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Disease relevance of Vaginitis


Psychiatry related information on Vaginitis


High impact information on Vaginitis

  • Letter: Single-dose metronidazole for trichomonal vaginitis: a follow-up [7].
  • Each treatment was well tolerated; vaginitis was the most frequently observed side effect (4% trovafloxacin, 7% ofloxacin) [8].
  • The most common adverse events reported by the patients who received fleroxacin were nausea (5%), headache (3%), and vaginitis (3%) [9].
  • The conditional probability of the several possible diagnoses was calculated, given various combinations of clinical data; a diagnosis of vaginitis was twice as likely as a diagnosis of UTI in a patient with dysuria [10].
  • Fut2-LacZ-null mice, which are a model of the human ABO and Lewis nonsecretor group, display increased susceptibility to experimental yeast vaginitis, indicating a role for alpha(1,2)fucosylated cervical glycans in mucosal defense [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Vaginitis


Biological context of Vaginitis


Anatomical context of Vaginitis

  • Side effects, including patients started on antibiotics but whose cultures did not confirm urinary tract infections, were diarrhea in 7 (16%) and rash in 1 (2%) of 44 A-C patients, compared with diarrhea in 1 (2%) and yeast vaginitis in 3 (6%) of 48 cefaclor patients [22].
  • CONCLUSION: Estriol, which has little effect on the endometrium, has the potential to be highly useful for the treatment of atrophic vaginitis [23].
  • Exfoliated vaginal epithelial cells with attached bacteria, termed 'clue cells', which were procured from a patient with non-specific vaginitis, were stained with ruthenium red and examined by transmission electron microscopy [24].
  • These results indicate that treatment with povidone-iodine vaginal pessaries is effective in the treatment of different forms of vaginitis and their daily use in euthyroid, non-pregnant women is safe and has no effect on thyroid function [25].

Gene context of Vaginitis

  • Interleukin-10 and TNF were not more prevalent in vaginitis patients or controls with a current candidal infection or BV than in uninfected subjects [26].
  • Among the 67 women examined, proteinase was detected only in 22 harboring C. albicans (range, 42-233 ng/ml of vaginal fluid), at concentrations significantly higher in the 14 vaginitis patients than in the 8 asymptomatic fungal carriers [17].
  • Animals receiving antimannoprotein (anti-MP) and anti-aspartyl proteinase (Sap) Ab-containing vaginal fluids from rats clearing a primary C. albicans infection showed a highly significant level of protection against vaginitis compared to animals given Ab-free vaginal fluid from noninfected rats [27].
  • Resistance of T-cell receptor delta-chain-deficient mice to experimental Candida albicans vaginitis [28].
  • In the same model, pepstatin A, a strong Sap inhibitor, exerted a strong curative effect on experimental vaginitis [29].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Vaginitis


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