MeSH Review:
- Crystallization and preliminary diffraction data of a major pollen allergen. Crystal growth separates a low molecular weight form with elevated biological activity. Bufe, A., Betzel, C., Schramm, G., Petersen, A., Becker, W.M., Schlaak, M., Perbandt, M., Dauter, Z., Weber, W. J. Biol. Chem. (1996)
- Characterization of Phl p 4, a major timothy grass (Phleum pratense) pollen allergen. Fischer, S., Grote, M., Fahlbusch, B., Müller, W.D., Kraft, D., Valenta, R. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. (1996)
- Antigen-specific targeting and elimination of EBV-transformed B cells by allergen toxins. Stöcker, M., Klockenbring, T., Huhn, M., Nachreiner, T., Wicklein, D., Petersen, A., Bauer, R., Goerlich, R., Fischer, R., Barth, S. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. (2005)
- Use of phage display technology to investigate allergen-antibody interactions. Davies, J.M., O'hehir, R.E., Suphioglu, C. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. (2000)
- Prevalence of atopy in students from Málaga, Spain. García-González, J.J., Vega-Chicote, J.M., Rico, P., del Prado, J.M., Carmona, M.J., Miranda, A., Pérez-Estrada, M., Martin, S., Cervera, J.A., Acebes, J.M. Ann. Allergy Asthma Immunol. (1998)
- Profilins constitute a novel family of functional plant pan-allergens. Valenta, R., Duchene, M., Ebner, C., Valent, P., Sillaber, C., Deviller, P., Ferreira, F., Tejkl, M., Edelmann, H., Kraft, D. J. Exp. Med. (1992)
- Nonanaphylactic synthetic peptides derived from B cell epitopes of the major grass pollen allergen, Phl p 1, for allergy vaccination. Focke, M., Mahler, V., Ball, T., Sperr, W.R., Majlesi, Y., Valent, P., Kraft, D., Valenta, R. FASEB J. (2001)
- B cell epitopes of the major timothy grass pollen allergen, phl p 1, revealed by gene fragmentation as candidates for immunotherapy. Ball, T., Fuchs, T., Sperr, W.R., Valent, P., Vangelista, L., Kraft, D., Valenta, R. FASEB J. (1999)
- Grass pollen immunotherapy induces mucosal and peripheral IL-10 responses and blocking IgG activity. Nouri-Aria, K.T., Wachholz, P.A., Francis, J.N., Jacobson, M.R., Walker, S.M., Wilcock, L.K., Staple, S.Q., Aalberse, R.C., Till, S.J., Durham, S.R. J. Immunol. (2004)
- "Allergen engineering": variants of the timothy grass pollen allergen Phl p 5b with reduced IgE-binding capacity but conserved T cell reactivity. Schramm, G., Kahlert, H., Suck, R., Weber, B., Stüwe, H.T., Müller, W.D., Bufe, A., Becker, W.M., Schlaak, M.W., Jäger, L., Cromwell, O., Fiebig, H. J. Immunol. (1999)
- Direct determination of allergens in ambient aerosols: methodological aspects. Schäppi, G.F., Monn, C., Wüthrich, B., Wanner, H.U. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. (1996)
- Assessment of the fructanolytic activities in the rumen bacterium Treponema saccharophilum strain S. Kasperowicz, A., Míchalowski, T. J. Appl. Microbiol. (2002)
- Enzyme potentiated desensitisation in treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis: double blind randomised controlled study. Radcliffe, M.J., Lewith, G.T., Turner, R.G., Prescott, P., Church, M.K., Holgate, S.T. BMJ (2003)
- Calcium-dependent immunoglobulin E recognition of the apo- and calcium-bound form of a cross-reactive two EF-hand timothy grass pollen allergen, Phl p 7. Niederberger, V., Hayek, B., Vrtala, S., Laffer, S., Twardosz, A., Vangelista, L., Sperr, W.R., Valent, P., Rumpold, H., Kraft, D., Ehrenberger, K., Valenta, R., Spitzauer, S. FASEB J. (1999)
- Mutual boosting effects of sensitization with timothy grass pollen and latex glove extract on IgE antibody responses in a mouse model. Mahler, V., Diepgen, T.L., Kubeta, O., Leakakos, T., Truscott, W., Schuler, G., Kraft, D., Valenta, R. J. Invest. Dermatol. (2000)
- Post-translational modifications influence IgE reactivity to the major allergen Phl p 1 of timothy grass pollen. Petersen, A., Schramm, G., Schlaak, M., Becker, W.M. Clin. Exp. Allergy (1998)
- Properties of tree and grass pollen allergens: reinvestigation of the linkage between solubility and allergenicity. Vrtala, S., Grote, M., Duchêne, M., van Ree, R., Kraft, D., Scheiner, O., Valenta, R. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. (1993)
- Immunologic characterization of purified recombinant timothy grass pollen (Phleum pratense) allergens (Phl p 1, Phl p2, Phl p 5). Vrtala, S., Susani, M., Sperr, W.R., Valent, P., Laffer, S., Dolecek, C., Kraft, D., Valenta, R. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. (1996)
