Gene Review:
Sert1 - Sertoli cell protein 1
Rattus norvegicus
- Morphology and classification of ovarian neoplasms in F344 rats and (C57BL/6 X C3H)F1 mice. Alison, R.H., Morgan, K.T., Haseman, J.K., Boorman, G.A. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. (1987)
- Extracellular matrix regulates Sertoli cell differentiation, testicular cord formation, and germ cell development in vitro. Hadley, M.A., Byers, S.W., Suárez-Quian, C.A., Kleinman, H.K., Dym, M. J. Cell Biol. (1985)
- Ovarian tumors in rats induced by chronic 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin treatment. Davis, B.J., Mccurdy, E.A., Miller, B.D., Lucier, G.W., Tritscher, A.M. Cancer Res. (2000)
- Sertoli cell transplants: their use in the treatment of neurodegenerative disease. Willing, A.E., Cameron, D.F., Sanberg, P.R. Molecular medicine today. (1998)
- The effect of hypothyroidism on Sertoli cell proliferation and differentiation and hormone levels during testicular development in the rat. Van Haaster, L.H., De Jong, F.H., Docter, R., De Rooij, D.G. Endocrinology (1992)
- mRNAs encoding a von Ebner's-like protein and the Huntington disease protein are induced in rat male germ cells by Sertoli cells. Syed, V., Gomez, E., Hecht, N.B. J. Biol. Chem. (1999)
- Role of basic-helix-loop-helix transcription factors in Sertoli cell differentiation: identification of an E-box response element in the transferrin promoter. Chaudhary, J., Cupp, A.S., Skinner, M.K. Endocrinology (1997)
- Impact of neonatal onset hypothyroidism on Sertoli cell number, plasma and testicular interstitial fluid androgen binding protein concentration. Maran, R.R., Ravisankar, B., Ravichandran, K., Valli, G., Arunakaran, J., Aruldhas, M.M. Endocr. Res. (1999)
- CNS myelin and sertoli cell tight junction strands are absent in Osp/claudin-11 null mice. Gow, A., Southwood, C.M., Li, J.S., Pariali, M., Riordan, G.P., Brodie, S.E., Danias, J., Bronstein, J.M., Kachar, B., Lazzarini, R.A. Cell (1999)
- The absence of specific interactions of Sertoli-cell-secreted proteins with antibodies directed against H-Y antigen. Gore-Langton, R.E., Tung, P.S., Fritz, I.B. Cell (1983)
- Sertoli-Leydig cell communication via an LHRH-like factor. Sharpe, R.M., Fraser, H.M., Cooper, I., Rommerts, F.F. Nature (1981)
- Human seminal clusterin (SP-40,40). Isolation and characterization. O'Bryan, M.K., Baker, H.W., Saunders, J.R., Kirszbaum, L., Walker, I.D., Hudson, P., Liu, D.Y., Glew, M.D., d'Apice, A.J., Murphy, B.F. J. Clin. Invest. (1990)
- Adenosine inhibition of the hormonal response in the Sertoli cell is reversed by pertussis toxin. Monaco, L., DeManno, D.A., Martin, M.W., Conti, M. Endocrinology (1988)
- Stimulation of adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate production in rat Sertoli cells by alpha-melanotropin-stimulating hormone (alpha MSH) and des-acetyl alpha MSH. Boitani, C., Mather, J.P., Bardin, C.W. Endocrinology (1986)
- The molecular pathology of experimental testicular torsion suggests adjunct therapy to surgical repair. Turner, T.T., Bang, H.J., Lysiak, J.L. J. Urol. (2004)
- Evidence for germ cell control of Sertoli cell function in three models of germ cell depletion in adult rat. Boujrad, N., Hochereau-de Reviers, M.T., Carreau, S. Biol. Reprod. (1995)
- Identification of rat testis galactosyl receptor using antibodies to liver asialoglycoprotein receptor: purification and localization on surfaces of spermatogenic cells and sperm. Abdullah, M., Kierszenbaum, A.L. J. Cell Biol. (1989)
- Testosterone activates mitogen-activated protein kinase and the cAMP response element binding protein transcription factor in Sertoli cells. Fix, C., Jordan, C., Cano, P., Walker, W.H. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2004)
- Calcium/calmodulin-dependent phosphorylation of vimentin in rat sertoli cells. Spruill, W.A., Zysk, J.R., Tres, L.L., Kierszenbaum, A.L. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1983)
- Molecular cloning of rat homologues of the Drosophila melanogaster dunce cAMP phosphodiesterase: evidence for a family of genes. Swinnen, J.V., Joseph, D.R., Conti, M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1989)
- Viability of rat spermatogenic cells in vitro is facilitated by their coculture with Sertoli cells in serum-free hormone-supplemented medium. Tres, L.L., Kierszenbaum, A.L. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1983)
- Sertoli cell processes have axoplasmic features: an ordered microtubule distribution and an abundant high molecular weight microtubule-associated protein (cytoplasmic dynein). Neely, M.D., Boekelheide, K. J. Cell Biol. (1988)
- Cooperativity between Sertoli cells and testicular peritubular cells in the production and deposition of extracellular matrix components. Skinner, M.K., Tung, P.S., Fritz, I.B. J. Cell Biol. (1985)
