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Gene Review

AQP2  -  aquaporin 2 (collecting duct)

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: ADH water channel, AQP-2, AQP-CD, Aquaporin-2, Aquaporin-CD, ...
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Disease relevance of AQP2


Psychiatry related information on AQP2


High impact information on AQP2


Chemical compound and disease context of AQP2


Biological context of AQP2

  • AQP2 vesicles and the IMCD apical membrane contain homologs of vesicle-targeting and signal transduction proteins found in neurons [15].
  • Although missense mutations in AQP1 and AQP2 proteins are known to result in recessive traits in vivo and in vitro, when E134G or T138R are co-expressed with wild-type AQP0 protein, the mutant proteins exhibit dominant negative behaviour [16].
  • Along with T126M, mutations H122S, N124S, and A125T were introduced to preserve the consensus sequence for N-linked glycosylation found in human AQP2 [17].
  • Using oocytes, externally applied TEA blocked AQP1/AQP2/AQP4 with IC50 values of 1.4, 6.2, and 9.8 microM, respectively [18].
  • The acquired form of NDI is much more common than the congenital form, is almost always less severe, and is associated with downregulation of AQP2 [19].

Anatomical context of AQP2


Associations of AQP2 with chemical compounds

  • AQP2 is exclusively expressed in the principal cells of the connecting tubule and collecting duct and is the predominant vasopressin-regulated water channel [1].
  • Together, the results suggest that the decrease in AVP-stimulated osmotic water permeability results, at least in part, in the decrease in AQP2 protein [22].
  • Similarly AQP2 mutant proteins are trapped intracellularly and cannot be expressed at the luminal membrane [19].
  • Patients who have congenital NDI and bear mutations in the AVPR2 or AQP2 genes have a "pure" NDI phenotype with loss of water but normal conservation of sodium, potassium, chloride, and calcium [23].
  • Then, AQP2 moved from EEA1-positive endosomes to the subapical AQP2-storage compartment, which is sensitive to wortmannin and LY294002 [21].

Physical interactions of AQP2


Co-localisations of AQP2

  • Washout of forskolin induced retrieval of AQP2 into the cytoplasm, and AQP2 was transiently colocalized with EEA1-positive endosomes [21].
  • TRPC3 and -C6 colocalized with aquaporin-2, but not with the Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger or peanut lectin [25].

Regulatory relationships of AQP2


Other interactions of AQP2


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of AQP2


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