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Vestibular Nerve

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Disease relevance of Vestibular Nerve


High impact information on Vestibular Nerve

  • Likewise, it seems clear that an excitatory amino acid, probably glutamate, is the major transmitter used by the vestibular nerve in its synapses with neurones of the brainstem vestibular nucleus [6].
  • Immunocytochemical studies using antibodies to the NF2 protein showed complete absence of staining in tumor Schwann cells, whereas staining was observed in normal vestibular nerve [7].
  • Electrophysiological recordings from abducens motoneurons and internuclear neurons revealed a marked reduction in the slow positivity of the orthodromic extracellular potential elicited by ipsilateral vestibular nerve stimulation following systemic administration of strychnine, an antagonist of glycine [8].
  • Secretory function of the vestibular nerve calyx suggested by presence of vesicles, synapsin I, and synaptophysin [9].
  • 4. The reversal potentials for responses to ionophoretically applied glycine and GABA average about --83 mV, the same as that for the inhibitory post-synaptic potential (i.p.s.p.) produced in Müller cells by stimulation of the ipsilateral vestibular nerve [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Vestibular Nerve


Biological context of Vestibular Nerve


Anatomical context of Vestibular Nerve


Associations of Vestibular Nerve with chemical compounds

  • This negative correlation could have resulted from a preferential activation of NMDA receptors via thick vestibular nerve afferent fibers [13].
  • The responses of these cells to depolarizing and hyperpolarizing current pulses and their postsynaptic responses to vestibular nerve stimulation were recorded, while simultaneously biocytin was injected for subsequent morphogenetic analysis [19].
  • Stimulation of the ipsilateral vestibular nerve evoked IPSPs at 1.4 ms that were reversed after injection of current and/or chloride ions. gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) antibodies labeled inhibitory neurons in vestibular subdivisions with axons projecting into the ipsilateral medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) [20].
  • In Scarpa's ganglion of the rat, all cells were immunoreactive for glutamate, about 12% for colocalized glycine, and none for GABA or beta-alanine [21].
  • In the majority of LVN polysynaptic neurons that responded to antidromic stimulation of the ipsilateral or contralateral abducens nucleus, orthodromic spikes elicited by vestibular nerve stimulation were inhibited by DR conditioning stimulation and the iontophoretic application of 5-HT [22].

Gene context of Vestibular Nerve


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Vestibular Nerve


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