- Sertoli cell binding to isolated testicular basement membrane. Enders, G.C., Henson, J.H., Millette, C.F. J. Cell Biol. (1986)
- Testicular peritubular cells secrete a protein under androgen control that modulates Sertoli cell functions. Skinner, M.K., Fritz, I.B. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1985)
- Hormonal regulation of protein synthesis, secretion, and phosphorylation in cultured rat Sertoli cells. DePhilip, R.M., Kierszenbaum, A.L. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1982)
- Rat Sertoli cells acquire a beta-adrenergic response during primary culture. Kierszenbaum, A.L., Spruill, W.A., White, M.G., Tres, L.L., Perkins, J.P. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1985)
- Sertoli cell differentiation on basement membrane is mediated by the c-fos protooncogene. Papadopoulos, V., Dym, M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1994)
- Mechanisms of Sertoli cell insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-binding protein-3 regulation by IGF-I and adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate. Smith, E.P., Cheung, P.T., Ferguson, A., Chernausek, S.D. Endocrinology (1992)
- Suppression of steroid receptor-chromatin interaction by inhibitors present in ammonium sulfate-fractionated rat testicular androgen receptor preparations. Tsai, Y.H. J. Androl. (1987)
- The effect of cocaine and its metabolites on Sertoli cell function. Zhang, H., Loughlin, K.R. J. Urol. (1996)
- Acute testicular toxicity of 1,3-dinitrobenzene and ethylene glycol monomethyl ether in the rat: evaluation of biochemical effect markers and hormonal responses. Reader, S.C., Shingles, C., Stonard, M.D. Fundamental and applied toxicology : official journal of the Society of Toxicology. (1991)
- Gelatinase A secretion and its control in peritubular and Sertoli cell cultures: effects of hormones, second messengers and inducers of cytokine production. Hoeben, E., Van Aelst, I., Swinnen, J.V., Opdenakker, G., Verhoeven, G. Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. (1996)
- Basic fibroblast growth factor is a testicular germ cell product which may regulate Sertoli cell function. Han, I.S., Sylvester, S.R., Kim, K.H., Schelling, M.E., Venkateswaran, S., Blanckaert, V.D., McGuinness, M.P., Griswold, M.D. Mol. Endocrinol. (1993)
- MT1-MMP in rat testicular development and the control of Sertoli cell proMMP-2 activation. Longin, J., Guillaumot, P., Chauvin, M.A., Morera, A.M., Le Magueresse-Battistoni, B. J. Cell. Sci. (2001)
- Coordinated expression of UT-A and UT-B urea transporters in rat testis. Fenton, R.A., Cooper, G.J., Morris, I.D., Smith, C.P. Am. J. Physiol., Cell Physiol. (2002)
- Evidence for cross-talk between Sertoli and germ cells using selected cathepsins as markers. Chung, S.S., Zhu, L.J., Mo, M.Y., Silvestrini, B., Lee, W.M., Cheng, C.Y. J. Androl. (1998)
- Transforming growth factor-beta (beta 1, beta 2, and beta 3) gene expression and action during pubertal development of the seminiferous tubule: potential role at the onset of spermatogenesis. Mullaney, B.P., Skinner, M.K. Mol. Endocrinol. (1993)
- Follicle-stimulating hormone amplifies insulin-like growth factor I-mediated activation of AKT/protein kinase B signaling in immature rat Sertoli cells. Khan, S.A., Ndjountche, L., Pratchard, L., Spicer, L.J., Davis, J.S. Endocrinology (2002)
- Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 secretion from cultured rat sertoli cells: dual regulation by follicle stimulating hormone and insulin-like growth factor-I. Smith, E.P., Dickson, B.A., Chernausek, S.D. Endocrinology (1990)
- Transforming growth factor-beta3 perturbs the inter-Sertoli tight junction permeability barrier in vitro possibly mediated via its effects on occludin, zonula occludens-1, and claudin-11. Lui, W.Y., Lee, W.M., Cheng, C.Y. Endocrinology (2001)
- Expression and regulation of delta5-desaturase, delta6-desaturase, stearoyl-coenzyme A (CoA) desaturase 1, and stearoyl-CoA desaturase 2 in rat testis. Saether, T., Tran, T.N., Rootwelt, H., Christophersen, B.O., Haugen, T.B. Biol. Reprod. (2003)
- Sertoli cell secretory function after hypophysectomy. Weddington, S.C., Hansson, V., Ritzen, E.M., Hagenas, L., French, F.S., Nayfeh, S.N. Nature (1975)
- Localization of androgen-binding protein in proliferating Sertoli cells in culture. Kierszenbaum, A.L., Feldman, M., Lea, O., Spruill, W.A., Tres, L.L., Petrusz, P., French, F.S. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1980)
- Characterization of rat transferrin receptor cDNA: the regulation of transferrin receptor mRNA in testes and in Sertoli cells in culture. Roberts, K.P., Griswold, M.D. Mol. Endocrinol. (1990)
- Follicle-stimulating hormone induces transient expression of the protooncogene c-fos in primary Sertoli cell cultures. Hall, S.H., Joseph, D.R., French, F.S., Conti, M. Mol. Endocrinol. (1988)