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Gene Review

CDK9  -  cyclin-dependent kinase 9

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: C-2K, C-2k, CDC2L4, CTK1, Cell division cycle 2-like protein kinase 4, ...
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Disease relevance of CDK9

  • The human positive transcription elongation factor P-TEFb, consisting of a CDK9/cyclin T1 heterodimer, functions as both a general and an HIV-1 Tat-specific transcription factor [1].
  • CDK9 autophosphorylation regulates high-affinity binding of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 tat-P-TEFb complex to TAR RNA [2].
  • Disruption of TNF-alpha signaling using CDK9 inhibitors could serve as a potential therapeutic strategy against tumor invasion and metastasis [3].
  • In this report, we demonstrate that CDK9, which is the kinase component of the positive transcription elongation factor b (P-TEFb) complex, can activate viral transcription when tethered to the heterologous Rev response element RNA via the regulator of expression of virion proteins (Rev) [4].
  • In culture, dominant-negative Cdk9 blocked ET-1-induced hypertrophy, whereas an anti-sense "knockdown" of 7SK snRNA provoked spontaneous cell growth [5].

High impact information on CDK9


Chemical compound and disease context of CDK9


Biological context of CDK9

  • CDK9 is required for the global maintenance of histone H2B monoubiquitination [12].
  • In the absence of CDK9, replication-dependent histone mRNAs are not properly 3' end processed, but instead become polyadenylated [12].
  • Tat-induced CTD phosphorylation by CDK9 is strongly inhibited by low concentrations of 5, 6-dichloro-1-beta-D-ribofuranosylbenzimidazole, an inhibitor of transcription elongation by RNAP II [9].
  • Taken together, these results demonstrate that CDK9 phosphorylation is required for high-affinity binding of Tat-P-TEFb to TAR RNA and that the state of P-TEFb phosphorylation may regulate Tat transactivation in vivo [2].
  • CDK9 is a CDC2-related kinase and the catalytic subunit of the positive-transcription elongation factor b and the Tat-activating kinase [13].
  • Similarly, the levels of CDK9 protein did not change as cells exited the cell cycle and differentiated along various lineages [13].
  • These studies suggest that the ability of Tat to increase transcriptional elongation may be due to its ability to modify the substrate specificity of the CDK9 complex [9].

Anatomical context of CDK9


Associations of CDK9 with chemical compounds

  • Analysis of preinitiation complexes formed in immunodepleted extracts suggests that CDK9 phosphorylates serine 2, while CDK7 phosphorylates serine 5 [9].
  • Chase experiments with the dephosphorylated elongation transcription complexes were performed in the presence of the CDK9 kinase inhibitor DRB (5,6-dichloro-1-beta-D-ribofuranosyl-benzimidazole) [18].
  • Moreover, the addition of the CDK9 inhibitor flavopiridol blocked Tax transactivation in vitro and in vivo [19].
  • We determined that CDK9 is actively exported from the nucleus, and that leptomycin B (LMB), a specific inhibitor of nuclear export, inhibits this process [20].
  • CONCLUSIONS: H-9-immobilized latex beads are useful for trapping CDK9 and a subset of kinases from crude cell extracts [21].

Physical interactions of CDK9

  • We found that Cdk9 interacts in vitro with the cytoplasmic region of gp130 and we succeded in reproducing this interaction in vivo [22].
  • To identify additional factors involved in P-TEFb function we performed a yeast two-hybrid screen using CDK9 as bait and found that cyclin K interacts with CDK9 in vivo [23].
  • Upregulation of cyclin T1/CDK9 complexes during T cell activation [24].
  • Cellular control of gene expression by T-type cyclin/CDK9 complexes [25].
  • In an effort to further dissect the mechanisms implicated in AR transactivation, we report here that AR interacts with PITALRE, a kinase subunit of positive elongation factor b (P-TEFb) [26].
  • CDK9 interacts with NPAT to control replication-dependent histone mRNA 3' end processing [27].

Enzymatic interactions of CDK9

  • CDK9 is able to hyperphosphorylate the carboxyl-terminal domain (CTD) of the large subunit of RNA polymerase during elongation [28].
  • Here we report that CDK9 is ubiquitinated and degraded by the proteasome whereas cyclin T1 is stable [29].
  • The efficiency to promote the dephosphorylation of both proteins matches their capacity to inhibit purified Cdk9 kinase, suggesting that Cdk9 is the major kinase phosphorylating hSpt5 and Rpb1 in vivo [30].
  • The peptidyl-prolyl isomerase Pin1 interacts with hSpt5 phosphorylated by Cdk9 [30].
  • In the current work, we found that PITALRE kinase activity phosphorylated pRb at sites similar to those phosphorylated by the CDC2 kinase, which itself is known to mimic, in vitro, the in vivo phosphorylation of pRb [31].
  • PPM1B only efficiently dephosphorylated Cdk9 Thr-186 in vitro when 7SK RNA was depleted from P-TEFb [32].

Regulatory relationships of CDK9


Other interactions of CDK9

  • We now report an in vitro reconstitution of 7SK-dependent HEXIM1 association to purified P-TEFb and subsequent CDK9 inhibition [37].
  • CDK9 is constitutively expressed throughout the cell cycle, and its steady-state expression is independent of SKP2 [13].
  • CDK8 and CDK9 complexes, bound to viral activators E1A and Tat, respectively, target only serine 5 for phosphorylation in the CTD peptides, and binding to the viral activators does not change the substrate preference of these kinases [38].
  • Our findings indicate that CDK9 mediates TNF-alpha-induced MMP-9 transcription [3].
  • We also observed that Cdk9 synergized with IL-6 in inducing the activation of an IL-6-responsive reporter plasmid [22].
  • We present evidence that CDK9 is regulated by N-CoR and its associated HDAC3 and that acetylation of CDK9 affects its ability to phosphorylate the CTD of pol II [39].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of CDK9




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  19. Tax Interacts with P-TEFb in a Novel Manner To Stimulate Human T-Lymphotropic Virus Type 1 Transcription. Zhou, M., Lu, H., Park, H., Wilson-Chiru, J., Linton, R., Brady, J.N. J. Virol. (2006) [Pubmed]
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