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Gene Review

IFNAR1  -  interferon (alpha, beta and omega) receptor 1

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: AVP, CRF2-1, Cytokine receptor class-II member 1, Cytokine receptor family 2 member 1, IFN-R-1, ...
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Disease relevance of IFNAR1


Psychiatry related information on IFNAR1

  • This finding suggests that in the double TG mouse model mDCs once infected facilitate systemic MV spreading and infection, which depend on mDC MV permissiveness determined by the level of type I IFN generated via IFNAR1 [6].

High impact information on IFNAR1

  • STAT3 as an adapter to couple phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase to the IFNAR1 chain of the type I interferon receptor [7].
  • Mechanisms underlying down-regulation of the type I interferon receptor consisting of IFNAR1 and IFNAR2 subunits remain largely unknown [8].
  • These findings characterize SCF(HOS) as an E3 ubiquitin ligase that is essential for ubiquitination, proteolysis and down-regulation of IFNAR1, and implicate HOS in the regulation of cellular responses to IFNalpha [8].
  • HOS expression and activities are required for IFNalpha-stimulated ubiquitination of IFNAR1, endocytosis of the type I interferon receptor, down-regulation of IFNAR1 levels, and IFNAR1 proteolysis via the lysosomal pathway [8].
  • The tyrosine kinase Tyk2 controls IFNAR1 cell surface expression [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of IFNAR1

  • The magnitude of pressor response to NA in the LSA was increased by i.v. pretreatment with the ganglion blocker pentolinium (10 mg/kg) and significantly reduced by i.v. pretreatment with the V(1)-vasopressin receptor antagonist dTyr (CH2)5(Me) AVP (50 mug/kg) [10].
  • We have previously demonstrated that both all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) and interferon á (IFNá) can inhibit proliferation of human PNET cells and that ATRA can up-regulate IFNá receptor expression in vitro [11].
  • Involvement of anteroventral third ventricular AMPA/kainate receptors in both hyperosmotic and hypovolemic AVP secretion in conscious rats [12].
  • Felypressin and AVP induced a pressor effect, and bradycardia was inhibited by IV V1 antagonist [13].

Biological context of IFNAR1

  • One subunit, IFNAR1, has low affinity binding for interferon yet is required for signal transduction [14].
  • A trend detected with a single nucleotide polymorphism SNP 16469 (A/T) located at the third intron of the IFNAR1 gene, suggesting modest association with relapse-free status, will require confirmation in an independent data set [15].
  • IFNalpha promotes the phosphorylation of IFNAR1 on Ser535, followed by recruitment of the E3 ubiquitin ligase, beta-TrCP2 (beta-transducin repeats-containing protein 2), ubiquitination of IFNAR1 and proteolysis [16].
  • No alteration of the expression level of IFNAR-1 was observed with respect to the -408 genotypes or to interferon treatment response [2].
  • Although the amino acid sequences of various IFN-alpha/beta subtypes differ markedly, they are all considered to share a common three-dimensional structure and to bind the same heterodimeric receptor, composed of the IFNAR-1 and IFNAR-2 subunits [17].

Anatomical context of IFNAR1


Associations of IFNAR1 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of IFNAR1


Enzymatic interactions of IFNAR1

  • Studies of mutant Tyk2 forms deleted at the N terminus indicated that the integrity of the N-terminal region is required to sustain IFNAR1 [27].

Co-localisations of IFNAR1


Regulatory relationships of IFNAR1

  • Both are IFN dependent and abrogated by a monoclonal antibody which blocks IFNAR action [22].
  • TYK2 activity promotes ligand-induced IFNAR1 proteolysis [16].
  • Further, IFN-beta treatment stimulated IFNAR-1-associated phosphoinositol kinase activity equally in either U1.wt or U1.KR930 cells [29].

Other interactions of IFNAR1

  • The ifnar1 component is well characterized and a putative ifnar2 cDNA has recently been identified [30].
  • In both model systems, titration of the Tyk2 kinase away from the Ifnar1 receptor chain accounts for the observed cross-interference [31].
  • NF-kappaB activation requires the IFN-dependent association of STAT3 with the IFNAR1 chain of the IFN receptor [32].
  • These experiments indicated that IFNAR1 forms a complex containing the MeV-accessory proteins C and V, RACK1, and STAT1 in MeV-infected cells but not in uninfected cells [33].
  • After IFN-beta treatment for 5 min, a tyrosine-phosphorylated protein of approximately 95 kDa (beta-PTyr) is found bound to IFNAR, but can be dissociated by denaturation [22].
  • The lack of IFNAR1 palmitoylation affects selectively the activation of Stat2, which results in a lack of efficient Stat1 activation and nuclear translocation and IFN-alpha-activated gene transcription [34].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of IFNAR1


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