MeSH Review:
- Molecular cloning of the K1 capsular polysaccharide genes of E. coli. Silver, R.P., Finn, C.W., Vann, W.F., Aaronson, W., Schneerson, R., Kretschmer, P.J., Garon, C.F. Nature (1981)
- Single-dose therapy for cystitis in women. A comparison of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, amoxicillin, and cyclacillin. Hooton, T.M., Running, K., Stamm, W.E. JAMA (1985)
- Reversible acute renal failure induced by indomethacin. Tan, S.Y., Shapiro, R., Kish, M.A. JAMA (1979)
- Development of experimental model of chronic pyelonephritis with Escherichia coli O75:K5:H-bearing Dr fimbriae: mutation in the dra region prevented tubulointerstitial nephritis. Goluszko, P., Moseley, S.L., Truong, L.D., Kaul, A., Williford, J.R., Selvarangan, R., Nowicki, S., Nowicki, B. J. Clin. Invest. (1997)
- Behavior of eosinophil leukocytes in acute inflammation. I. Lack of dependence on adrenal function. Bass, D.A. J. Clin. Invest. (1975)
- Correlation of P blood group, vesicoureteral reflux, and bacterial attachment in patients with recurrent pyelonephritis. Lomberg, H., Hanson, L.A., Jacobsson, B., Jodal, U., Leffler, H., Edén, C.S. N. Engl. J. Med. (1983)
- Epithelial secretion of C3 promotes colonization of the upper urinary tract by Escherichia coli. Springall, T., Sheerin, N.S., Abe, K., Holers, V.M., Wan, H., Sacks, S.H. Nat. Med. (2001)
- Comparison of ciprofloxacin (7 days) and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (14 days) for acute uncomplicated pyelonephritis pyelonephritis in women: a randomized trial. Talan, D.A., Stamm, W.E., Hooton, T.M., Moran, G.J., Burke, T., Iravani, A., Reuning-Scherer, J., Church, D.A. JAMA (2000)
- Renal papillary necrosis and pyelonephritis accompanying fenoprofen therapy. Husserl, F.E., Lange, R.K., Kantrow, C.M. JAMA (1979)
- A study of the intrarenal recycling of urea in the rat with chronic experimental pyelonephritis. Gilbert, R.M., Weber, H., Turchin, L., Fine, L.G., Bourgoignie, J.J., Bricker, N.S. J. Clin. Invest. (1976)
- Gal-Gal pili vaccines prevent pyelonephritis by piliated Escherichia coli in a murine model. Single-component Gal-Gal pili vaccines prevent pyelonephritis by homologous and heterologous piliated E. coli strains. Pecha, B., Low, D., O'Hanley, P. J. Clin. Invest. (1989)
- Frequency of E. coli K antigens in urinary-tract infections in children. Kaijser, B., Hanson, L.A., Jodal, U., Lidin-Janson, G., Robbins, J.B. Lancet (1977)
- Mannose-resistant haemagglutination and P antigen recognition are characteristic of Escherichia coli causing primary pyelonephritis. Väisänen, V., Elo, J., Tallgren, L.G., Siitonen, A., Mäkelä, P.H., Svanborg-Edén, C., Källenius, G., Svenson, S.B., Hultberg, H., Korhonen, T. Lancet (1981)
- Synthetic peptides corresponding to protective epitopes of Escherichia coli digalactoside-binding pilin prevent infection in a murine pyelonephritis model. Schmidt, M.A., O'Hanley, P., Lark, D., Schoolnik, G.K. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1988)
- dra-related X adhesins of gestational pyelonephritis-associated Escherichia coli recognize SCR-3 and SCR-4 domains of recombinant decay-accelerating factor. Pham, T., Kaul, A., Hart, A., Goluszko, P., Moulds, J., Nowicki, S., Lublin, D.M., Nowicki, B.J. Infect. Immun. (1995)
- Decreased predominance of papG class II allele in Escherichia coli strains isolated from adults with acute pyelonephritis and urinary tract abnormalities. Tseng, C.C., Huang, J.J., Ko, W.C., Yan, J.J., Wu, J.J. J. Urol. (2001)
- Effective prophylaxis for recurrent urinary tract infections during pregnancy. Pfau, A., Sacks, T.G. Clin. Infect. Dis. (1992)
- Signaling danger: toll-like receptors and their potential roles in kidney disease. Anders, H.J., Banas, B., Schlöndorff, D. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. (2004)
- Toll-like receptor-4: renal cells and bone marrow cells signal for neutrophil recruitment during pyelonephritis. Patole, P.S., Schubert, S., Hildinger, K., Khandoga, S., Khandoga, A., Segerer, S., Henger, A., Kretzler, M., Werner, M., Krombach, F., Schlöndorff, D., Anders, H.J. Kidney Int. (2005)
- Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1 activates normal human granulocytes, protects them from apoptosis, and blocks their transmigration during inflammation. Chromek, M., Tullus, K., Lundahl, J., Brauner, A. Infect. Immun. (2004)
- The pharmacokinetic advantage of local 6-mercaptopurine infusion in a canine renal transplant model. Gruber, S.A., Canafax, D.M., Erdmann, G.R., Cipolle, R.J., Burke, B.A., Rabatin, J.T., Hynes, P.E., Gould, F.H., Heil, J.E., Ascher, N.L. Transplantation (1989)
- Internalization of Escherichia coli into human kidney epithelial cells: comparison of fecal and pyelonephritis-associated strains. Donnenberg, M.S., Newman, B., Utsalo, S.J., Trifillis, A.L., Hebel, J.R., Warren, J.W. J. Infect. Dis. (1994)
- Induction of innate immune responses by Escherichia coli and purified lipopolysaccharide correlate with organ- and cell-specific expression of Toll-like receptors within the human urinary tract. Bäckhed, F., Söderhäll, M., Ekman, P., Normark, S., Richter-Dahlfors, A. Cell. Microbiol. (2001)
- Serum amyloid A: a novel serum marker for the detection of systemic inflammatory response in cystitis. Lannergard, A., Friman, G., Larsson, A. J. Urol. (2003)
- Renal cytokine responses in acute Escherichia coli pyelonephritis in IL-6-deficient mice. Khalil, A., Tullus, K., Bartfai, T., Bakhiet, M., Jaremko, G., Brauner, A. Clin. Exp. Immunol. (2000)
- Demonstration of an antibody to tubular epithelium in glomerulonephritis associated with obstructive uropathy. Pascal, R.R., Sian, C.S., Brensilver, J.M., Kahn, M., Lefavour, G.S. Am. J. Med. (1980)
- Diuretic MAG3 scintigraphy (F0) in acute pyelonephritis: regional parenchymal dysfunction and comparison with DMSA. Sfakianakis, G.N., Cavagnaro, F., Zilleruelo, G., Abitbol, C., Montane, B., Georgiou, M., Ezuddin, S., Mallin, W., Sfakianakis, E., Strauss, J. J. Nucl. Med. (2000)
- Technetium-99m-DMSA renal cortical scintigraphy to detect experimental acute pyelonephritis in piglets: comparison of planar (pinhole) and SPECT imaging. Majd, M., Rushton, H.G., Chandra, R., Andrich, M.P., Tardif, C.P., Rashti, F. J. Nucl. Med. (1996)
- Relationship between neutrophil-mediated oxidative injury during acute experimental pyelonephritis and chronic renal scarring. Meylan, P.R., Markert, M., Bille, J., Glauser, M.P. Infect. Immun. (1989)
- The quinolones and renal infection. Ronald, A. Drugs (1999)