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Adaptation, Psychological

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Disease relevance of Adaptation, Psychological


Psychiatry related information on Adaptation, Psychological


High impact information on Adaptation, Psychological


Chemical compound and disease context of Adaptation, Psychological

  • The results are interpreted in terms of a scheme that includes (i) heterogeneous sensitivity of stores, conferred in part by differences in luminal Ca2+ content and (ii) adaptive behavior on the part of individual ryanodine receptors [16].
  • This type of network topology influences the adaptive behavior of the library as demonstrated in selection experiments with lithium ions as the target [17].
  • Finally, whether or not buspirone may possess "curative" properties, in addition to "anxiety-suppressant" properties, that allow the patient to improve coping skills with time requires further exploration [18].
  • However, the administration of aldosterone (ALDO), a selective MR agonist, was not sufficient to restore normal coping behavior [19].
  • Homeostatic involvement of hypothalamic neuronal histamine in adaptive behavior and thermogenesis was investigated when interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta), one of the endogenous pyrogens, was infused peripherally in rats [20].

Biological context of Adaptation, Psychological

  • These findings indicate that neuronal histamine may convey the suppressive signal of food intake through H1-receptors in the VMH and/or the PVN, and play critical roles in homeostatic control of adaptive behavior [21].
  • The Behavior and Performance Integrated Product Team at Johnson Space Center, working within the Space Medicine, Monitoring, and Countermeasures Program, has identified critical questions pertaining to long-duration space crew behavioral health, psychological adaptation, human factors and habitability, and sleep and circadian rhythms [22].
  • However, the Sign Test showed a significant difference in the coping behaviors used by subjects which required them to engage in demanding activities, such as working harder at school work, at the one-month postpartum retest (p = .002) [23].
  • Examined 35 mothers of children with cystic fibrosis (CF) to assess the relationship of risk and resistance factors to level of psychological adjustment [24].

Anatomical context of Adaptation, Psychological


Gene context of Adaptation, Psychological

  • Modulation of the 5-HT system by CRF during acute stress may underlie certain coping behaviors, while stress-induced adaptation of this effect may be involved in psychiatric manifestations of repeated stress [27].
  • Abnormal neuroanatomical development in selected brain regions may be the factor underlying the abnormalities in reflexive, locomotor, and adaptive behavior seen in the hyt/hyt mouse and other hypothyroid animals [28].
  • On Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, men with BFLS had higher daily living and social skills than communicative skills [29].
  • Individuals with OCRL displayed significantly more severe maladaptive behaviors than control boys, as measured by the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (VABS), with 41% of the difference between the two groups attributable to the diagnosis of OCRL [30].
  • The purpose of this preliminary study is to explore conceptions of health, cancer risk, and psychological adjustment among children in families suggestive of carrying BRCA1/2 susceptibility genes [31].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Adaptation, Psychological


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