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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)
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Disease relevance of Phleum

  • Group V major allergen Phl p 5b of timothy grass pollen induces allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma in 90% of grass pollen-allergic patients [1].
  • CONCLUSION: Phl p 4 represents a trypsin-resistant major timothy grass pollen allergen with immunologic similarities to the major ragweed allergen Amb a 1 and therefore must be considered an important cross-reactive component in grass pollen and weed pollen allergy [2].
  • METHODS: Proof of the AT principle was shown by using a human ex vivo system in which EBV was used to transform human B cells specific for the timothy grass pollen allergen Phl p 5b [3].
  • Phage display has been used to clone human IgE to timothy grass pollen allergen Phl p 5, to characterize the epitopes for murine and human antibodies to a birch pollen allergen Bet v 1, and to elucidate the epitopes of a murine mAb to the house dust mite allergen Der p 1 [4].
  • RESULTS: Of all subjects studied, 19.9% suffered from rhinoconjunctivitis, 4.1% rhinoconjunctivitis plus asthma, 3.1% asthma alone, and 0.8% atopic dermatitis; 46.4% had a positive skin test to at least one allergen (28.2% to D. pteronyssinus, 20.4% to Olea, 13.8% to Phleum); and 43% had total IgE > 100 kU/L and 44.7% a family history of atopy [5].

High impact information on Phleum

  • An IgE inhibition experiment performed with recombinant birch profilin and purified natural profilins from timothy grass and mugwort indicates common IgE epitopes [6].
  • We have used the major timothy grass pollen allergen Phl p 1, which cross-reacts with most grass-, corn-, and monocot-derived group 1 allergens to develop a generally applicable strategy for the production of hypoallergenic allergy vaccines [7].
  • B cell epitopes of the major timothy grass pollen allergen, phl p 1, revealed by gene fragmentation as candidates for immunotherapy [8].
  • Local and systemic IL-10 responses and serum Ab concentrations were measured before/after a double-blind trial of grass pollen (Phleum pratense, Phl P) immunotherapy [9].
  • "Allergen engineering": variants of the timothy grass pollen allergen Phl p 5b with reduced IgE-binding capacity but conserved T cell reactivity [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Phleum


Biological context of Phleum


Anatomical context of Phleum


Associations of Phleum with chemical compounds

  • In the present study we immunized mice with aluminum hydroxide-adsorbed purified recombinant major timothy grass pollen allergens (rPhl p 1, rPhl p 2, rPhl p 5), dog albumin, a major animal dander allergen, and proteins with low (beta-lactoglobulin) or no (ribulose diphosphate carboxylase) allergenic potential in humans [23].
  • METHODS: Aqueous and lipid extracts from Phleum pratense L and Betula alba L pollen were analyzed by means of HPLC [24].
  • Although preincubation with recombinant Bet v 1 and Bet v 2 did not significantly inhibit IgE binding to latex proteins, weed and, in particular, timothy grass pollen extract strongly inhibited IgE binding to latex allergens [25].
  • METHODS: The patients received cluster immunotherapy with a standardized birch (Betula verrucosa) or grass (Phleum pratense) pollen extract adsorbed to aluminum hydroxide [26].
  • METHODS: CAP inhibition experiments were performed with crude oilseed rape (OSR) and timothy grass pollen extracts and a neoglycoprotein construct displaying a MUXF glycan, as present in pineapple-stem bromelain (MUXF-BSA) [27].

Gene context of Phleum

  • We report for the first time the successful measurement of IL-4 secreted by CBMC stimulated by the allergens timothy grass pollen and house dust mite extract [28].
  • Sequence analysis of the insert shows 87% similarity to tobacco ntPro2, 78% to timothy grass profilin, 77% to Arabidopsis AthPRF4, 77% to maize ZmPro3, and 73% to birch profilin [29].
  • Fluids from blister chambers after either Ag (timothy grass, orchard grass, or ragweed) or vehicle control challenge were collected hourly for 12 h from nine patients with allergic rhinitis [30].
  • The NMR analyses of the birch and the nonreactive timothy grass profilin peptides showed that the loss of binding was not due to major structural differences [31].
  • A panel of 60 cDNA clones coding for IgE-binding proteins from timothy grass pollen was immunocharacterized with sera from 30 patients allergic to grass pollen and antibodies raised against natural grass pollen allergens [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Phleum

  • The percentage of grass pollen-specific IgE that was preabsorbed with a combination of recombinant timothy grass pollen allergens (Phl p 1, Phl p 2, and Phl p 5) and recombinant birch profilin (Bet v 2) was determined by ELISA in sera from 193 European, American, and Asian subjects [33].
  • Group I had a history of seasonal allergic rhinitis, negative skin prick test responses to timothy and Bermuda grass, but positive intradermal skin test responses to timothy grass [34].
  • By immunoelectron microscopy Phl p 4 was localized in the exine, cytoplasm, and amyloplast of timothy grass pollen. significant sequence similarities of a Phl p 4 10 amino acid peptide with Amb a 1, the major ragweed allergen, could be found [2].
  • By RNase activity gel of natural pollen extract of timothy grass and consecutive Western blot analysis of the excised proteins, the RNase active bands were shown to be group V allergens [35].
  • OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to identify and characterize an allergen of the high molecular mass fraction of Phleum pratense pollen by N-terminal protein sequencing and molecular cloning [36].


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