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Cyst Fluid

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Disease relevance of Cyst Fluid


High impact information on Cyst Fluid

  • Renal cysts from patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease can secrete fluid, and net fluid secretion can be increased by unidentified secretagogues in the cyst fluid [6].
  • The cysts were loaded with natural cyst fluid or with a combination of Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium and Ham's F12 medium (DME-F12) and incubated in DME-F12 for 24 hours [6].
  • Cyst fluid parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels were 0.56 and 1.50 ng/ml, respectively [7].
  • The X cells line the inner aspects of placental septal cysts, and the cyst fluid, obtained by aspiration, contains immunoreactive MBP at concentrations of 100 micrograms/ml, a sixfold greater concentration than the highest levels measured in maternal blood [8].
  • Low LIF concentrations (1-10 ng/ml) were present in synovial fluid from subjects with inflammatory arthritis, amniotic fluid from women in labor, and some reactive, chronic inflammatory and malignant effusions and cyst fluids, but rarely in transudates [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Cyst Fluid


Biological context of Cyst Fluid


Anatomical context of Cyst Fluid


Associations of Cyst Fluid with chemical compounds

  • The deuterated chenodeoxycholic acid concentrations in cyst fluid were 0.79 and 1.26 mumol/L in two samples from patient 1 and 3.22 mumol/L in patient 2; these values are equivalent to 11-17% of the serum concentrations [corrected] [24].
  • Chloride levels were higher in the cyst fluid and the secreted fluid than in the bathing medium [25].
  • Large amounts of met-enkephalin were found in all cyst fluids [4].
  • Consequently, the time evolution of the contrast enhancement, induced by i.v. injection of Gadolinium diethylene-triamine-penta-acetate, exhibited two distinct patterns: transcapillary transfer in the cellular regions and simple diffusion in the cyst fluid [26].
  • The yield of soluble CEA activity following perchloric acid extraction averaged 10%, and in one cyst fluid, qualitative changes were noted in the soluble antigenic activity [5].

Gene context of Cyst Fluid

  • Although VEGF concentration of the serum was not correlated with that of the tissue, VEGF concentrations of glioblastoma cyst fluid were 200-300-fold higher than those of serum in the patients [27].
  • In an attempt to develop new preoperative diagnostic criteria to assist in decisions regarding therapy, the authors have performed cyst fluid analysis for tumor markers (carcinoembryonic antigen: CEA, CA 125, and CA 19.9), amylase content, amylase isoenzymes, relative viscosity, and cytology on 26 pancreatic cysts [28].
  • Follow-up of patients with malignant and borderline lesions demonstrated a correlation between VEGF levels in cyst fluid and tumor recurrence (P = 0.03). bFGF in malignant cysts was either undetectable or very low (0.3+/-0.2 ng/ml), and no significant differences were found in bFGF levels among malignant, benign, borderline, and functional cysts [29].
  • Cyst fluid from homozygous rats contained MMP-2 protein and activity [30].
  • The localization in vivo of EGF immunoreactivity in ADPKD cyst-lining epithelia and in (apical) cyst fluids and the demonstration of EGF-receptor immunostaining and specific [125I]EGF binding to apical cell surfaces suggested an autocrine mechanism of growth stimulation by EGF in ADPKD epithelia [31].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cyst Fluid

  • Lectin affinity chromatography and gel filtration chromatography over Sepharose 4B and Sephadex G-200 can be used to purify cyst fluid CEA from whole fluid or lyophilized and reconstituted samples [5].
  • The cyst fluid CEA activity showed identity with various CEA standards by double immunodiffusion in agar gels and by radioimmune competition assay [5].
  • We have determined the concentrations of two tumor-associated trypsinogen (TAT) isoenzymes, called TAT-1 and TAT-2, in human ovarian tumor cyst fluid using monoclonal antibody-based immunofluorometric assays specific for each isoenzyme [32].
  • Levels of MCP-1 much higher than in serum or urine were found in cyst fluids obtained from nephrectomy specimens (range, 767 to 40,860 pg/ml; mean, 6434 +/- 841 pg/ml; n = 73) [33].
  • End-stage ADPKD renal tissue extracts and cyst fluids were assayed for time-dependent, chymostatin-inhibitable conversion of (125)I-AngI to (125)I-AngII under conditions of ACE and aminopeptidase inhibition by means of HPLC [34].


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