with that in normal epithelial controls [5].

High impact information on CCNA2

  • Y88 phosphorylation does not prevent p27 binding to cyclin A/Cdk2 [6].
  • In postmitotic mutant cells, levels of Cyclin E and Cyclin A are elevated [7].
  • p19Skp1 and p45Skp2 are essential elements of the cyclin A-CDK2 S phase kinase [8].
  • Solution structure of the C-terminal core domain of human TFIIB: similarity to cyclin A and interaction with TATA-binding protein [9].
  • Similarities between the TFIIBc and cyclin A folds indicate that elements of the eukaryotic cell cycle control apparatus evolved from more fundamental transcriptional control components, demonstrating a link between the transcription and cell cycle molecular machineries [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of CCNA2


Biological context of CCNA2

  • As p33cdk2 is bound to cyclin A and is targeted by the viral E1A protein, we suggest that the p33cdk2/cyclin A complex has a unique role in cell-cycle regulation of vertebrate cells [15].
  • Apoptosis of human endothelial cells after growth factor deprivation is associated with rapid and dramatic up-regulation of cyclin A-associated cyclin-dependent kinase 2(cdk2) activity [16].
  • Thus, cyclin E opens a 'window of opportunity' for replication complex assembly that is closed by cyclin A. The dual functions of cyclin A ensure that the assembly phase (G1) ends before DNA synthesis (S) begins, thereby preventing re-initiation until the next cell cycle [17].
  • Plk1 depletion neither prevents APC phosphorylation nor cyclin A destruction in vivo [18].
  • Anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome-dependent proteolysis of human cyclin A starts at the beginning of mitosis and is not subject to the spindle assembly checkpoint [19].

Anatomical context of CCNA2


Associations of CCNA2 with chemical compounds

  • Cyclin A transcriptional suppression is the major mechanism mediating homocysteine-induced endothelial cell growth inhibition [24].
  • Cyclin A overexpression does not enhance transcriptional activation by an ER derivative bearing serine-to-alanine changes at residues 104, 106, and 118 [25].
  • Pentoxifylline also reverted the activity of cyclin A- and B1-kinases in HN2-treated cells to approximately that observed in controls [10].
  • A factor binding to the B-myb CHR was identified in fractionated HeLa nuclear extract and found to interact with the minor groove, as previously shown by in vivo footprinting for the cyclin A CHR [26].
  • The ability of various cyclin D1 mutants to overcome the ICI 182780 mediated growth arrest corresponded with their ability to stimulate cyclin A- and E2F- promoter based reporter activities in the presence of ICI 182780 [27].

Physical interactions of CCNA2

  • The C-terminal regulatory domain of p53 contains a functional docking site for cyclin A [28].
  • Finally, we show that multiprotein complex formation involving p45(SKP2)-CUL-1 and p19(SKP1) is governed, in part, by periodic, S phase-specific accumulation of the p45(SKP2) subunit and by the p45(SKP2)-bound cyclin A-CDK2 [29].
  • Crystal structure of the p27Kip1 cyclin-dependent-kinase inhibitor bound to the cyclin A-Cdk2 complex [30].
  • Sequences within the conserved cyclin box of human cyclin A are sufficient for binding to and activation of cdc2 kinase [31].
  • The interaction of the retinoblastoma susceptibility gene product (Rb)-related p107 protein with the E2F transcription factor in S-phase cells facilitates the formation of a multicomponent complex also containing cyclin A and the p33cdk2 kinase [32].

Enzymatic interactions of CCNA2


Regulatory relationships of CCNA2


Other interactions of CCNA2

  • These results thus define a cyclin A-cdk2 kinase complex that possesses sequence-specific DNA binding activity [40].
  • A cyclin A-protein kinase complex possesses sequence-specific DNA binding activity: p33cdk2 is a component of the E2F-cyclin A complex [40].
  • Expression levels of cyclin E (P = 0.04) and cyclin A2 (P = 0.004) were significantly higher in the tumor samples than in normal controls [41].
  • Cyclin A1, cyclin A2, and cyclin E2 expression levels did not have prognostic relevance for survival [41].
  • Peptide competition studies have localized a cyclin A interaction site to a Lys381Lys382Leu383Met384Phe385 sequence within C-terminal negative regulatory domain of human p53 [28].
  • SCAPER could play a role in distinguishing S phase- from M phase-specific functions of cyclin A/Cdk2 [42].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of CCNA2


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