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Gene Review

TPSAB1  -  tryptase alpha/beta 1

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: TPS1, TPS2, TPSB1, Tryptase I, Tryptase alpha-1, ...
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Disease relevance of TPSAB1

  • As reported previously, during systemic anaphylaxis in patients without known mastocytosis, the ratio of B12- to G5-measured tryptase was always < 5 and approached unity (Schwartz L.B., T.R. Bradford, C. Rouse, A.-M. Irani, G. Rasp, J.K. Van der Zwan and P.-W.G. Van der Linden, J. Clin. Immunol. 14:190-204) [1].
  • In this report, most mastocytosis patients with systemic disease have B12-measured tryptase levels that are elevated (> 20 ng/ml) and are at least 10-fold greater than the corresponding G5-measured tryptase level [1].
  • Our findings suggest that the release of tryptase from activated mast cells may provide a signal for abnormal fibrosis in inflammatory disease [2].
  • The alpha form of human tryptase is the predominant type present in blood at baseline in normal subjects and is elevated in those with systemic mastocytosis [1].
  • Expression of mast cell tryptase by myeloblasts in a group of patients with acute myeloid leukemia [3].
  • Angiogenesis, measured as microvessel density, was highly correlated with MC tryptase-positive cell count in pterygium tissues [4].

Psychiatry related information on TPSAB1


High impact information on TPSAB1


Chemical compound and disease context of TPSAB1


Biological context of TPSAB1


Anatomical context of TPSAB1


Associations of TPSAB1 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of TPSAB1

  • We also show that the majority of the TAME-esterase activity detected in nasal secretions during the allergic response is due to activities consistent with a plasma kallikrein/alpha 2-macroglobulin complex and with mast cell tryptase [24].
  • These findings suggest that tryptase TL2 is important in target site recognition and binding of HIV-1 in co-operation with CD4 receptor in the initial process of HIV-1 infection [25].
  • In the latter case, studies in Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts using specific receptor agonists and antagonists or receptor-transfected cell lines reveal a requirement for the activation of a G protein (Gi) negatively coupled to adenylate cyclase to act synergistically with tryptase [26].

Enzymatic interactions of TPSAB1

  • These findings suggest that mast cell beta-tryptase selectively cleaves ASM-derived eotaxin and RANTES and abrogates their chemotactic activities, thus providing an explanation for the eosinophil paucity in asthmatic ASM bundles [27].
  • Tryptase also cleaved the analogous thrombin receptor peptide at the activating site but less efficiently [28].
  • Tryptase hydrolyzes VIP rapidly at several sites (Arg12, Arg14, Lys20, and Lys21) with an overall kcat/Km of 1.5 x 10(5) M-1 s-1 and hydrolyzes PHM primarily at a single site (Lys20) with a kcat/Km of 1.9 x 10(4) M-1 s-1 [29].
  • Tryptase from human mast cells has been shown (in vitro) to catalyze the destruction of fibrinogen and high-molecular-weight kininogen as well as the activation of C3a and collagenase [30].

Regulatory relationships of TPSAB1


Other interactions of TPSAB1

  • We studied the effect of beta-tryptase on the immunoreactivities of human ASM cell-derived and recombinant eotaxin and other recombinant chemokines that are known to be produced by human ASM cells [27].
  • RESULTS: High percentages (>70%) of tryptase-positive cells showing CCR3 expression were found in the skin and in the intestinal submucosa, whereas much lower percentages (< or = 20%) were found in the intestinal mucosa and in the lung interstitium [36].
  • Tryptase (TPSB2) was expressed at the highest level among all transcripts and its expression level reached a plateau at 8 weeks [15].
  • RESULTS: Tryptase induced the release of eosinophil peroxidase and beta-hexosaminidase from peripheral blood eosinophils but had no effect on RANTES release [20].
  • We demonstrate that tryptase can activate peripheral mononuclear cells (PBMCs), isolated from healthy donors as well as MS patients for the release of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-1beta [37].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of TPSAB1


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