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Chemical Compound Review

CHEMBL285755     7-(dipropylamino)-5,6,7,8...

Synonyms: SureCN623950, AG-J-78903, DP-7-AT, CHEBI:152338, CCG-204705, ...
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Disease relevance of DP-7-AT

  • Another selective D(3) antagonist, GR218,231, mimicked S33084 in inhibiting 7-OH-DPAT-induced PEs and hypothermia but neither hypophagia nor yawning behavior [1].
  • However, pretreatment with spiperone, a D(2) receptor antagonist, did not affect the 7-OH-DPAT-induced ocular hypotension [2].
  • The R(+)enantiomer of 7-OH-DPAT (0.03-1 mg/kg, s.c.) caused emesis in a dose-dependent manner, whereas the S(-)enantiomer, even at 1 mg/kg s.c. failed to induce emesis [3].
  • However, the hyperthermia induced by SK&F 38393 was interestingly enhanced by 7-OH-DPAT and quinpirole.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)[4]
  • The effects of the 5-HT1A receptor agonist (+/-)-8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)tetralin HBr (8-OH-DPAT) and the DA D2/3 receptor agonist 7-OH-DPAT on core temperature was monitored in adult male Wistar rats, approximately 300 g body weight [5].

Psychiatry related information on DP-7-AT


High impact information on DP-7-AT

  • The D-3-selective compounds 7-hydroxy-N,N-di-n-propyl-2-aminotetralin (7-OHDPAT) and quinpirole potently decreased cocaine self-administration in the rat at doses that were not by themselves reinforcing [11].
  • D2 family dopamine agonists, including low doses of the D3-preferring agonist 7-OH-DPAT, increased the numbers of Fos-like-immunoreactive neurons in the PVT [12].
  • 7-OH-DPAT-induced natriuresis also was observed in DS rats that were on normal diet but not in hypertensive DS rats that were on high-salt diet [13].
  • However, the inhibitory effects of PDBu and 7-OH-DPAT on NHE3 activity were completely abolished by A-23287 and thapsigargin [14].
  • Here, we describe studies evaluating the behavioral effects of (+/-)-7-hydroxy-N,N-di-n-propyl-2-aminotetralin (7-OH-DPAT) and PD 128907, two D3 receptor agonists whose in vivo selectivity has been a topic of considerable controversy [15].

Chemical compound and disease context of DP-7-AT


Biological context of DP-7-AT

  • In clearance experiments infusion of 7-OH-DPAT (0.01-1.0 microg. kg(-1). min(-1)) dose-dependently elevated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) without affecting mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) [18].
  • In renal blood flow experiments 7-OH-DPAT infusion (1.0 microg. kg(-1). min(-1)) increased GFR by 16 +/- 2%, associated with an unexpected fall in renal blood flow by 20 +/- 3% and a significant elevation of renal vascular resistance by 18 +/- 3% [18].
  • S33084 also dose dependently reduced 7-OH-DPAT-induced penile erections (PEs) but had little effect on 7-OH-DPAT-induced yawning and hypophagia, and it did not block contralateral rotation elicited by the preferential D(3) agonist quinpirole in unilateral substantia nigra-lesioned rats [1].
  • The second major finding is that the two groups of rats, which are markedly different as regards sexual typology, exhibit different behavioral responses to 7-OH-DPAT [19].
  • The magnitude of the attenuation obtained when morphine and 7-OH-DPAT were administered at the same time was similar to that obtained when administration of these drugs was separated by 6 h, indicating that 7-OH-DPAT did not alter morphine pharmacokinetics [20].

Anatomical context of DP-7-AT


Associations of DP-7-AT with other chemical compounds

  • These data indicate that 7-OH-DPAT and nafadotride increase proNT/N mRNA levels in brain areas affected by antipsychotic drugs and suggest that the D3 receptor may regulate proNT/N mRNA expression in the nucleus accumbens shell [21].
  • In the present study we investigated the renal hemodynamic effects of dopamine D(3) receptor activation by R(+)-7-hydroxy-dipropylaminotetraline (7-OH-DPAT) in thiopental-anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats [18].
  • In contrast to TH activation due to K+ -induced depolarization, the activation evoked by tissue incubation with dibutyryl cyclic AMP was unaffected by the typical agonist 7-OH-DPAT or the antagonist (-)-sulpiride [24].
  • C1- and C3-methyl-substituted derivatives of the potent dopamine (DA) receptor agonist 7-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)tetralin (7-OH-DPAT) have been synthesized, and their conformational preferences have been studied by use of NMR spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, and molecular mechanics (MMP2) calculations [25].
  • Chemically-diverse, preferential D3 versus D2 agonists, quinelorane, CGS15855A, pramipexole, ropinirole and piribedil, generalized to PD128,907 (and 7-OH-DPAT) in this order of potency, which correlated more strongly with affinity/activity at cloned human (h)D3 (r=0.68/0.81, n=7) than hD2 (0.27/0.64, n=7) receptors [26].

Gene context of DP-7-AT


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of DP-7-AT

  • In micropuncture experiments 7-OH-DPAT (1.0 microg. kg(-1). min(-1)) significantly elevated stop-flow pressure measured in the early proximal tubules and reduced hydrostatic pressure at the first branching point of the efferent arteriole without altering MAP [18].
  • 7-OH-DPAT (0.1-3 mg/kg) and PD 128907 (1-10 mg/kg) induced hypothermia and decreased locomotion in D2(+/+) mice, but had no effects in D2(-/-) mice; the magnitude of the hypothermic and locomotor-reducing effects of these two agonists in D2(+/+) mutants was approximately half that of D2(+/+) mice [31].
  • In the present study, quantitative autoradiography was used to examine the binding of [(3)H]SCH 23390, [(3)H]raclopride and [(3)H]7-OH-DPAT (7-hydroxy-N,N-di-n-propyl-2-aminotetralin) to dopamine D1, D2, and D3 receptors, respectively, in various brain regions of ci3 rats and unaffected rats of the background strain (BH.7A(LEW)/Won) [32].
  • Using the quantitative microdialysis 'point of no net flux' method, we estimated the interstitial free concentration (IFC) of (+/-)-7-hydroxy-2-(N,N-di-n-propylamino)tetralin (7-OH-DPAT) in the dorsal striatum of freely moving rats after i.p. administration of the drug at the dose of 18.3 mumol/kg [33].
  • Effects of (-)eticlopride and 7-OH-DPAT on the tail-suspension test in mice [34].


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