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Gene Review

MUC16  -  mucin 16, cell surface associated

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CA-125, CA125, FLJ14303, MUC-16, Mucin-16, ...
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Disease relevance of MUC16

  • Solution structure of the SEA domain from the murine homologue of ovarian cancer antigen CA125 (MUC16) [1].
  • Mesothelin-MUC16 binding is a high affinity, N-glycan dependent interaction that facilitates peritoneal metastasis of ovarian tumors [2].
  • The binding between the MUC16 expressing ovarian tumor cells and the A431-Meso+ cells occurs even in the presence of ascites from patients with ovarian cancer [2].
  • In Sjogren syndrome, MUC5AC expression is reduced, and in non-Sjogren dry eye, glycosylation of MUC16 appears to be altered [3].
  • A rabbit polyclonal antibody produced to purified CA125 antigen was used to screen a lambdaZAP cDNA library from OVCAR-3 cells in Escherichia coli [4].
  • These promising preclinical studies justify further investigation of MUC-CD-targeted T cells as a potential therapeutic approach for patients with high-risk MUC16(+) ovarian carcinomas [5].

Psychiatry related information on MUC16

  • Of those who knew their mutation result, 11% underwent bilateral mastectomy (BM), 29% had bilateral oophorectomy (BO), 78% performed regular breast self-examination (BSE), and 80%, 89%, 67%, and 0% had at least annual clinical breast examination (CBE), mammography, transvaginal ultrasound (TVU), and CA125, respectively [6].

High impact information on MUC16


Chemical compound and disease context of MUC16


Biological context of MUC16

  • Binding of ovarian cancer antigen CA125/MUC16 to mesothelin mediates cell adhesion [15].
  • RESULTS: In this study we utilize recombinant-Fc tagged human mesothelin to measure the binding kinetics of this glycoprotein to MUC16 expressed on the ovarian tumor cell line OVCAR-3 [2].
  • CA125 may therefore induce specific immunomodulatory effects by employing its carbohydrate sequences as functional groups, thereby promoting tumor progression [11].
  • CA 125 was associated with advanced stage, lung, pleural or gastrointestinal tract involvement and CA 15.3 was correlated with advanced stage, bone involvement, aggressive histology and bulky disease [16].
  • It has been 20 years since CA 125 was first recognized and it is only in recent years (the past 2) that some progress has been made toward cloning the gene, providing the basis for an understanding of the functional role of this molecule in embryonic development and neoplastic transformation [17].

Anatomical context of MUC16


Associations of MUC16 with chemical compounds

  • Since eicosanoids, the product of arachidonic acid generated by the PLA(2) family, have been shown to increase mucin production, this study sought to determine whether sPLA(2) mediates the RA induction of MUC16 [21].
  • CA125 is also N-glycosylated, expressing primarily high mannose and complex bisecting type N-linked glycans [11].
  • There were no significant correlations between the FF AFP, CEA, and CA 125 levels and gonadotropin and gonadal steroid hormone levels [22].
  • The molecule also includes an amino terminal domain of serine/threonine-rich sequences which would account for most of the O-glycosylation known to be present in CA 125 [23].
  • Menstrual cycle dependent variability for serum tumor markers CEA, AFP, CA 19-9, CA 125 and CA 15-3 in healthy women [24].

Regulatory relationships of MUC16


Other interactions of MUC16

  • Human ovarian carcinomas express the CA-125, HER2/neu, and MUC1 tumor-associated Ags as potential targets for the induction of active specific immunotherapy [29].
  • The prognostic value of p53 and c-erbB-2 immunostaining and preoperative serum levels of CEA and CA125 was investigated in a prospective multicentric study including 465 consecutive non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients with resectable tumors [30].
  • Real-time PCR revealed that MUC4 mRNA was significantly induced by serum 3 hours after its addition, and that MUC1 and MUC16 mRNA levels were significantly upregulated at 72 hours [31].
  • Distinct evolution of the human carcinoma-associated transmembrane mucins, MUC1, MUC4 AND MUC16 [32].
  • PP 14 and CA-125 in uterine flushings were measured and expressed per total protein content [33].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of MUC16


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  5. Successful eradication of established peritoneal ovarian tumors in SCID-Beige mice following adoptive transfer of T cells genetically targeted to the MUC16 antigen. Chekmasova, A.A., Rao, T.D., Nikhamin, Y., Park, K.J., Levine, D.A., Spriggs, D.R., Brentjens, R.J. Clin. Cancer Res. (2010) [Pubmed]
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