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Gene Review

ILF3  -  interleukin enhancer binding factor 3, 90kDa

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CBTF, DRBF, DRBP76, Double-stranded RNA-binding protein 76, Interleukin enhancer-binding factor 3, ...
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Disease relevance of ILF3


Psychiatry related information on ILF3

  • Because NFAR proteins are presumed components of the antiviral response, we suspect that viral recruitment may also serve to weaken cellular defense mechanisms [5].

High impact information on ILF3

  • The nuclear export of NF90 is required for IL-2 mRNA stabilization [6].
  • In nonstimulated cells, NF90 is mostly nuclear, but T cell activation results in its accumulation in the cytoplasm [6].
  • NF90, a previously described RNA binding protein, binds to a subregion of the 3'UTR that contains several AREs and slows down the degradation of IL-2 mRNA [6].
  • Further experimental data suggest that NFAR proteins mediate a circular conformation of the viral genome that may be important for the coordination of translation and replication [5].
  • Members of the NF90/NFAR protein group are involved in the life cycle of a positive-strand RNA virus [5].

Biological context of ILF3


Anatomical context of ILF3


Associations of ILF3 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of ILF3


Enzymatic interactions of ILF3

  • NF90 is phosphorylated by PKR in its RNA-binding domain, and this reaction is partially blocked by the NF90 N-terminal region [20].

Regulatory relationships of ILF3


Other interactions of ILF3

  • Using an immunofluorescence analysis, we determined that ILF3 and PRMT1 co-localize in the nucleus [9].
  • Formation of this complex is facilitated by the ability of both exportin-5 and ILF3 to mutually increase their apparent affinity for VA1 RNA [8].
  • We have recently assigned the gene encoding the small NFAT subunit, NF45 (ILF3) to human chromosome 1 (1q11-qter and 1p11-p12) [12].
  • This study indicates that the multiple cellular functions, i.e., translation control, interleukin-2 enhancer binding, or cell division, of TCP/ILF3 are fulfilled by alternatively spliced isoforms [10].
  • It can also export the RNA binding proteins ILF3 and elongation factor EF1A [19].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ILF3

  • Moreover, PRMT1 and ILF3 co-precipitate in immunoprecipitation assays and can be isolated together in "pull-down" experiments using recombinant fusion proteins [9].
  • To resolve the genetic identity of NFAR-1 and -2, we carried out sequence analysis of genomic and cDNA NFAR clones and determined that the coding region of this gene spans 16.2 kb and comprises 21 exons [23].
  • Cell fractionation studies showed that NF90 and its heteromeric partner, NF45, are predominantly nuclear and largely chromatin-associated [21].
  • The DHS-22 binding protein(s) in THP-1 cells is (are) further confirmed by reactivity to an antibody against NF90, and we have demonstrated that the GST fusion protein of NF90 interacts with DHS-22 by electrophoretic gel mobility shift assay (EMSA) [24].
  • These proteins were identified as the human proliferation associated protein, Ebp1, and human DRBP76 (double stranded RNA-binding protein 76) respectively, by MALDI (matrix-assisted laser-desorption ionization)-MS [25].


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