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Chemical Compound Review

Vertigon     2-chloro-10-[3-(4- methylpiperazin-1...

Synonyms: Capazine, Emetiral, Eskatrol, Kronocin, Stemetil, ...
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Disease relevance of Vertigon


Psychiatry related information on Vertigon


High impact information on Vertigon


Chemical compound and disease context of Vertigon


Biological context of Vertigon


Anatomical context of Vertigon

  • The temperature-dependent instability of glucose-6-P'ase was increased by treatment of microsomes with prochlorperazine and could be prevented only partially by substrate [24].
  • We conclude that prochlorperazine disrupts the structural organization between lipids and proteins in microsomal membranes, altering thereby the activity and regulation of at least two different integral membrane proteins [24].
  • We have studied the effects of prochlorperazine on the activities of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase and glucose-6-phosphatase (glucose-6-P'ase) in rat liver microsomes [24].
  • The IC50 for a prochlorperazine block of HERG current in Xenopus oocytes progressively decreased relative to the degree of depolarization, from 42.1 microM at -40 mV to 37.4 microM at 0 mV to 22.6 microM at +40 mV [25].
  • In guinea pig ventricular myocytes, bath applications of 0.5 and 1 muM prochlorperazine at 36 degrees C blocked rapidly activating delayed rectifier K+ current by 38.9% and 76.5%, respectively, but did not significantly block slowly activating delayed rectifier K+ current [25].

Associations of Vertigon with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Vertigon


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Vertigon


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