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Gene Review

PCOS1  -  polycystic ovary syndrome 1

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: PCO, PCO1
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Disease relevance of PCOS1


Psychiatry related information on PCOS1

  • METHODS: Three hundred women 18 to 45 years old with bipolar disorder were evaluated for PCOS at 16 Systematic Treatment Enhancement for Bipolar Disorder sites [6].
  • Modifying additional lifestyle factors, including alcohol consumption, psychosocial stressors and smoking, are also crucial in long-term treatment of PCOS [7].
  • Health-related quality of life measured with the 36-item short-form health survey revealed significantly decreased scores for physical role function, bodily pain, vitality, social function, emotional role function, and mental health in patients with PCOS [8].
  • Menstrual abnormalities and polycystic ovary syndrome in women taking valproate for bipolar mood disorder [9].
  • It is proposed that these closely interlinked phenomena that, particularly in overweight subjects, are associated with anovulation, may confer a biological advantage for women with PCOS at times of food deprivation, when such women may reproduce more successfully than those without PCOS [10].

High impact information on PCOS1


Chemical compound and disease context of PCOS1


Biological context of PCOS1


Anatomical context of PCOS1


Associations of PCOS1 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of PCOS1


Regulatory relationships of PCOS1


Other interactions of PCOS1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of PCOS1

  • METHODS: We performed oral glucose-tolerance tests before and after the administration of 500 mg of metformin or placebo three times daily for 35 days in 61 obese women with the polycystic ovary syndrome [12].
  • Gynecologists, endocrinologists, cardiologists, pediatricians, and dermatologists are all concerned with PCOS patients and share research data and design clinical trials to learn more about the syndrome [37].
  • Future studies to identify the risk of cardiovascular events in women with PCOS will benefit from clear and extensive phenotyping of PCOS abnormalities at baseline, from a prospective design, from larger sample sizes, and from longer follow-up [19].
  • Epidemiological studies that have focused on isolated signs and stigmata of PCOS, such as polycystic ovaries, hyperandrogenism, or chronic anovulation, have found mixed results [19].
  • The INS VNTR III/III genotype was associated with an increased risk of PCOS in two independent case-control studies (odds ratios 8.20 [p = 0.005] and 5.70 [p = 0.043]) [38].


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