MeSH Review:
- The species of Eimeria in rabbits for meat production in Britain. Catchpole, J., Norton, C.C. Parasitology (1979)
- Lasalocid for improved weight gains and control of Coccidia in lambs. Foreyt, W.J., Parish, S.M., Foreyt, K.M. Am. J. Vet. Res. (1981)
- Anticoccidial efficacy of diclazuril against recent field isolates of Eimeria from commercial poultry farms. McDougald, L.R., Mathis, G.F., Seibert, B.P. Avian Dis. (1990)
- Efficacy of antibiotics A204 sodium A28695A, and A204np against Coccidia of rabbits. Fitzgerald, P.R. J. Protozool. (1976)
- Sensitive and specific polymerase chain reaction detection of Toxoplasma gondii for veterinary and medical diagnosis. MacPherson, J.M., Gajadhar, A.A. Can. J. Vet. Res. (1993)
- The mannitol cycle--a new metabolic pathway in the Coccidia. Schmatz, D.M. Parasitol. Today (Regul. Ed.) (1989)
- Malabsorption syndrome, coccidiosis, combined immune deficiency, and fulminant lymphoproliferative disease. Hallak, A., Yust, I., Ratan, Y., Adar, U. Arch. Intern. Med. (1982)
- Anticoccidial derivatives of 6-azauracil. 5. Potentiation by benzophenone side chains. Carroll, R.D., Miller, M.W., Mylari, B.L., Chappel, L.R., Howes, H.L., Lynch, M.J., Lynch, J.E., Gupta, S.K., Rash, J.J., Koch, R.C. J. Med. Chem. (1983)
- A condition dependent link between testosterone and disease resistance in the house finch. Duckworth, R.A., Mendonça, M.T., Hill, G.E. Proc. Biol. Sci. (2001)
- Dietary cimetidine and copper in Eimeria acervulina-infected chicks. Brown, D.R., Southern, L.L. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. (1986)
- Effect of dietary methionine status on response of chicks to coccidial infection. Murillo, M.G., Jensen, L.S., Ruff, M.D., Rahn, A.P. Poult. Sci. (1976)
- Anticoccidial efficacy of drinking water soluble diclazuril on experimental and field coccidiosis in broiler chickens. El-Banna, H.A., El-Bahy, M.M., El-Zorba, H.Y., El-Hady, M. Journal of veterinary medicine. A, Physiology, pathology, clinical medicine. (2005)
- Effects of decoquinate and clopidol on electron transport in mitochondria of Eimeria tenella (Apicomplexa: Coccidia). Fry, M., Williams, R.B. Biochem. Pharmacol. (1984)
- Avian coccidiosis: the administration of encapsulated oocysts. Norton, C.C., Joyner, L.P. Parasitology (1986)
- Effect of coccidiosis on reproductive maturation of male Japanese quail. Ruff, M.D., Abdel Nabi, M.A., Clarke, R.N., Mobarak, M., Ottinger, M.A. Avian Dis. (1988)
- Influence of monensin on the performance of cattle. Goodrich, R.D., Garrett, J.E., Gast, D.R., Kirick, M.A., Larson, D.A., Meiske, J.C. J. Anim. Sci. (1984)
- Mitogen-induced lymphocyte proliferation and interferon production following coccidia infection. Martin, A., Lillehoj, H.S., Kaspers, B., Bacon, L.D. Avian Dis. (1994)
- Kinetic differences in intestinal and systemic interferon-gamma and antigen-specific antibodies in chickens experimentally infected with Eimeria maxima. Yun, C.H., Lillehoj, H.S., Zhu, J., Min, W. Avian Dis. (2000)
- Potentiation of ionophorous anticoccidials with dihydroquinolines: battery trials against Eimeria tenella in chickens. Varga, I., Laczay, P., Lehel, J., Móra, Z., Romváry, A., Fekete, J. Int. J. Parasitol. (1994)
- Microsporidiosis in Venezuela: prevalence of intestinal microsporidiosis and its contribution to diarrhea in a group of human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients from Zulia State. Chacin-Bonilla, L., Panunzio, A.P., Monsalve-Castillo, F.M., Parra-Cepeda, I.E., Martinez, R. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. (2006)
- Drug sensitivity of coccidia from broiler breeder pullets and from broilers in the same integrated company. Mathis, G.F., McDougald, L.R., McMurray, B. Avian Dis. (1984)
- Efficacy of lasalocid against coccidia in cattle. Fitzgerald, P.R., Mansfield, M.E. J. Parasitol. (1979)
- Supplemental use of liquid amprolium in skip-a-day feeding of replacement pullets. Ruff, M.D., Chute, M.B., Garcia, R. Poult. Sci. (1991)
- Glucose phosphate isomerase isozymes as genetic markers for lines of Eimeria tenella. Nakamura, T., Konishi, T., Kawaguchi, H., Hayashi, Y. Parasitology (1988)
- Purification, characterization, substrate and inhibitor specificity of adenosine kinase from several Eimeria species. Miller, R.L., Adamczyk, D.L., Rideout, J.L., Krenitsky, T.A. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. (1982)
- Effects of treatments with cyclooxygenase inhibitors on chickens infected with Eimeria acervulina. Allen, P.C. Poult. Sci. (2000)
- Enhancement by p-phenylenediamine of osmium for staining coccidia in cell culture. Douglass, T.G., Speer, C.A. J. Parasitol. (1983)
- Starch gel electrophoresis of lactate dehydrogenase and glucose phosphate isomerase of poultry coccidia using the LKB multiphor. Kucera, J. Folia Parasitol. (1989)