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Chemical Compound Review

sodium azide     sodium azide

Synonyms: Nemazyd, Kazoe, Natriumazid, SMITE, Sodiumazide, ...
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Disease relevance of sodium azide

  • The labeled protein binds specifically to LBRM-33-1A5 (a murine T lymphoma line previously shown to produce IL-2 in response to phytohemagglutinin and IL-1) with an affinity of approximately 0.2-2 X 10(10)/M and, at saturation, to approximately 500 receptors per cell, on intact cells at 8 degrees C in the presence of sodium azide [1].
  • Escherichia coli azi mutants, whose growth is resistant to millimolar concentrations of sodium azide, were among the earliest E. coli mutants isolated [2].
  • The inactivation of FITC-treated virions upon subsequent exposure to light is inhibited by the presence of sodium azide, suggesting the involvement of singlet oxygen in the process [3].
  • On the other hand, the mitochondrial inhibitors antimycin A, sodium azide, potassium cyanide, and 2,4-dinitrophenol inhibited cellular replication similar to the effect of anoxia but did not alter the stimulation of 5-HT uptake [4].
  • Catalase abolished, while sodium azide potentiated, this toxicity, suggesting a key role for H2O2 in the overall mechanism [5].

Psychiatry related information on sodium azide

  • Effects of sodium azide on motor activity, motor coordination, and learning [6].
  • Chronic administration of sodium azide in rats inhibits cytochrome oxidase and produces learning and memory deficits [7].
  • Three models are described in rats which attempt to mimic morphological and behavioural pathology of Alzheimer's dementia; intracerebroventricular injection of streptozotocin (STZ), permanent bilateral carotid artery occlusion (2VO) and brain mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase inhibition by sodium azide [8].
  • Indirect Id stimulation of group-1 cells by Id-I or Id-C, and group-2 cells by Id-I or EPI, was inhibited by anti-HLA-DR,DP(DQ) mAb or sodium azide, and exogenous IL-1 alone did not support this processed, MHC-mediated T-cell stimulation, but live adherent cells did [9].

High impact information on sodium azide


Chemical compound and disease context of sodium azide


Biological context of sodium azide


Anatomical context of sodium azide


Associations of sodium azide with other chemical compounds


Gene context of sodium azide

  • Additionally, each of the gag mutations prevented mitochondrial fragmentation caused by loss of the mitochondrial fusion factor, Fzo1p, or by treatment of cells with sodium azide [34].
  • Possible involvement of a heme-containing oxygen sensor in MP elaboration of growth factors was suggested by the induction of bFGF and PDGF by normoxic MPs exposed to nickel or cobalt, although metabolic inhibitors such as sodium azide were without effect [35].
  • Movement of actin patches is constrained to the asymmetric distribution of the patches in growing cells, and this movement is greatly reduced when metabolic inhibitors such as sodium azide are added [36].
  • In the presence of 0.2% sodium azide, which blocks 80% to 90% of internalization, the recombinant molecule bound with an apparent Kd of 750 pmol/L and 100 to 200 binding sites per cell at 37 degrees C. Asialo-EPO was a more effective competitor than sialated EPO for the available binding sites [37].
  • Sodium azide did not hyperpolarize SUR1(-/-) beta cells [38].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of sodium azide


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