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Mass Screening

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Disease relevance of Mass Screening


Psychiatry related information on Mass Screening


High impact information on Mass Screening

  • Capillary blood glucose in mass screening for diabetes [7].
  • Through mass screening of newborn infants, we identified a novel and prevalent GALK variant (designated here as the "Osaka" variant) associated with an A198V mutation in three infants with mild GALK deficiency [8].
  • During the first year of mass screening for alpha1 antitrypsin deficiency, 108,000 newborn Swedish infants were examined [9].
  • Because Wee1 kinase is crucial in maintaining G(2) arrest through its inhibitory phosphorylation of Cdc2, we developed a high-throughput mass screening assay and used it to screen chemical library for Wee1 inhibitors [10].
  • Phylogenic analysis based on sequencing analysis of multiple HDV strains isolated from sera of patients is not convenient for mass screening in routine laboratories [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Mass Screening


Biological context of Mass Screening


Anatomical context of Mass Screening


Associations of Mass Screening with chemical compounds

  • Mass screening for 6-month-old infants was performed by qualitative assessment of urinary vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) from June 1981 to September 1989 and by quantitative measurement of VMA/creatinine (Cre) and homovanillic acid (HVA)/Cre from October 1989 to December 1992 [26].
  • From 1991 to 1994, about 4,500,000 infants underwent CAH mass screening in Japan. During this period, we identified by screening 2 siblings and 2 unrelated patients who had mild elevation of serum 17-hydroxyprogesterone levels at 5 days of age, but who revealed no symptoms of CAH [27].
  • Results demonstrated the prognostic significance of serum creatinine in a community-based mass screening [5].
  • As part of a program to develop dopamine D4 antagonists for the treatment of schizophrenia, we discovered a series of 6- and 7-(phenylpiperazinyl)- and -(phenylpiperidinyl)methylbenzoxazinones through mass screening of our compound library [28].
  • We found this application to be successful and practical for mass screening of dioxin exposure in clinical samples [29].

Gene context of Mass Screening

  • Initial mass screening and subsequent SAR studies have identified 6b (PD164387) as a potent, selective, and orally active COX-2 inhibitor [30].
  • CONCLUSIONS: The quantitative Beutler test can provide precise GALT activity in newborn mass screening, and can take into consideration the influence of high temperature and humidity, duration between sampling and testing, and anemia [31].
  • High levels of Nbla03145/ECEL1 expression were significantly correlated with a younger age (p=0.0005), lower stages (p=0.0019), high level of TrkA expression (p</=0.00005), a single copy of MYCN (p<0.00005) and the tumors found by mass screening (p<0.00005) [32].
  • We examined serum NM23-H1 protein levels in 217 patients with neuroblastoma, including 131 found by mass-screening and 86 found clinically by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and determined the association between levels of this protein, and known prognostic factors or the clinical outcome [33].
  • Here we present the results of a study of six affected Romani families from Bulgaria, where index patients with galactokinase deficiency have been detected by the mass screening [34].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Mass Screening


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