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Chemical Compound Review

CIL     (Z)-2-[[(1S)-2,2- dimethylcyclopropyl]carbo...

Synonyms: AC1L9JKX
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Disease relevance of Cilastatin


High impact information on Cilastatin

  • Most of the drug is eliminated in the urine, where it is metabolized by an enzyme on the brush border of the renal tubular cells; cilastatin is given simultaneously to inhibit this inactivation [6].
  • As a result, we were able to estimate an average chromosome Y tetranucleotide mutation frequency of 0.20% (95% CIL 0.05-0.55) [7].
  • Expanding the set of microsatellites with two more loci (a tri- and a penta-nucleotide repeat locus) an average chromosome Y microsatellite mutation frequency of 0.21% (95% CIL 0.06-0.49) was found [7].
  • The beta-lactamase inhibitor, cilastatin, demonstrated reversible competitive inhibition of the peptidase-catalyzed hydrolysis of both antibiotics with the same Ki of 0.7 microM [8].
  • There were substantially more gram-negative organisms recovered from the patients with treatment failure who were initially treated with imipenem/cilastatin [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Cilastatin


Biological context of Cilastatin


Anatomical context of Cilastatin


Associations of Cilastatin with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Cilastatin


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cilastatin

  • The plasma concentration of cilastatin increased with each dose until the next hemodialysis session [32].
  • After intravenous infusion, the nonrenal clearance (CL(NR)) of DA-1131 was significantly slower in rats (3.00 versus 8.01 ml/min/kg) and rabbits (2.41 versus 6.77 ml/min/kg) when the drug was coadministered with cilastatin; this could be due to the slower metabolism of DA-1131 by rat and rabbit kidney DHP-I [33].
  • Plasma levels of cilastatin determined by high-pressure liquid chromatography and radiometry were virtually identical [22].
  • Total clearances of imipenem and cilastatin (mean +/- standard deviations) were 122.2 +/- 28.6 and 29.2 +/- 13.7 ml/min, respectively, with hemofiltration clearances of 22.9 +/- 2.5 and 16.1 +/- 3.1 ml/min, respectively, and nonrenal, nonhemofiltration clearances of 90.8 +/- 26.3 and 13.2 +/- 13.9 ml/min, respectively [34].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Our findings support the hypothesis that cilastatin administration can reduce CsA-induced acute nephrotoxicity after kidney transplantation [23].


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