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Gene Review

APLNR  -  apelin receptor

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: AGTRL1, APJ, APJR, Angiotensin receptor-like 1, Apelin receptor, ...
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Disease relevance of AGTRL1


Psychiatry related information on AGTRL1


High impact information on AGTRL1

  • The apelin receptor was initially classed as an orphan G-protein-coupled receptor, and little was known about its physiological functions until apelin, the endogenous ligand, was identified [6].
  • Immunocytochemical analyses revealed the apelin receptor with localization in neuronal nuclei in cerebellum and hypothalamus, exhibiting expression in neuronal cytoplasm or in both nuclei and cytoplasm [7].
  • In addition, an identified nuclear localization signal motif in the third intracellular loop of the apelin receptor was disrupted by a substituted glutamine in place of lysine [7].
  • We report nuclear expression as a characteristic of these receptors, including a nuclear localization for the apelin receptor in brain and cerebellum-derived D283 Med cells and the AT(1) and bradykinin B(2) receptors in HEK-293T cells [7].
  • These results demonstrate the following: (i) the apelin receptor exhibits nuclear localization in human brain; (ii) distinct cell-dependent mechanisms for the nuclear transport of apelin, AT(1), and B(2) receptors; and (iii) the disruption of a nuclear localization signal sequence disrupts the nuclear translocation of the apelin receptor [7].

Chemical compound and disease context of AGTRL1

  • In this study, we characterize the structural and functional determinants of the N-terminal domain of APJ in interactions with its natural ligand and HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein [8].
  • Here we report that APJ, an orphan seven-transmembrane domain receptor with homology to the angiotensin receptor family, functions as a coreceptor for a number of HIV-1 and SIV strains [9].

Biological context of AGTRL1

  • Suppression of APJ with small-interfering RNA (siRNA) abolished the apelin-induced cell proliferation [10].
  • Synthetic peptides derived from the C-terminal amino acid sequence of bovine preproapelin were capable of specifically promoting the acidification rate in the cells expressing the APJ receptor in a range from 10(-7) to 10(-10) M, indicating that apelin is an endogenous ligand for the APJ receptor [11].
  • Conclusions: Apelin suppresses serum deprivation-induced apoptosis of human osteoblasts and the anti-apoptotic action is mediated via the APJ/PI-3 kinase/Akt signaling pathway [12].
  • The base-line blood pressure of APJ-deficient mice is equivalent to that of wild-type mice in the steady state [13].
  • This apelin-induced response was inhibited by pretreatment with a nitric-oxide synthase inhibitor, and apelin-induced phosphorylation of endothelial nitric-oxide synthase in lung endothelial cells from APJ-deficient mice disappeared [13].

Anatomical context of AGTRL1


Associations of AGTRL1 with chemical compounds

  • These results demonstrate that APJ exerts the hypotensive effect in vivo and plays a counterregulatory role against the pressor action of angiotensin II [13].
  • [(125)I]-(Pyr(1))Apelin-13 is a novel radioligand for localizing the APJ orphan receptor in human and rat tissues with evidence for a vasoconstrictor role in man [17].
  • Antiviral potency was influenced by the integrity of methionine 75, which contributes to APJ-binding affinity, and by the retention of apelin residues 63 to 65 [18].
  • In this study, we combined chemical synthetic approaches with alanine substitution to evaluate the structural requirements for interactions with the APJ receptor [19].
  • Effects of all-trans retinoic acid on orphan receptor APJ signaling in spontaneously hypertensive rats [20].

Physical interactions of AGTRL1

  • Apelin interacts with the APJ receptor to enhance inotropy [21].
  • Apelin is a peptide recently isolated from bovine stomach extracts which appears to act as an endogenous ligand for the previously orphaned G-protein-coupled APJ receptor [22].

