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Inappropriate ADH Syndrome

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Disease relevance of Inappropriate ADH Syndrome

  • Because dDAVP acts only on the V2 receptors, these data suggest that the higher urate clearance observed during hyponatremia related to SIADH is not only the consequence of an increased "effective vascular volume," but that V1-receptor stimulation also contributes to it, by a mechanism that remains to be determined [1].
  • In 14 patients with bronchogenic carcinoma, but without overt SIADH, plasma levels of arginine vasopressin were significantly higher than in normal subjects (p less than 0.001) [2].
  • The syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) occurred during an excerbation of multiple sclerosis (MS) [3].
  • The inappropriate secretion of AVP was evident in the patients with SIADH and hypopituitarism, and hydrocortisone replacement normalized urinary excretion of AQP-2 and renal water excretion in those with hypopituitarism [4].
  • Despite the mitigating effect of decreased renal sensitivity to AVP, the SIADH seen in these patients appears to contribute to the development of water intoxication caused by polydipsia [5].

High impact information on Inappropriate ADH Syndrome


Chemical compound and disease context of Inappropriate ADH Syndrome

  • As observed in the SIADH, cirrhotic patient with high FE uric acid have raised FE urea only when salt excretion is low [10].
  • Although tuberculosis is considered a cause of the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH), circulating vasopressin has been documented in only a few cases [11].
  • More cases of SIADH with fluoxetine [12].
  • This was clearly shown during the long-term treatment of a third patient with SIADH who was taking 30 g urea/day during 11 weeks [13].
  • Although he had been taking haloperidol, the SIADH responded to fluid restriction alone [14].

Biological context of Inappropriate ADH Syndrome


Anatomical context of Inappropriate ADH Syndrome


Gene context of Inappropriate ADH Syndrome

  • Thus, V2 receptor blockade could be of interest in several water-retaining diseases such as the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH), liver cirrhosis and congestive heart failure and deserves to be widely explored [24].
  • Either hypervolemia or hypotonicity may diminish the post-receptor signaling of AVP in renal collecting duct cells, under the chronic AVP excess state found in SIADH [15].
  • CONCLUSION: AVP-induced alterations of rBSC1 expression, as well as those of AQP2, are involved in the pathogenesis of SIADH [25].
  • We describe two infants whose clinical and laboratory evaluations were consistent with the presence of SIADH, yet who had undetectable arginine vasopressin (AVP) levels [26].
  • We have previously suggested that IL-6-stimulated AVP secretion may be the origin of the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) in inflammatory conditions [27].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Inappropriate ADH Syndrome


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