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Chemical Compound Review

Kajaku     ethyl2-amino-5-ethyl- thiophene-3-carboxylate

Synonyms: QC-856, AG-F-57240, SureCN1973680, ALBB-001668, NSC-159633, ...
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Disease relevance of Neocarzinostatin


High impact information on Neocarzinostatin


Chemical compound and disease context of Neocarzinostatin


Biological context of Neocarzinostatin


Anatomical context of Neocarzinostatin


Associations of Neocarzinostatin with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Neocarzinostatin

  • The phosphorylation-dephosphorylation cycle of JNK and p38 by NCS was attenuated in A-T cells [30].
  • Addition of the radiomimetic agent neocarzinostatin for 4 h, however, induced a significant increase in IGF-IR levels in cells without ATM function [31].
  • Herein, we demonstrate that the chemotherapeutic enediyne antibiotic neocarzinostatin induced Rad51, but not NBS1, nuclear focus formation in a cell- cycle-dependent manner [32].
  • RT-PCR analysis revealed that the expressions of fusion-competent myoblast-specific genes lmd, sns, and del were induced in Schneider cells upon treatment with NCS or HU, whereas expressions of three founder cell-specific genes, duf, ants, and rols, were undetectable [33].
  • After treatment of HCT116 cells with a radiomimetic compound neocarzinostatin, active Chk2 exists as stable Thr-68-phosphorylated dimers as well as interconvertable Thr-68-unphosphorylated monomers and dimers [34].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Neocarzinostatin


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