Gene Review:
TNF - tumor necrosis factor
Sus scrofa
- Protective effect of chlorpromazine on endotoxin toxicity and TNF production in glucocorticoid-sensitive and glucocorticoid-resistant models of endotoxic shock. Gadina, M., Bertini, R., Mengozzi, M., Zandalasini, M., Mantovani, A., Ghezzi, P. J. Exp. Med. (1991)
- Tumor necrosis factor-alpha blockade prevents neutrophil CD18 receptor upregulation and attenuates acute lung injury in porcine sepsis without inhibition of neutrophil oxygen radical generation. Windsor, A.C., Walsh, C.J., Mullen, P.G., Cook, D.J., Fisher, B.J., Blocher, C.R., Leeper-Woodford, S.K., Sugerman, H.J., Fowler, A.A. J. Clin. Invest. (1993)
- Effect of tumor necrosis factor on epithelial tight junctions and transepithelial permeability. Mullin, J.M., Snock, K.V. Cancer Res. (1990)
- Isolated guinea pig gastric chief cells express tumour necrosis factor receptors coupled with the sphingomyelin pathway. Fiorucci, S., Santucci, L., Migliorati, G., Riccardi, C., Amorosi, A., Mancini, A., Roberti, R., Morelli, A. Gut (1996)
- Isolated hypoxic hepatic perfusion with tumor necrosis factor-alpha, melphalan, and mitomycin C using balloon catheter techniques: a pharmacokinetic study in pigs. van Ijken, M.G., de Bruijn, E.A., de Boeck, G., ten Hagen, T.L., van der Sijp, J.R., Eggermont, A.M. Ann. Surg. (1998)
- Coincidental changes in behavior and plasma cortisol in unrestrained pigs after intracerebroventricular injection of tumor necrosis factor-alpha. Warren, E.J., Finck, B.N., Arkins, S., Kelley, K.W., Scamurra, R.W., Murtaugh, M.P., Johnson, R.W. Endocrinology (1997)
- Cytokine-inducible expression in endothelial cells of an I kappa B alpha-like gene is regulated by NF kappa B. de Martin, R., Vanhove, B., Cheng, Q., Hofer, E., Csizmadia, V., Winkler, H., Bach, F.H. EMBO J. (1993)
- A20 inhibits NF-kappaB activation in endothelial cells without sensitizing to tumor necrosis factor-mediated apoptosis. Ferran, C., Stroka, D.M., Badrichani, A.Z., Cooper, J.T., Wrighton, C.J., Soares, M., Grey, S.T., Bach, F.H. Blood (1998)
- Pharmacologic reduction in tumor necrosis factor activity of pulmonary alveolar macrophages. Leeper-Woodford, S.K., Fisher, B.J., Sugerman, H.J., Fowler, A.A. Am. J. Respir. Cell Mol. Biol. (1993)
- Platelet-activating factor and arachidonic acid metabolites mediate tumor necrosis factor and eicosanoid kinetics and cardiopulmonary dysfunction during bacteremic shock. Quinn, J.V., Slotman, G.J. Crit. Care Med. (1999)
- Effect of induced hyperglycemia on brain cell membrane function and energy metabolism during the early phase of experimental meningitis in newborn piglets. Park, W.S., Chang, Y.S., Lee, M. Brain Res. (1998)
- Ibuprofen attenuates plasma tumor necrosis factor activity during sepsis-induced acute lung injury. Leeper-Woodford, S.K., Carey, P.D., Byrne, K., Fisher, B.J., Blocher, C., Sugerman, H.J., Fowler, A.A. J. Appl. Physiol. (1991)
- Differences in eicosanoid and cytokine production between injury/hemorrhage and bacteremic shock in the pig. Foëx, B.A., Quinn, J.V., Little, R.A., Shelly, M.P., Slotman, G.J. Shock (1997)
- The porcine tumor necrosis factor-encoding genes: sequence and comparative analysis. Kuhnert, P., Wüthrich, C., Peterhans, E., Pauli, U. Gene (1991)
- Guinea Pig Neutrophils Infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis Produce Cytokines Which Activate Alveolar Macrophages in Noncontact Cultures. Sawant, K.V., McMurray, D.N. Infect. Immun. (2007)
- Arachidonic acid influences proinflammatory gene induction by stabilizing the inhibitor-kappaBalpha/nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) complex, thus suppressing the nuclear translocation of NF-kappaB. Stuhlmeier, K.M., Kao, J.J., Bach, F.H. J. Biol. Chem. (1997)
