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Chemical Compound Review

Dalmadorm     9-chloro-2-(2- diethylaminoethyl)-6-(2...

Synonyms: Noctosom, Dalmane, Felison, Felmane, Insumin, ...
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Disease relevance of Dalmadorm

  • In five patients who had been on chronic maintenance haemodialysis for more than eight months a syndrome involving altered consciousness, asterixis, and abnormal electroencephalogram developed after they had been given flurazepam and diazepam [1].
  • Flurazepam was associated with significant increases in the number of sleep events (p = 0.01), episodes of apnea (p less than 0.01), and total duration of apnea (p less than 0.01) [2].
  • Effect of flurazepam on sleep-disordered breathing and nocturnal oxygen desaturation in asymptomatic subjects [2].
  • Toxicity of high-dose flurazepam in the elderly [3].
  • During hypoxic hypercapnia, the PCO2 at arousal from sleep was significantly lower than during hyperoxic hypercapnia, but the level of ventilation at arousal during hypercapnia was similar in the control condition and after flurazepam [4].

Psychiatry related information on Dalmadorm


High impact information on Dalmadorm


Chemical compound and disease context of Dalmadorm


Biological context of Dalmadorm

  • Furthermore, alpha1E122C, alpha1L127C, and alpha1R131C changed accessibility in response to flurazepam, providing structural evidence that residues in and near the GABA binding site move in response to benzodiazepine modulation [16].
  • Dose-related effects of triazolam and flurazepam on a circadian rhythm insomnia [17].
  • Kinetics and clinical effects of flurazepam in young and elderly noninsomniacs [18].
  • Flurazepam also produced a moderate decrease in REM sleep and marked decrease in eye movement density and stage 4 sleep with short- and intermediate-term use [19].
  • Analysis of heart rate (HR) data collected in sleep laboratory studies on the effects of 0.5 mg of triazolam (Halcion) and 30 mg of flurazepam (Dalmane) demonstrated that both benzodiazepine hypnotics produced a significant HR elevation that was present for up to 4 h during sleep [20].

Anatomical context of Dalmadorm


Associations of Dalmadorm with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Dalmadorm


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Dalmadorm

  • In general, the distortions in sleep EEG produced by flurazepam qualitatively resemble, but are quantitatively greater than, those produced by barbiturates in equivalent hypnotic doses [31].
  • Triazolam, 0.4 and 0.8 mg, flurazepam, 15 and 30 mg, and placebo were compared in a double-blind, randomized 5-night crossover study in 25 inpatient insomniacs [32].
  • Thus, "first-pass" metabolism of flurazepam following oral administration occurs in the small bowel mucosa of man as well as in the liver [22].
  • On one phase of a cognitive task, the barbiturate and flurazepam groups made more errors than the control groups [33].
  • One hundred seven chronic insomniacs (41 men, 66 women; mean age, 37.9 years) with a history of use of benzodiazepines were recruited for a multicenter study testing the relative efficacy of flurazepam 15 mg or 30 mg, midazolam 15 mg, or placebo during a 14-day treatment period [34].


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