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Gene Review

RNASE2  -  ribonuclease, RNase A family, 2 (liver,...

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: EDN, Eosinophil-derived neurotoxin, Non-secretory ribonuclease, RAF3, RNS2, ...
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Disease relevance of RNASE2


High impact information on RNASE2


Chemical compound and disease context of RNASE2

  • In rats subjected to chronic hypoxia (10% O2) for up to 10 wk, the two electrophysiological abnormalities had developed by 4 wk and were very similar in degree to those seen in EDN and EGN [10].
  • The cardinal electrophysiological abnormalities in experimental diabetic (EDN) and experimental galactose (EGN) neuropathy, models in which endoneurial hypoxia has been demonstrated, are a slowing in nerve conduction velocity (NCV) and a resistance to ischemic conduction block (RICB) [10].

Biological context of RNASE2

  • We mutated two human ribonucleases-pancreatic RNase (hRNAse) and eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN)-to incorporate cysteine residues at putative sites of close contact to RI, but distant from the catalytic sites [1].
  • Amino acid sequence analyses showed that ECP-1 and ECP-2 are identical from residue 1 through residue 59 and that the sequences of EDN and ECP are highly homologous (37 of 55 residues identical) [11].
  • Neurologic abnormalities of onconase-treated animals were indistinguishable from those of EDN-treated animals, and histology showed dramatic Purkinje cell loss in the brains of onconase-treated animals [12].
  • In contrast, the homologous bovine pancreatic RNase A injected intraventricularly at a dose 5000 times greater than the LD50 dose of EDN or onconase is not toxic and does not cause the Gordon phenomenon [12].
  • We have previously shown that optimal expression of the EDN gene is dependent on an interaction between an intronic enhancer element or elements and the 5' promoter region [13].

Anatomical context of RNASE2


Associations of RNASE2 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of RNASE2

  • Simultaneous substitutions of three neighboring tryptophans (261, 263, and 318) on RI attenuate affinity even more dramatically (by 4900-fold), indicating that the interactions of this RI region also contribute a considerable amount of the binding energy for the EDN complex [18].

Regulatory relationships of RNASE2


Other interactions of RNASE2

  • Coupling of Cys89 of RNase and Cys87 of EDN to proteins at these sites via a thioether bond produced enzymatically active conjugates that were resistant to RI [1].
  • Radioimmunoassay, using monoclonal antibodies, of fractions from the heparin-Sepharose chromatography showed one peak of EDN activity and two peaks of ECP activity (termed ECP-1 and ECP-2) [11].
  • The uneventful trends observed for RNase k6 serve to spotlight the unique nature of EDN and ECP and the unusual evolutionary constraints to which these two ribonuclease genes must be responding [24].
  • Expression of chimeras of RNase 2 and nonglycosylated RNase 4 and deletion mutants in HEK293 cells identified residues 1-13 to be sufficient for C-mannosylation [14].
  • We conclude that ECP and EPX/EDN may be used to monitor antiinflammatory treatment in asthmatic patients, and that smoking asthmatic subjects are resistant to inhaled corticosteroids [25].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of RNASE2


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