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Chemical Compound Review

Analgit     methyl 2-hydroxybenzoate

Synonyms: Exagien, Flucarmit, Betula, Panalgesic, Theragesic, ...
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Disease relevance of Synthetic Wintergreen Oil

  • Pollen of the white birch (Betula verrucosa) is one of the main causes of Type I allergic reactions (allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, allergic bronchial asthma) in Middle and Northern Europe, North America and the USSR [1].
  • METHODS: Forty-nine patients with histories of birch pollen allergy from the upper and lower airways, positive skin prick test and conjunctival provocation test results, and in vitro specific IgE to birch pollen (Betula verrucosa ) extract were included [2].
  • On the other hand, anti-paclitaxel IgG were above all detected in sera of subjects displaying hypersensitivity reactions during the pollination periods of Taxus sp. and Betula sp. This natural anti-paclitaxel IgG acquisition by individuals living in the distribution areas of these trees could be at the origin of atopic manifestations [3].
  • The fate of an introduced mer/luc-tagged antagonistic Pseudomonas fluorescens 31K3 was monitored in the rhizosphere of silver birch (Betula pendula) seedlings grown in microcosms containing forest humus or nursery peat [4].
  • The effects of Agrobacterium pRiA4 rol and aux genes, controlled by their endogenous promoters, on tree growth and wood anatomy and chemistry were studied in 5- and 7-year-old silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) plants [5].

Psychiatry related information on Synthetic Wintergreen Oil


High impact information on Synthetic Wintergreen Oil

  • A complementary DNA encoding a pollen allergen from white birch (Betula verrucosa) that was isolated from a pollen complementary DNA library with serum immunoglobulin E from a birch pollen-allergic individual revealed significant sequence homology to profilins [7].
  • Here we demonstrate that soluble factors from birch (Betula alba L.) pollen activate human dendritic cells (DCs) as documented by phenotypical and functional maturation and altered cytokine production [8].
  • We show that, in addition to noxious cold, pungent natural compounds present in cinnamon oil, wintergreen oil, clove oil, mustard oil, and ginger all activate TRPA1 (ANKTM1) [9].
  • The three-dimensional structure of the major birch pollen allergen, the 17,500 M(r) acidic protein Bet v 1 (from the birch, Betula verrucosa), is presented as determined both in the crystalline state by X-ray diffraction and in solution by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy [10].
  • Fine-resolution analysis of the lifetime leaf record of an individual birch (Betula pendula) indicates a gradual reduction of stomatal frequency as a phenotypic acclimation to CO2 increase [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Synthetic Wintergreen Oil


Biological context of Synthetic Wintergreen Oil

  • WT Betula papyrifera (Marsh) was included to compare the senescence performance of a species that does not produce anthocyanins in autumn [13].
  • In all families, evidence for linkage of skin test reactivity for Betula, Lolium, and Artemisia was strongest in a region on chromosome 21 that contained the candidate gene, A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease domain 33 (ADAM33) [14].
  • The global pattern of gene expression during these stages in the birch (Betula pendula)-Paxillus involutus ECM association was analyzed using cDNA microarrays [15].
  • We have isolated by DDRT-PCR (differential-display reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction) and cDNA library screening a 1.3 kb cDNA corresponding to a strongly ozone-inducible transcript from birch (Betula pendula Roth) [16].
  • We studied the effects of elevated concentrations of carbon dioxide ([CO2]) and ozone ([O3]) on growth, biomass allocation and leaf area of field-grown O3-tolerant (Clone 4) and O3-sensitive clones (Clone 80) of European silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) trees during 1999-2001 [17].

