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Gene Review

LPL  -  lipoprotein lipase

Gallus gallus

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Disease relevance of LPL

  • These results suggested that LPL determined not only hydrolysis of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins but also lipolytic conversion, and that overexpression of LPL acted to protect against diet-induced hypertriglyceridemia as well as hypercholesterolemia [1].
  • The higher LPL activity in fat birds resulted mainly from cell hyperplasia, rather than from a greater intrinsic activity of adipocytes [2].
  • The increase in liver/body weight ratio (48%) and the decreased LPL activity (28%) were significant only in females at 10 microg TCDD/kg [3].
  • Our data showed that this negative element inhibited transcription even when placed at an upstream location (-666), but failed to function in the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase promoter, indicating that it acted in conjunction with other element(s) in the chicken LPL gene to inhibit transcription [4].
  • Results also show that obesity in hypothyroid birds cannot be explained by increases in de novo lipogenesis, but probably relates to changes in LPL activity [5].

High impact information on LPL


Biological context of LPL


Anatomical context of LPL

  • After adipocytes were labeled with Na2[35SO4], immunoadsorbed with immobilized antilipoprotein lipase, and subjected to sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and fluorography, a labeled band was identified at 59,700 daltons, the molecular mass of chicken lipoprotein lipase (LPL) [8].
  • The presence of LPL in chicken follicular granulosa cells was demonstrated by immunoblotting, and LPL activity with the usual in vitro characteristics could be measured in cultured granulosa cell extracts [12].
  • Cotransfection of COUP-TF expression constructs in the renal epithelial 293T cell line significantly increased transcription from the LPL promoter in synergy with PPARgamma2/RXRalpha heterodimers [13].
  • ApoVLDL-II inhibited LPL activity in these extracts as well as in the post-heparin medium of rat cardiac myocytes [12].
  • The expression of COUP-TF was detected by Western and Northern blots in a preadipocyte 3T3-L1 cell model during periods corresponding to increased LPL transcription [13].

Associations of LPL with chemical compounds

  • Adipocytes cultured with Trans35S-label and tunicamycin produced an LPL species of 52,000 daltons, but tunicamycin abolished the incorporation of 35SO4 into LPL [8].
  • Occurrence of sulfate in an asparagine-linked complex oligosaccharide of chicken adipose lipoprotein lipase [8].
  • Based on the cDNA sequence and on N-terminal sequence analysis of the purified enzyme, chicken adipose lipoprotein lipase is a mature protein of 465 amino acids with a signal peptide of 19 or 25 amino acids, depending on which of two methionine residues is used for translation initiation [10].
  • In conclusion, the region of avian LPL between Arg281 and Arg284 does appear to be involved in heparin-binding; however, additional regions must be involved since binding was not completely abolished [7].
  • In addition, specific activity of the cell-associated and secreted LPL is correlated to affinity of the enzyme for heparan sulfate chains [7].

Enzymatic interactions of LPL


Regulatory relationships of LPL


Other interactions of LPL


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of LPL


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