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Self Tolerance

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Disease relevance of Self Tolerance


High impact information on Self Tolerance


Chemical compound and disease context of Self Tolerance


Biological context of Self Tolerance


Anatomical context of Self Tolerance


Associations of Self Tolerance with chemical compounds


Gene context of Self Tolerance

  • The role of complement in the maintenance of self-tolerance has been examined in two models: an immunoglobulin transgenic model of peripheral tolerance and a lupus-like murine model of CD95 (Fas) deficiency [27].
  • We show that E2F2 is required for immunologic self-tolerance [28].
  • These results add a novel enzymatic function for AIRE and suggest an indispensable role of the Ub proteasome pathway in the establishment of self-tolerance, in which AIRE is involved [29].
  • Thus, the CD25(+)CD4(+) regulatory T cell population engaged in dominant self-tolerance may require CTLA-4 but not CD28 as a costimulatory molecule for its functional activation [30].
  • We posit that their heightened expression of various costimulatory molecules, including CD80, CD106, I-A, and CD40, and their elevated production of various cytokines, including IL-12 and IL-1beta, may explain why Sle3-bearing DCs may be superior at breaching self tolerance [31].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Self Tolerance


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