Anatomical context of Synthetic Wintergreen Oil

  • In birch (Betula pubescens) these events are triggered by short photoperiod, and involve the production of 1,3-beta-D-glucan containing sphincters on the plasmodesmata [18].
  • The outermost phellems of Abies alba Mill., Acer pseudoplatanus L., Aesculus hippocastanum L., Betula potaninii L.C. Hue and Sambucus nigra L. have been isolated enzymatically, resulting in membranes with five to seven heavily suberized cork cell layers [19].
  • Some groups of peptides representing T cell epitopes (Betula verrucosa; Bet VI peptides, p7-33, p23-46, p138-160) appeared to be shared by the majority, while another peptide (Bet VI p72-95) was recognized predominantly by patients who expressed HLA-DR9 and/or HLA-DQ3 molecules [20].
  • A specific condensed lignin substructure, dibenzodioxocin, was immunolocalized in differentiating cell walls of Norway spruce ( Picea abies (L.) H. Karsten) and silver birch ( Betula pendula Roth) xylem [21].
  • The best agreement was observed with Phleum pratense, egg white, corn, Betula verrucosa and cat epithelium [22].

Associations of Synthetic Wintergreen Oil with other chemical compounds

  • HPLC analysis of APEs from Phleum pratense and Betula alba pollen demonstrated the occurrence of linoleic and alpha-linolenic acid as well as their monohydroxylated derivatives [23].
  • The phenols in beech (Fagus sylvatica), birch (Betula pendula) and ash (Fraxinus excelsior) wood dusts were compared using a mass spectrometer fitted with an electrospray ionisation interface with liquid chromatographic separation [24].
  • We tested our hypothesis at the free-air CO(2) and O(3) enrichment (FACE) experiment at Rhinelander, Wisconsin, in which Populus tremuloides, Betula papyrifera, and Acer saccharum were grown under factorial CO(2) and O(3) treatments [25].
  • During the first treatment year, the patients received double-blinded IT with either birch (Betula verrucosa) or grass (Phleum pratense) pollen extracts adsorbed to aluminum hydroxide [26].
  • Japanese white birch (Betula platyphylla var. japonica) leaves that developed wholly during a period of drought showed an increase in leaf nitrogen and a decrease in leaf carbohydrates that could ameliorate photosynthetic down-regulation, defined as a decrease in V(cmax) in response to elevated [CO(2)] [27].

Gene context of Synthetic Wintergreen Oil

  • Indeed, known sensitizers such as PPD and 2-MBT significantly augmented CD54 and CD86 expression in a dose-dependent manner while non-sensitizers, such as SLS and methyl salicylate (MS), did not [28].
  • The aim of this study was to examine the association between mild head injury, APOE and dementia.Methods: Data were obtained from the Betula prospective population-based study of aging, memory, and health [29].
  • Allergens with homology to the major birch ( Betula verrucosa ) pollen allergen, Bet v 1, belong to the most potent elicitors of IgE-mediated allergies [30].
  • Males of the green-veined butterfly Pieris napi synthesize and transfer the volatile methyl salicylate (MeS) to females at mating, a substance that is emitted by non-virgin females when courted by males, curtailing courtship and decreasing the likelihood of female re-mating [31].
  • Characterization of a birch (Betula pendula Roth.) embryogenic gene, BP8 [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Synthetic Wintergreen Oil

  • Based on data from a prospective cohort study (Betula) in our own laboratory, we have assessed and examined associations between three different forms of ApoE and performance on episodic memory tests [33].
  • METHODS: Aqueous and lipid extracts from Phleum pratense L and Betula alba L pollen were analyzed by means of HPLC [34].
  • METHODS: Mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii (Orl.) Hämet-Ahti) pollen was studied using SDS-PAGE and IgE-immunoblotting [35].
  • OBJECTIVE : The aim of this study was to compare natural birch pollen extract (BPE) and recombinant Betula verrucosa (rBet v 1) for their diagnostic value comparing skin prick tests (SPTS) and nasal provocation tests (NPTS) with specific IgE in the serum [36].
  • METHODS: The binding affinity of purified serum IgG1, IgG4 and IgE to the major allergen in birch (Betula verrucosa) pollen, Bet v 1, was analysed by surface plasmon resonance [37].


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