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Disease relevance of Bronchopneumonia


Psychiatry related information on Bronchopneumonia


High impact information on Bronchopneumonia


Chemical compound and disease context of Bronchopneumonia


Biological context of Bronchopneumonia


Anatomical context of Bronchopneumonia

  • Therefore, production of DNT by B. bronchiseptica is necessary to produce the lesions of turbinate atrophy and bronchopneumonia in pigs infected with this organism [19].
  • NF-kappaB activity was induced in alveolar like cells by BALs in all groups, was higher in bronchopneumonia and infected ARDS groups (P<0.02), and was correlated to IL-1beta (P=0.0002), IL-8 (P=0.02), NTP (P=0.014), myeloperoxidase (P=0.016), and neutrophil counts (P=0.003) [20].
  • Bone marrow from a patient with bilateral staphylococcal bronchopneumonia who was treated with large doses of chloramphenicol was examined with the electron microscope [21].
  • In conclusion, cell-associated SP-D protein expression significantly decreases within hyperplastic epithelium of lungs from infected animals during chronic bronchopneumonia [22].
  • The combination of LPS and PmA induced a subacute bronchopneumonia characterised by macrophage, neutrophil, and lymphocyte infiltration, changes in Penh and an increase in the mRNA level of IFN-gamma while IL8, IL-18 and TNF-alpha mRNA levels remained unchanged [23].

Gene context of Bronchopneumonia

  • Areas with bronchopneumonia exhibited markedly decreased endothelial TM staining of alveolar walls and small vessels [24].
  • The peak of histopathological changes and inflammation in C57BL/6J mice was characterized by subacute lymphohistiocytic bronchopneumonia and persistent elevation of tumor necrosis factor alpha and macrophage inflammatory protein 2 in the lung but not in the serum [25].
  • In addition, cytokine production coincided with the onset of general and respiratory symptoms of influenza and with the development of a necrotizing bronchopneumonia [26].
  • The enzyme had the characteristics of a metalloprotease, a pH optimum of 6, and a temperature optimum of 45 degrees C. Intratracheal instillation of purified PSCP into rat lungs produced a bronchopneumonia characterized by polymorphonuclear cell infiltration and proteinaceous exudation into large airways [27].
  • As a result, bronchopneumonia, not PCP, is now the leading cause of death among the patients with AIDS in this study [28].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Bronchopneumonia


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