- Hyperglycemia-induced activation of nuclear transcription factor kappaB in vascular smooth muscle cells. Yerneni, K.K., Bai, W., Khan, B.V., Medford, R.M., Natarajan, R. Diabetes (1999)
- Swine infection with Trichinella spiralis: Comparative analysis of the mucosal intestinal and systemic immune responses. Picherot, M., Oswald, I.P., Cote, M., Noeckler, K., Le Guerhier, F., Boireau, P., Vall??e, I. Vet. Parasitol. (2007)
- Primary graft nonfunction and Kupffer cell activation after liver transplantation from non-heart-beating donors in pigs. Monbaliu, D., van Pelt, J., De Vos, R., Greenwood, J., Parkkinen, J., Crabbé, T., Zeegers, M., Vekemans, K., Pincemail, J., Defraigne, J.O., Fevery, J., Pirenne, J. Liver Transpl. (2007)
- Ischemic training and immunosuppressive agents reduce the intensity of ischemic reperfusion injury after kidney transplantation. Treska, V., Molacek, J., Kobr, J., Racek, J., Trefil, L., Hes, O. Experimental and clinical transplantation : official journal of the Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation. (2006)
- Tumour necrosis factor alpha changes porcine intestinal ion transport through a paracrine mechanism involving prostaglandins. Kandil, H.M., Berschneider, H.M., Argenzio, R.A. Gut (1994)
- Redox regulation of the signaling pathways leading to eNOS phosphorylation. Tanaka, T., Nakamura, H., Yodoi, J., Bloom, E.T. Free Radic. Biol. Med. (2005)
- Regulation of interleukin-6 expression in porcine immune cells. Scamurra, R., Arriaga, C., Sprunger, L., Baarsch, M.J., Murtaugh, M.P. J. Interferon Cytokine Res. (1996)
- Cytokine induced expression of porcine inhibitor of apoptosis protein (iap) family member is regulated by NF-kappa B. Stehlik, C., de Martin, R., Binder, B.R., Lipp, J. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1998)
- Interaction of classical swine fever virus with dendritic cells. Carrasco, C.P., Rigden, R.C., Vincent, I.E., Balmelli, C., Ceppi, M., Bauhofer, O., Tâche, V., Hjertner, B., McNeilly, F., van Gennip, H.G., McCullough, K.C., Summerfield, A. J. Gen. Virol. (2004)
- In vivo studies on cytokine involvement during acute viral respiratory disease of swine: troublesome but rewarding. Van Reeth, K., Van Gucht, S., Pensaert, M. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. (2002)
- Tumor necrosis factor alpha and epidermal growth factor regulation of collagenase and stromelysin in adult porcine articular chondrocytes. Mitchell, P.G., Cheung, H.S. J. Cell. Physiol. (1991)
- Silencing of natural interferon producing cell activation by porcine circovirus type 2 DNA. Vincent, I.E., Balmelli, C., Meehan, B., Allan, G., Summerfield, A., McCullough, K.C. Immunology (2007)
- Interleukin-4 suppresses inflammatory cytokine gene transcription in porcine macrophages. Zhou, Y., Lin, G., Baarsch, M.J., Scamurra, R.W., Murtaugh, M.P. J. Leukoc. Biol. (1994)
- Characterization of a porcine intestinal epithelial cell line for in vitro studies of microbial pathogenesis in swine. Schierack, P., Nordhoff, M., Pollmann, M., Weyrauch, K.D., Amasheh, S., Lodemann, U., Jores, J., Tachu, B., Kleta, S., Blikslager, A., Tedin, K., Wieler, L.H. Histochem. Cell Biol. (2006)
- Fever and circulating cytokines induced by double-stranded RNA in guinea pigs: dependence on the route of administration and effects of repeated injections. Voss, T., Rummel, C., Gerstberger, R., Hübschle, T., Roth, J. Acta physiologica (Oxford, England) (2006)
- Selective plasma filtration for treatment of fulminant hepatic failure induced by D-galactosamine in a pig model. Ho, D.W., Fan, S.T., To, J., Woo, Y.H., Zhang, Z., Lau, C., Wong, J. Gut (2002)