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Gene Review

BMPR2  -  bone morphogenetic protein receptor, type...

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: BMP type II receptor, BMP type-2 receptor, BMPR-2, BMPR-II, BMPR3, ...
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Disease relevance of BMPR2


Psychiatry related information on BMPR2

  • Heterozygous mutations of a type II member of the TGF-beta cell signaling superfamily known as BMPR2 on chromosome 2q33 have been identified in many kindreds with FPAH, yet display both reduced penetrance and sex bias [5].
  • Dyslexia. Talk of two theories [6].
  • Conclusions Sweet Talk was associated with improved self-efficacy and adherence; engaging a classically difficult to reach group of young people [7].
  • OBJECTIVES: To describe the development of a theory-based intervention (Self-Care Talk) and to describe the process of evaluating the implementation of the intervention when it was pilot tested with older spouse caregivers of persons with dementia [8].
  • Mental health. Talk of a lay-off [9].

High impact information on BMPR2


Chemical compound and disease context of BMPR2


Biological context of BMPR2

  • Six members affected with familial primary pulmonary hypertension and 6 of 10 at risk for carriage have been undergone genotype analysis, and they have the same mutation in BMPR2, a transversion of thymine to guanine at position 354 in exon 3 [10].
  • One of these genes (BMPR2), which encodes bone morphogenetic protein receptor type II, was found to contain five mutations that predict premature termination of the protein product and two missense mutations [18].
  • Taken together, these studies illustrate the considerable heterogeneity of BMPR2 mutations that cause PPH, and they strongly suggest that additional factors, genetic and/or environmental, may be required for the development of the clinical phenotype [19].
  • To determine the mechanism of altered BMPR-II function, we employed transient transfection studies in cell lines and primary cultures of pulmonary vascular smooth muscle cells using green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged wild-type and mutant BMPR2 constructs and confocal microscopy to localize receptors [20].
  • Taken together, these results suggest a model in which proliferative effect of c-Src by vasoactive molecules is balanced by opposing effect of BMP signaling in basal state, and the loss of this balance due to BMPR2 mutations leads to increased c-Src activity and subsequently cell growth [21].

Anatomical context of BMPR2


Associations of BMPR2 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of BMPR2


Regulatory relationships of BMPR2

  • The presence of BMPs in brain is not well studied, but preliminary in situ data indicate that the BMP relatives growth/differentiation factor (GDF)-1 and GDF-10 are distinctly but differentially expressed at high levels in neurons expressing BMPR-II and ActR-I [31].
  • OP-1 treatment stimulated mRNA expression of BMPR-IA and BMPR-II, but had little effect on ActR-I and BMPR-IB mRNA expression [32].
  • Signaling by BMPR-II in neurons may potentiate the tyrosine kinase pathway activated by NT-3 and GDNF [33].
  • Finally, two inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinase 9 (a dominant negative CDK9 and flavopiridol) repressed activity from the MR and BMPR2 promoters [34].
  • Finally, we used sequence analysis to exclude mutations in the coding region of two candidate genes, bone morphogenetic protein type II receptor (BMPR2) and endothelial monocyte-activating polypeptide II (EMAP II), as candidates for ACD [35].

Other interactions of BMPR2


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of BMPR2

  • Thirteen children (age at diagnosis, 6 mo to 13 y; mean, 5.6 +/- 3.9 y) with invasively confirmed PPH were screened for BMPR2 mutations using denaturing HPLC and sequence analysis [39].
  • In addition, all children were scanned for BMPR2 deletions by Southern blot analysis [39].
  • CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrate the inherent problems associated with exon-by-exon sequencing and the importance of other screening methods such as Southern blot and RT-PCR in the identification of BMPR2 mutations [40].
  • Because the complementary approach used in this study is rapid and cost effective, screening for BMPR2 deletions/duplications by MLPA and real-time PCR should accompany direct sequencing in all PAH testing [41].
  • Methods. BMPR2 gene mutations were determined using nucleic acid sequencing in 24 patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension and scleroderma spectrum of disease and in 2 control groups, 96 healthy North American individuals and 100 Israeli Ashkenazi Jews [42].


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