- Properties of group I allergens from grass pollen and their relation to cathepsin B, a member of the C1 family of cysteine proteinases. Grobe, K., Pöppelmann, M., Becker, W.M., Petersen, A. Eur. J. Biochem. (2002)
- A simplified method for measuring basophil histamine release and blocking antibodies in hay fever patients. Basophil histamine content and cell preservation. Skov, P.S., Norn, S. Acta allergologica. (1977)
- Blood serum tocopherol levels in calves born from cows winter fed hay or grass silage. Hidiroglou, M., Lessard, J.R., Wauthy, J.M. Can. J. Comp. Med. (1978)
- Number of beta-receptors in rhinitic pollinic patients. Gamboa, P.M., Sanz, M.L., de la Cuesta, C.G., García, B.E., Castillo, J.G., Oehling, A. Journal of investigational allergology & clinical immunology : official organ of the International Association of Asthmology (INTERASMA) and Sociedad Latinoamericana de Alergia e Inmunología. (1991)
- Immunization with purified natural and recombinant allergens induces mouse IgG1 antibodies that recognize similar epitopes as human IgE and inhibit the human IgE-allergen interaction and allergen-induced basophil degranulation. Vrtala, S., Ball, T., Spitzauer, S., Pandjaitan, B., Suphioglu, C., Knox, B., Sperr, W.R., Valent, P., Kraft, D., Valenta, R. J. Immunol. (1998)
- Lipid mediators from pollen act as chemoattractants and activators of polymorphonuclear granulocytes. Traidl-Hoffmann, C., Kasche, A., Jakob, T., Huger, M., Plötz, S., Feussner, I., Ring, J., Behrendt, H. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. (2002)
- Natural latex, grass pollen, and weed pollen share IgE epitopes. Fuchs, T., Spitzauer, S., Vente, C., Hevler, J., Kapiotis, S., Rumpold, H., Kraft, D., Valenta, R. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. (1997)
- Antihistamine premedication in specific cluster immunotherapy: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Nielsen, L., Johnsen, C.R., Mosbech, H., Poulsen, L.K., Malling, H.J. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. (1996)
- Antibody binding to venom carbohydrates is a frequent cause for double positivity to honeybee and yellow jacket venom in patients with stinging-insect allergy. Hemmer, W., Focke, M., Kolarich, D., Wilson, I.B., Altmann, F., Wöhrl, S., Götz, M., Jarisch, R. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. (2001)
- Measurement of T-helper cytokines secreted by cord blood mononuclear cells in response to allergens. Devereux, G., Hall, A.M., Barker, R.N. J. Immunol. Methods (2000)
- Molecular cloning and mRNA localization of tomato pollen profilin. Yu, L.X., Nasrallah, J., Valenta, R., Parthasarathy, M.V. Plant Mol. Biol. (1998)
- Appearance of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor activity at allergen-challenged cutaneous late-phase reaction sites. Massey, W., Friedman, B., Kato, M., Cooper, P., Kagey-Sobotka, A., Lichtenstein, L.M., Schleimer, R.P. J. Immunol. (1993)
- Molecular and structural analysis of a continuous birch profilin epitope defined by a monoclonal antibody. Wiedemann, P., Giehl, K., Almo, S.C., Fedorov, A.A., Girvin, M., Steinberger, P., Rüdiger, M., Ortner, M., Sippl, M., Dolecek, C., Kraft, D., Jockusch, B., Valenta, R. J. Biol. Chem. (1996)
- IgE-binding capacity of recombinant timothy grass (Phleum pratense) pollen allergens. Laffer, S., Vrtala, S., Duchêne, M., van Ree, R., Kraft, D., Scheiner, O., Valenta, R. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. (1994)
- IgE antibodies to recombinant pollen allergens (Phl p 1, Phl p 2, Phl p 5, and Bet v 2) account for a high percentage of grass pollen-specific IgE. Niederberger, V., Laffer, S., Fröschl, R., Kraft, D., Rumpold, H., Kapiotis, S., Valenta, R., Spitzauer, S. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. (1998)
- An assessment of the role of intradermal skin testing in the diagnosis of clinically relevant allergy to timothy grass. Nelson, H.S., Oppenheimer, J., Buchmeier, A., Kordash, T.R., Freshwater, L.L. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. (1996)
- Major allergen Phl p Vb in timothy grass is a novel pollen RNase. Bufe, A., Schramm, G., Keown, M.B., Schlaak, M., Becker, W.M. FEBS Lett. (1995)
- Complementary DNA cloning and expression of a newly recognized high molecular mass allergen phl p 13 from timothy grass pollen (Phleum pratense). Suck, R., Petersen, A., Hagen, S., Cromwell, O., Becker, W.M., Fiebig, H. Clin. Exp. Allergy (2000)