Other interactions of AGTRL1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of AGTRL1


  1. Apelin peptides block the entry of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Zou, M.X., Liu, H.Y., Haraguchi, Y., Soda, Y., Tatemoto, K., Hoshino, H. FEBS Lett. (2000) [Pubmed]
  2. Cell-cell fusion and internalization of the CNS-based, HIV-1 co-receptor, APJ. Zhou, N., Fan, X., Mukhtar, M., Fang, J., Patel, C.A., DuBois, G.C., Pomerantz, R.J. Virology (2003) [Pubmed]
  3. Utility of plasma apelin and other indices of cardiac dysfunction in the clinical assessment of patients with dilated cardiomyopathy. Miettinen, K.H., Magga, J., Vuolteenaho, O., Vanninen, E.J., Punnonen, K.R., Ylitalo, K., Tuomainen, P., Peuhkurinen, K.J. Regul. Pept. (2007) [Pubmed]
  4. Immunohistochemical study of apelin, the natural ligand of receptor APJ, in a case of AIDS-related cachexia. Esposito, V., De Falco, M., De Luca, L., Acanfora, F., Onori, N., Loiacono, L., Montesarchio, V., Rossi, M., De Luca, B., Chirianni, A. In Vivo (2002) [Pubmed]
  5. Distribution of apelin-synthesizing neurons in the adult rat brain. Reaux, A., Gallatz, K., Palkovits, M., Llorens-Cortes, C. Neuroscience (2002) [Pubmed]
  6. Unravelling the roles of the apelin system: prospective therapeutic applications in heart failure and obesity. Lee, D.K., George, S.R., O'dowd, B.F. Trends Pharmacol. Sci. (2006) [Pubmed]
  7. Agonist-independent nuclear localization of the Apelin, angiotensin AT1, and bradykinin B2 receptors. Lee, D.K., Lança, A.J., Cheng, R., Nguyen, T., Ji, X.D., Gobeil, F., Chemtob, S., George, S.R., O'Dowd, B.F. J. Biol. Chem. (2004) [Pubmed]
  8. The N-terminal domain of APJ, a CNS-based coreceptor for HIV-1, is essential for its receptor function and coreceptor activity. Zhou, N., Zhang, X., Fan, X., Argyris, E., Fang, J., Acheampong, E., DuBois, G.C., Pomerantz, R.J. Virology (2003) [Pubmed]
  9. An orphan seven-transmembrane domain receptor expressed widely in the brain functions as a coreceptor for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and simian immunodeficiency virus. Edinger, A.L., Hoffman, T.L., Sharron, M., Lee, B., Yi, Y., Choe, W., Kolson, D.L., Mitrovic, B., Zhou, Y., Faulds, D., Collman, R.G., Hesselgesser, J., Horuk, R., Doms, R.W. J. Virol. (1998) [Pubmed]
  10. Apelin and its receptor are expressed in human osteoblasts. Xie, H., Tang, S.Y., Cui, R.R., Huang, J., Ren, X.H., Yuan, L.Q., Lu, Y., Yang, M., Zhou, H.D., Wu, X.P., Luo, X.H., Liao, E.Y. Regul. Pept. (2006) [Pubmed]
  11. Isolation and characterization of a novel endogenous peptide ligand for the human APJ receptor. Tatemoto, K., Hosoya, M., Habata, Y., Fujii, R., Kakegawa, T., Zou, M.X., Kawamata, Y., Fukusumi, S., Hinuma, S., Kitada, C., Kurokawa, T., Onda, H., Fujino, M. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1998) [Pubmed]
  12. Apelin suppresses apoptosis of human osteoblasts. Xie, H., Yuan, L.Q., Luo, X.H., Huang, J., Cui, R.R., Guo, L.J., Zhou, H.D., Wu, X.P., Liao, E.Y. Apoptosis (2007) [Pubmed]
  13. Regulatory roles for APJ, a seven-transmembrane receptor related to angiotensin-type 1 receptor in blood pressure in vivo. Ishida, J., Hashimoto, T., Hashimoto, Y., Nishiwaki, S., Iguchi, T., Harada, S., Sugaya, T., Matsuzaki, H., Yamamoto, R., Shiota, N., Okunishi, H., Kihara, M., Umemura, S., Sugiyama, F., Yagami, K., Kasuya, Y., Mochizuki, N., Fukamizu, A. J. Biol. Chem. (2004) [Pubmed]
