Gene Review:
PTH - parathyroid hormone
Bos taurus
- 25-Hydroxyvitamin D(3) suppresses PTH synthesis and secretion by bovine parathyroid cells. Ritter, C.S., Armbrecht, H.J., Slatopolsky, E., Brown, A.J. Kidney Int. (2006)
- Regulation of parathyroid hormone release and cytosolic calcium by extracellular calcium in dispersed and cultured bovine and pathological human parathyroid cells. LeBoff, M.S., Shoback, D., Brown, E.M., Thatcher, J., Leombruno, R., Beaudoin, D., Henry, M., Wilson, R., Pallotta, J., Marynick, S. J. Clin. Invest. (1985)
- Parathyroid hormone-related protein purified from a human lung cancer cell line. Moseley, J.M., Kubota, M., Diefenbach-Jagger, H., Wettenhall, R.E., Kemp, B.E., Suva, L.J., Rodda, C.P., Ebeling, P.R., Hudson, P.J., Zajac, J.D. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1987)
- Changes in parathyroid hormone receptors during chondrocyte cytodifferentiation. Iwamoto, M., Jikko, A., Murakami, H., Shimazu, A., Nakashima, K., Iwamoto, M., Takigawa, M., Baba, H., Suzuki, F., Kato, Y. J. Biol. Chem. (1994)
- Regulation of parathyroid hormone messenger RNA levels by protein kinase A and C in bovine parathyroid cells. Moallem, E., Silver, J., Naveh-Many, T. J. Bone Miner. Res. (1995)
- Hypocalcemia and inhibition of parathyroid hormone secretion after administration of WR-2721 (a radioprotective and chemoprotective agent). Glover, D., Riley, L., Carmichael, K., Spar, B., Glick, J., Kligerman, M.M., Agus, Z.S., Slatopolsky, E., Attie, M., Goldfarb, S. N. Engl. J. Med. (1983)
- Absence of parathyroid hormone messenger RNA in nonparathyroid tumors associated with hypercalcemia. Simpson, E.L., Mundy, G.R., D'Souza, S.M., Ibbotson, K.J., Bockman, R., Jacobs, J.W. N. Engl. J. Med. (1983)
- Cloning and characterization of an extracellular Ca(2+)-sensing receptor from bovine parathyroid. Brown, E.M., Gamba, G., Riccardi, D., Lombardi, M., Butters, R., Kifor, O., Sun, A., Hediger, M.A., Lytton, J., Hebert, S.C. Nature (1993)
- Effects of estradiol and progesterone on parathyroid hormone secretion from human parathyroid tissue. Duarte, B., Hargis, G.K., Kukreja, S.C. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. (1988)
- Squamous carcinoma model of humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy. Gkonos, P.J., Hayes, T., Burtis, W., Jacoby, R., McGuire, J., Baron, R., Stewart, A.F. Endocrinology (1984)
- Prostaglandin F2 alpha and alpha-adrenergic agonists regulate parathyroid cell function via the inhibitory guanine nucleotide regulatory protein. Fitzpatrick, L.A., Brandi, M.L., Aurbach, G.D. Endocrinology (1986)
- Identification and characterization of cis-acting elements in the human and bovine PTH mRNA 3'-untranslated region. Bell, O., Silver, J., Naveh-Many, T. J. Bone Miner. Res. (2005)
- Sp3/Sp1 in the parathyroid gland: identification of an Sp1 deoxyribonucleic acid element in the parathyroid hormone promoter. Alimov, A.P., Langub, M.C., Malluche, H.H., Koszewski, N.J. Endocrinology (2003)
- Isolation and complete nucleotide sequence of the gene for bovine parathyroid hormone. Weaver, C.A., Gordon, D.F., Kissil, M.S., Mead, D.A., Kemper, B. Gene (1984)
- Control of hypercalcaemia of parathyroid carcinoma by immunisation. Bradwell, A.R., Harvey, T.C. Lancet (1999)
- Parathyroid hormone biosynthesis. Correlation of conversion of biosynthetic precursors with intracellular protein migration as determined by electron microscope autoradiography. Habener, J.F., Amherdt, M., Ravazzola, M., Orci, L. J. Cell Biol. (1979)
- Effects of parathyroid hormone on cytosolic free calcium concentration in individual rabbit connecting tubules. Bourdeau, J.E., Lau, K. J. Clin. Invest. (1989)
- Rapid development of renal resistance to low doses of synthetic bovine parathyroid hormone fragment 1-34. Dissociation of urinary cyclic adenosine monophosphate, phosphaturic, and calciuric responses. Law, W.M., Heath, H. J. Clin. Invest. (1983)
- Retinoic acid suppresses parathyroid hormone (PTH) secretion and PreproPTH mRNA levels in bovine parathyroid cell culture. MacDonald, P.N., Ritter, C., Brown, A.J., Slatopolsky, E. J. Clin. Invest. (1994)
- The mechanism of parathyroid hormone action on calcium reabsorption by the distal tubule. Bouhtiauy, I., Lajeunesse, D., Brunette, M.G. Endocrinology (1991)
- The effect of parathyroid hormone and atrial natriuretic peptide on cyclic nucleotides production and proliferation of avian epiphyseal growth plate chondroprogenitor cells. Pines, M., Hurwitz, S. Endocrinology (1988)
- Mode of action of somatostatin in inhibiting parathyroid hormone secretion. Kukreja, S.C., Hargis, G.K., Bowser, E.N., Williams, G.A. Horm. Metab. Res. (1980)
- Parathyroid hormone-like peptide and parathyroid hormone are secreted from bovine parathyroid via different pathways. Connor, C., Drees, B., Hamilton, J. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (1993)
- Parathyroid hormone-related protein inhibits indothelin-1 production. Jiang, B., Morimoto, S., Fukuo, K., Hirotani, A., Tamatani, M., Nakahashi, T., Nishibe, A., Niinobu, T., Hata, S., Chen, S., Ogihara, T. Hypertension (1996)
- Oxidized forms of parathyroid hormone with biological activity. Separation and characterization of hormone forms oxidized at methionine 8 and methionine 18. Frelinger, A.L., Zull, J.E. J. Biol. Chem. (1984)
- Binding of tritiated bovine parathyroid hormone to plasma membranes from bovine kidney cortex. Zull, J.E., Malbon, C.C., Chuang, J. J. Biol. Chem. (1977)
- Parathyroid hormone-related peptide as a local regulator of vascular calcification. Its inhibitory action on in vitro calcification by bovine vascular smooth muscle cells. Jono, S., Nishizawa, Y., Shioi, A., Morii, H. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. (1997)
- Parathyroid hormone (PTH) secretion: stimulation of PTH secretion by a peptide derived from the adenosine diphosphate-ribosylation factor. Newman, L., Drees, B., Forte, L., Hamilton, J. Endocrinology (1994)
- Introduction by molecular cloning of artifactual inverted sequences at the 5' terminus of the sense strand of bovine parathyroid hormone cDNA. Weaver, C.A., Gordon, D.F., Kemper, B. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1981)
- Nucleotide sequence of bovine parathyroid hormone messenger RNA. Weaver, C.A., Gordon, D.F., Kemper, B. Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. (1982)
- Heterogeneous response to calcium by individual parathyroid cells. Sun, F., Ritchie, C.K., Hassager, C., Maercklein, P., Fitzpatrick, L.A. J. Clin. Invest. (1993)