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Chemical Compound Review

decylate     decanoic acid

Synonyms: caprynate, decanoate, decoate, Dekansaeure, Kaprinsaeure, ...
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Disease relevance of decanoic acid

  • Safety and efficacy of nandrolone decanoate for treatment of wasting in patients with HIV infection [1].
  • Decanoate and unconjugated bile salts, which are present in the normal habitat of E. coli, were further shown to make the bacteria more resistant to lipophilic antibiotics, at least in part because of the induction of the AcrAB efflux pump [2].
  • Effect of nandrolone decanoate therapy on weight and lean body mass in HIV-infected women with weight loss: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter trial [3].
  • OBJECTIVE: This experiment evaluated enterally administered low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) combined with sodium N-[10-(2-hydroxybenzoyl)amino] decanoate (SNAD) for the treatment of induced venous thrombosis [4].
  • We conclude that the combination of low-dose rHuEPO and nandrolone decanoate is effective treatment for the anemia of end-stage renal failure [5].

Psychiatry related information on decanoic acid


High impact information on decanoic acid

  • OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of an anabolic steroid, nandrolone decanoate, on lean body mass (LBM), functional status, and quality of life in dialysis patients [11].
  • We now report that melanocyte stimulation with phorbol 12-tetra decanoate 13-acetate (TPA), previously reported to induce p75 NGF receptor, also induces trk in melanocytes, and TPA effect is further potentiated by the presence of keratinocytes in culture [12].
  • Rapid exchange of fatty acid among binding sites obscures these sites at temperatures greater than 30 degrees C. Rate constants for exchange at 33 degrees C were 350 sec-1 for octanoate and 20 sec-1 for decanoate, corresponding to lifetimes in a binding site of 2.8 msec (octanoate) and 50 msec (decanoate) [13].
  • Derivatives of this mutant that can grow on decanoate (termed fadR) are capable of growth on medium-chain but not long-chain fatty acids [14].
  • A unique threonine at amino acid position 3 (Thr(3)) in bullfrog ghrelin differs from the serine present in the mammalian ghrelins; this Thr(3) is acylated by either n-octanoic or n-decanoic acid [15].

Chemical compound and disease context of decanoic acid


Biological context of decanoic acid


Anatomical context of decanoic acid


Associations of decanoic acid with other chemical compounds


Gene context of decanoic acid


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of decanoic acid


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  4. Treatment of experimentally induced caval thrombosis with oral low molecular weight heparin and delivery agent in a porcine model of deep venous thrombosis. Salartash, K., Lepore, M., Gonze, M.D., Leone-Bay, A., Baughman, R., Sternbergh, W.C., Bowen, J.C., Money, S.R. Ann. Surg. (2000) [Pubmed]
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