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Soy Foods

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Disease relevance of Soy Foods


High impact information on Soy Foods


Chemical compound and disease context of Soy Foods


Biological context of Soy Foods


Anatomical context of Soy Foods

  • The proposed method was applied to monitor isoflavone levels in soy foods and in human plasma, urine and breast milk after challenge with roasted soybeans [18].
  • Although the plasma genistein levels achievable with soy food feeding are unlikely to be sufficient to inhibit the growth of mature, established breast cancer cells by chemotherapeutic-like mechanisms, these levels are sufficient to regulate the proliferation of epithelial cells in the breast and thereby may cause a chemopreventive effect [19].

Associations of Soy Foods with chemical compounds

  • BACKGROUND: The discovery of equol in human urine more than 2 decades ago and the finding that it is bacterially derived from daidzin, an isoflavone abundant in soy foods, led to the current nutritional interest in soy foods [20].
  • CONCLUSIONS: This study does not provide evidence that ingestion of soy food or a VLFD significantly reduces estrogen concentrations in postmenopausal women [21].
  • The content of Gly m 4 in soy food products strongly depends on the degree of food processing [22].
  • Recently, the consumption of soy foods has been shown to reduce serum cholesterol concentrations [23].
  • Iron absorption from fish sauce and soy sauce fortified with sodium iron EDTA [24].

Gene context of Soy Foods

  • Evidence that pLH1 is theta-replicating could be deduced from the plasmid size, from the homology to the replication protein of the Bacillus natto theta-replicating plasmid pLS32, and from the identification of a putative resolvase gene (orf-195) [25].
  • Moreover, B. subtilis (natto) cells subjected to hydrochloric acid treatment, but not autoclaving, induced a higher secretion of IL-6 and IL-8 than intact cells [26].
  • We suggest that estrogenic substances, and also phytoestrogens present in soy food could, by increasing tumor tissue-located CYP27B1 activity and decreasing degradative CYP24 activity, augment tumor-localized 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 levels and activity [27].
  • Miso intake was inversely significantly correlated with SHBG on Day 22 of the cycle (r = -0.36, p = 0.02) [28].
  • Frequent consumption of chicken (adjusted OR, 0.5; 95% CI, 0.3 to 0.98) and soy foods (adjusted OR, 0.4; 95% CI, 0.2 to 0.7) was significantly associated with a decreased risk of OPLL [29].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Soy Foods


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