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Chemical Compound Review

phosphatidic acids     2,3- dimethanoyloxypropoxyphosphoni c acid

Synonyms: AC1NUST0, CHEBI:16337, (2-formyloxy-3-phosphonooxypropyl) formate
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Disease relevance of phosphatidic acids

  • Secretion under these conditions is not accompanied by PA formation and is resistant both to depletion of Ca2+ from internal stores and to pertussis toxin (PtX) treatment [1].
  • Pharmacological inhibition of synthesis of selected PA species may therefore provide a therapeutic approach to suppression of HIV replication [2].
  • We have investigated whether the activity of the N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive ("metabolic") form of phosphatidate phosphohydrolase is increased in patients with alcoholic liver disease and whether any increased activity correlates with the severity of steatosis [3].
  • The activity of the metabolic form of hepatic phosphatidate phosphohydrolase correlates with the severity of alcoholic fatty liver in human beings [3].
  • DGPP phosphatases (DGPP phosphohydrolase) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Escherichia coli catalyze the dephosphorylation of DGPP to yield phosphatidate (PA) and then catalyze the dephosphorylation of PA to yield diacylglycerol [4].

Psychiatry related information on phosphatidic acids


High impact information on phosphatidic acids


Chemical compound and disease context of phosphatidic acids

  • CT-2576 suppressed both PA generation induced by Tat and HIV long terminal repeat-directed gene expression in response to Tat or TNF-alpha at a posttranscriptional step [2].
  • We have previously demonstrated that if C62B glioma cells are prelabeled with [1-14C]arachidonate, cholinergic stimulation results in liberation of radioactive arachidonate and accumulation of radioactive phosphatidate [10].
  • Surprisingly, phosphatidic acid (PA), which did not induce increases in [Ca2+]i, p125FAK activation or activation of MAP kinases, did induce proliferation of ovarian cancer cells, albeit at higher concentrations that LPA [11].
  • These data indicate that the development of fatty liver as an effect of 3-tetradecylpropionic acid is probably due to accelerated triglyceride biosynthesis, which is mediated by an increase in the availability of fatty acid along with stimulation of phosphatidate phosphohydrolase [12].
  • Additional findings included elevated levels of PC for glioblastoma multiforme relative to neurofibroma, and neurilemmoma was differentiated from neurofibroma with elevated levels of PA and depressed levels of PI [13].

Biological context of phosphatidic acids

  • Phagocytosis of either Erdman or H37Ra M. tuberculosis in the presence of autologous non-immune serum was associated with a 2.5-3-fold increase in phosphatidic acid (PA) [14].
  • Phosphatidate (PA) is a central metabolite of lipid metabolism and a signaling molecule in many eukaryotes, including plants [15].
  • Cellular activation in lymphoid cells is associated with augmented accumulation of certain phosphatidic acid (PA) species derived from the hydrolysis of glycan phosphatidylinositol (GPI) [2].
  • Phosphatidate-dependent phosphorylation of a 30-kDa protein in the soluble fraction from heart was also observed [16].
  • To test this hypothesis, we examined the effect of tat gene expression on the production of cellular PA species, as the Tat protein is essential for HIV expression and has been implicated in activating the expression of multiple host cellular genes [2].

Anatomical context of phosphatidic acids


Associations of phosphatidic acids with other chemical compounds


Gene context of phosphatidic acids


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of phosphatidic acids


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