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Disease relevance of Turbinates


High impact information on Turbinates


Chemical compound and disease context of Turbinates


Biological context of Turbinates


Anatomical context of Turbinates


Associations of Turbinates with chemical compounds

  • Characterization and autoradiographic localization of histamine H1 receptors in human nasal turbinates [24].
  • METHODS: To determine a role for MMS-68 in the regulation of nasal mucus, we labeled human nasal turbinates with tritiated glucosamine and assayed for the ability of the previously purified MMS-68 (stock solution) to induce mucus-like glycoconjugate release (MLGC) [25].
  • In situ hybridization with digoxigenin-labeled RNA probes was performed on surgical specimens of human nasal turbinates [26].
  • A biopsy specimen of the nasal inferior turbinate was obtained before and 24 hours after local nasal provocation with grass pollen extract after 6 weeks of treatment with either topical fluticasone propionate (n = 9) or placebo (n = 8) nasal spray twice daily [27].
  • Each nostril of the patients will be randomly assigned in a double blind manner to receive either GR213487B liquid nasal spray or the lipid alone (ie. control administered as liposome), by topical application directed at the inferior turbinate [28].

Gene context of Turbinates

  • The ciliated cells of the nasal turbinates demonstrated strong iNOS positivity, but no significant cNOS immunoreactivity [29].
  • No ER or PR were found in any of the tumor components, nor have they been detected in control nasal turbinates [30].
  • The only difference seen between normal and VMR turbinates was a slight decrease in MUC1 expression in the VMR group [31].
  • TFF1 and TFF3 mRNA were detected in the human turbinate tissues examined [32].
  • Immunohistochemical expression of VEGF and VEGF receptors in nasal polyps as compared to normal turbinate mucosa [33].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Turbinates


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