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Intraoperative Complications

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Disease relevance of Intraoperative Complications


High impact information on Intraoperative Complications


Chemical compound and disease context of Intraoperative Complications

  • BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to determine whether halothane and isoflurane used during and after surgical injury attenuate subsequent hyperexcitability of spinal dorsal horn (SDH) neurons by preventing development of central sensitization [11].
  • The effects of starvation and surgical injury on the plasma levels of glucose, free fatty acids, and neutral lipids in newborn babies suffering from various congenital anomalies [12].
  • Twelve-lead electrocardiograms were performed daily and echocardiographic studies were performed on patients with either; electrocardiographic changes signifying likely myocardial damage, intraoperative complications, or elevated creatine kinase subfraction MB or troponin values [13].
  • In the Control group, the rate of conversion was 16.3% (P<0.05) and the rate of intraoperative complications was 7.0% [14].
  • The late recovery after isoflurane was equal to that obtained using an intravenous technique with alfentanil, although the peroperative complication rate was higher [15].

Biological context of Intraoperative Complications


Anatomical context of Intraoperative Complications


Gene context of Intraoperative Complications

  • KC and macrophage-inflammatory protein-2 (MIP-2) are CXC chemokines that exhibit distinct temporal patterns of expression in the skin following surgical injury [8].
  • Conclusions: PBMCs from septic patients, but not following surgical injury, have a reduced capacity to respond to a secondary inflammatory signal, but this defect is not associated with reduced TLR-4 or CD14 expression [18].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Cytokine response after cholecystectomy demonstrates the lesser degree of surgical injury in the laparoscopic group, however, TNF-alpha demonstrates on day 4 a similar increase in both groups [22].
  • Similarly, the microglial and astroglial responses to surgical injury of the cortex are significantly slower in LIF KO mice compared with WT mice [23].
  • MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty-four adult male CD rats were divided into three groups: 1) saline-injected (0.1 ml.) into the tunica albuginea; 2) TGF-beta1 (0.5 microgram.) injected into the tunica albuginea; and 3) surgical injury to the tunica albuginea [24].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Intraoperative Complications


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