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Gene Review

PIAS1  -  protein inhibitor of activated STAT, 1

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: DDXBP1, DEAD/H box-binding protein 1, E3 SUMO-protein ligase PIAS1, GBP, GU/RH-II, ...
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Disease relevance of PIAS1


Psychiatry related information on PIAS1

  • Even less data exist for other available AEDs, and consensus is growing that someAEDs (eg, GBP) have little or no specific effect in bipolar disorder [6].
  • 80% were unemployed; significant mental health issues (e.g., schizophrenia) were present in 18%; 15% had alcohol dependence; heroin was the most frequently used drug (93%); crack cocaine -- 87%; mean daily cost of drugs -- heroin GBP 76 (range 20-240), crack GBP 81 (range 20-300). >50% users inject crack and heroin simultaneously [7].

High impact information on PIAS1

  • This inhibition arises from impaired STAT1-DNA binding due to an increased association of the STAT inhibitor PIAS1 with phosphorylated STAT1 dimers in the absence of arginine methylation [8].
  • The refined 1.9-A resolution structure of the periplasmic D-galactose-binding protein (GBP) reveals a calcium ion surrounded by seven ligands, all protein oxygen atoms [9].
  • The entire GBP Ca2+-binding site adopts a conformation very similar to the site in the 'helix-loop-helix' or 'EF-hand' unit commonly found in intracellular calcium-binding proteins, but without the two helices [9].
  • PIAS proteins and transcriptional regulation--more than just SUMO E3 ligases [10]?
  • We show that PIAS1 is required for the appropriate localization and retention of Msx1 at the nuclear periphery in myoblast cells [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of PIAS1


Biological context of PIAS1


Anatomical context of PIAS1


Associations of PIAS1 with chemical compounds

  • Furthermore, we show that silencing of PIAS1 not only enhances PR-dependent transcription but also induces expression of prolactin, a decidual marker gene, in progestin-treated HESCs without the need of simultaneous activation of the cAMP pathway [24].
  • Binding of PIAS1 to human AR DNA+ligand binding domains was androgen dependent in the yeast liquid beta-galactosidase assay [2].
  • [35S] PIAS1 bound a glutathione S-transferase-AR-DNA binding domain (amino acids 544-634) fusion protein in affinity matrix assays [2].
  • All PIAS proteins are able to coactivate steroid receptor-dependent transcription but to a differential degree, depending on the receptor, the promoter, and the cell type [25].
  • ZNF76 is sumoylated by PIAS1 at lysine 411, which is in the minimal TBP-interacting region [26].

Physical interactions of PIAS1

  • We demonstrate that PIAS1 interacts with the PR and serves as its E3 SUMO ligase upon activation of the receptor [24].
  • It also was proposed that the N-terminal domain of PIAS1 interacts with DNA as well as p53 [27].
  • Taken together, our results identify a novel function for PIAS1 which interacts with the N-terminal domain of hMR and represses its ligand-dependent transcriptional activity, at least in part, through SUMO modifications [4].
  • We report here that a region near the COOH terminus of PIAS1 (amino acids 392-541) directly interacts with the NH(2)-terminal domain of Stat1 (amino acids 1-191) [28].
  • The PIAS family also bound the androgen receptor DNA binding domain, and binding required the second zinc finger of this domain [19].

Enzymatic interactions of PIAS1

  • PIAS1 catalyzed the sumoylation of p53 both in U2OS cells and in vitro in a domain-dependent manner [16].

Regulatory relationships of PIAS1

  • The same amounts of PIAS proteins that modulate steroid receptor-dependent transcription influence only marginally transactivation mediated by various STAT proteins [25].
  • Ectopic expression of PIAS1 in U2OS cells activated JNK1 (c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase) [1].
  • In this study, we demonstrated that the protein inhibitor of activated STAT1 (PIAS1) regulates the signaling potential of Smad4 through a sumoylation-dependent mechanism [29].
  • In COS-7 cells, PIAS proteins stimulated the SOX9-dependent transcriptional activity of a Col2a1 promoter-enhancer reporter [21].
  • GBP gene transcription was regulated by alpha IFN in a manner identical to that of previously described IFN-stimulated genes (ISGs): rapid induction, without a need for protein synthesis, followed by a protein synthesis-dependent suppression of transcription to basal levels within 6 h [30].
  • We demonstrate that hSiah2 regulates specifically the proteasome-dependent degradation of Pias proteins [31].

Other interactions of PIAS1

  • These data suggest that PIAS1 functions as a SUMO ligase, or possibly as a tightly bound regulator of it, toward p53 [16].
  • The effects of PIAS proteins on AR are competitive [3].
  • Incomplete responders expressed larger amounts of STAT3, IRF2, and protein inhibitor of activated STAT1 (PIAS1) mRNAs compared to complete responders before IQ treatment [32].
  • Involvement of PIAS1 in the sumoylation of tumor suppressor p53 [16].
  • Interaction of Protein Inhibitor of Activated STAT (PIAS) Proteins with the TATA-binding Protein, TBP [33].
  • Our results identify a signaling pathway in which proinflammatory stimuli activate the IKKalpha-mediated sumoylation-dependent phosphorylation of PIAS1 for the immediate repression of inflammatory gene activation [34].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of PIAS1


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