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Disease relevance of Coccidia

  • Eight species of coccidia were recognized in 596 faeces samples from 3 commercial rabbitries in South East England. The level of infection was related to management methods and at one site it was reduced by an outbreak of mucoid enteritis and/or its treatment with oxytetracycline [1].
  • Lasalocid for improved weight gains and control of Coccidia in lambs [2].
  • Results suggest that 1.0 ppm of diclazuril best prevents coccidiosis caused by six species of coccidia in chickens [3].
  • Three polycyclic, polyether, monocarboxylic acid antibiotics produced by and extracted from a strain of Streptomyces albus and designated A204 sodium, A28695A, or A204-np, were specifically tested for activity against hepatic and incidentally against intestinal coccidia of rabbits [4].
  • Polymerase chain reaction tests using DNAs of cat, dog, swine, cattle, human, Sarcocystis cruzi, Eimeria ahsata, E. vermiformis, and Escherichia coli indicated no cross-reaction with nucleic acids of hosts, related coccidia, or bacteria [5].

High impact information on Coccidia

  • The mannitol cycle--a new metabolic pathway in the Coccidia [6].
  • Treatment with metronidazole induced the disappearance of coccidia from the stool and clinical remission [7].
  • Attachment of p-benzophenone side chains at N1 was found to be one of the most effective modifications for enhancing the potency of 6-azauracil against a broad spectrum of coccidia in chickens [8].
  • We also conducted a captive experiment in order to test for the effects of testosterone on resistance to coccidia, which is a common parasite of house finches [9].
  • Apparently, host response to cimetidine is minor in comparison to effects of coccidia on duodenal pH [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Coccidia

  • Infections of coccidia and low levels of methionine, which in themselves did not produce any significant change in weight gain, did give a significant weight depression in combination [11].
  • In conclusion, addition of Diclazuril at the dose of 5 ppm in the drinking water of naturally coccidia infected bird induced the same effect as 25 ppm of Toltrazuril as a treatment for coccidiosis in chickens [12].

Biological context of Coccidia


Anatomical context of Coccidia


Associations of Coccidia with chemical compounds

  • The duokvin itself showed no appreciable activity against the coccidia [19].
  • For identification of coccidia, modified Ziehl-Neelsen carbolfuchsin staining of formalin-ether concentrates were used, and for other pathogenic parasites, iron hematoxylin-stained smears and formalin-ether concentrates were examined [20].
  • Monensin controlled coccidia slightly better when given at 120 ppm than when given at 100 ppm [21].
  • Efficacy of lasalocid against coccidia in cattle [22].
  • When pullets were reared in floor pens previously seeded with coccidia, amprolium medication in the feed alone reduced the E. tenella-induced mortality rate from 28 to 8% [23].

Gene context of Coccidia

  • We concluded that GPI isozymes in E. tenella can serve as useful markers in experiments on chicken coccidia [24].
  • To investigate their interactions with adenosine kinase, this enzyme was purified by affinity chromatography from the sporulated oocysts of 3 avian coccidia, Eimeria tenella, E. acervulina and E. brunetti as well as from chicken liver [25].
  • The inhibitory effects of IM treatment on oocyst shedding suggest that COX-2 products may have immunosuppressive effects in coccidia infection at local sites of infection [26].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Coccidia


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  3. Anticoccidial efficacy of diclazuril against recent field isolates of Eimeria from commercial poultry farms. McDougald, L.R., Mathis, G.F., Seibert, B.P. Avian Dis. (1990) [Pubmed]
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  12. Anticoccidial efficacy of drinking water soluble diclazuril on experimental and field coccidiosis in broiler chickens. El-Banna, H.A., El-Bahy, M.M., El-Zorba, H.Y., El-Hady, M. Journal of veterinary medicine. A, Physiology, pathology, clinical medicine. (2005) [Pubmed]
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  15. Effect of coccidiosis on reproductive maturation of male Japanese quail. Ruff, M.D., Abdel Nabi, M.A., Clarke, R.N., Mobarak, M., Ottinger, M.A. Avian Dis. (1988) [Pubmed]
  16. Influence of monensin on the performance of cattle. Goodrich, R.D., Garrett, J.E., Gast, D.R., Kirick, M.A., Larson, D.A., Meiske, J.C. J. Anim. Sci. (1984) [Pubmed]
  17. Mitogen-induced lymphocyte proliferation and interferon production following coccidia infection. Martin, A., Lillehoj, H.S., Kaspers, B., Bacon, L.D. Avian Dis. (1994) [Pubmed]
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