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Phrenic Nerve

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Disease relevance of Phrenic Nerve


High impact information on Phrenic Nerve

  • We evaluated the contractile function of the diaphragm in well-nourished patients with stable COPD, using supramaximal, bilateral phrenic-nerve stimulation, which provides information about the strength and inspiratory action of the diaphragm [6].
  • In four subjects, pressure was also measured during stimulation of the phrenic nerve at various frequencies before and after diaphragmatic fatigue was produced by resistive breathing, with and without aminophylline infusion [7].
  • Moreover, morphological manifestations, such as loss of motor axons in the phrenic nerve and degeneration of facial motor neurons, were greatly reduced by CNTF, although the treatment did not start until the first symptoms of the disease had already become apparent and substantial degenerative changes were already present [8].
  • Release of acetylcholinesterase from rat hemidiaphragm preparations stimulated through the phrenic nerve [9].
  • CT-1-treated pmn mice showed a significantly reduced degeneration of facial motoneuron cytons and phrenic nerve myelinated axons [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Phrenic Nerve


Biological context of Phrenic Nerve


Anatomical context of Phrenic Nerve


Associations of Phrenic Nerve with chemical compounds

  • Reflex effects of aerosolized histamine on phrenic nerve activity [26].
  • K, or electrical stimulation of the phrenic nerve, depletes both the vesicular and extravesicular pools of ACh when hemicholinium no [27].
  • Repeated doses of progesterone (from 0.1 to 2.0 micrograms/kg, cumulative) caused a sustained (greater than 45 min) facilitation of phrenic nerve activity in female and male cats; however, the response was much more variable in females [28].
  • The maximal response was obtained from the ventral part of RO and consisted of early and delayed excitatory responses that were of equal magnitude in both left and right C5 phrenic nerve roots [29].
  • There was no change in spontaneous phrenic nerve discharge in response to injections of equivalent or larger volumes of saline or lidocaine [30].

Gene context of Phrenic Nerve

  • The central band of acetylcholine receptor (AChR) clusters is also wider in Cdk5-/- diaphragms, together with the absence of S100 immunoreactivity along the phrenic nerve during late embryonic stages [31].
  • In mice lacking Phr1, the phrenic nerve failed to completely innervate the diaphragm [32].
  • Peptides derived from the luminal domain of synaptotagmin I and II are capable of blocking the neurotoxicity of BoNT/G in phrenic nerve preparations [33].
  • Unlike previous observations suggesting that a dying-back process may be occurring in the mouse model of the disease, we did not observe differences between proximal and distal axon loss in phrenic nerves of SOD1 rats [34].
  • Twitch tension of isolated phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparations elicited by electrical stimulations to the phrenic nerve was recorded isometrically, and the preparations were exposed to the purified enterotoxin [35].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Phrenic Nerve


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