  14. Pharmacological and immunohistochemical characterization of the APJ receptor and its endogenous ligand apelin. Medhurst, A.D., Jennings, C.A., Robbins, M.J., Davis, R.P., Ellis, C., Winborn, K.Y., Lawrie, K.W., Hervieu, G., Riley, G., Bolaky, J.E., Herrity, N.C., Murdock, P., Darker, J.G. J. Neurochem. (2003) [Pubmed]
  15. Immunocytochemical localisation of the apelin receptor, APJ, to human cardiomyocytes, vascular smooth muscle and endothelial cells. Kleinz, M.J., Skepper, J.N., Davenport, A.P. Regul. Pept. (2005) [Pubmed]
  16. Immunocytochemical localization of the endogenous vasoactive peptide apelin to human vascular and endocardial endothelial cells. Kleinz, M.J., Davenport, A.P. Regul. Pept. (2004) [Pubmed]
  17. [(125)I]-(Pyr(1))Apelin-13 is a novel radioligand for localizing the APJ orphan receptor in human and rat tissues with evidence for a vasoconstrictor role in man. Katugampola, S.D., Maguire, J.J., Matthewson, S.R., Davenport, A.P. Br. J. Pharmacol. (2001) [Pubmed]
  18. Apelin, the natural ligand of the orphan seven-transmembrane receptor APJ, inhibits human immunodeficiency virus type 1 entry. Cayabyab, M., Hinuma, S., Farzan, M., Choe, H., Fukusumi, S., Kitada, C., Nishizawa, N., Hosoya, M., Nishimura, O., Messele, T., Pollakis, G., Goudsmit, J., Fujino, M., Sodroski, J. J. Virol. (2000) [Pubmed]
  19. Structural and functional study of the apelin-13 peptide, an endogenous ligand of the HIV-1 coreceptor, APJ. Fan, X., Zhou, N., Zhang, X., Mukhtar, M., Lu, Z., Fang, J., DuBois, G.C., Pomerantz, R.J. Biochemistry (2003) [Pubmed]
  20. Effects of all-trans retinoic acid on orphan receptor APJ signaling in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Zhong, J.C., Huang, D.Y., Liu, G.F., Jin, H.Y., Yang, Y.M., Li, Y.F., Song, X.H., Du, K. Cardiovasc. Res. (2005) [Pubmed]
  21. Ischemic heart failure enhances endogenous myocardial apelin and APJ receptor expression. Atluri, P., Morine, K.J., Liao, G.P., Panlilio, C.M., Berry, M.F., Hsu, V.M., Hiesinger, W., Cohen, J.E., Joseph Woo, Y. Cell. Mol. Biol. Lett. (2007) [Pubmed]
  22. Putative role for apelin in pressure/volume homeostasis and cardiovascular disease. Charles, C.J. Cardiovascular & hematological agents in medicinal chemistry (2007) [Pubmed]
  23. A human gene that shows identity with the gene encoding the angiotensin receptor is located on chromosome 11. O'Dowd, B.F., Heiber, M., Chan, A., Heng, H.H., Tsui, L.C., Kennedy, J.L., Shi, X., Petronis, A., George, S.R., Nguyen, T. Gene (1993) [Pubmed]
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  25. Cellular localization of apelin and its receptor in the anterior pituitary: evidence for a direct stimulatory action of apelin on ACTH release. Reaux-Le Goazigo, A., Alvear-Perez, R., Zizzari, P., Epelbaum, J., Bluet-Pajot, M.T., Llorens-Cortes, C. Am. J. Physiol. Endocrinol. Metab. (2007) [Pubmed]
  26. Down-regulation of cardiac apelin system in hypertrophied and failing hearts: Possible role of angiotensin II-angiotensin type 1 receptor system. Iwanaga, Y., Kihara, Y., Takenaka, H., Kita, T. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. (2006) [Pubmed]
  27. Functional expression of the seven-transmembrane HIV-1 co-receptor APJ in neural cells. Choe, W., Albright, A., Sulcove, J., Jaffer, S., Hesselgesser, J., Lavi, E., Crino, P., Kolson, D.L. J. Neurovirol. (2000) [Pubmed]
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