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Social Behavior

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Disease relevance of Social Behavior


Psychiatry related information on Social Behavior


High impact information on Social Behavior

  • Natural variation in a neuropeptide Y receptor homolog modifies social behavior and food response in C. elegans [11].
  • These results are consistent with an interpretation that common genetic mechanisms underlie abnormal social behavior and sensorimotor gating deficits and implicate Dvl1 in processes underlying complex behaviors [12].
  • Worms exhibit social behaviors and complex ultradian rhythms driven by Ca(2+) oscillators with clock-like properties [13].
  • Methylphenidate in hyperkinetic children: differences in dose effects on learning and social behavior [14].
  • A number of studies have implicated the neurohypophyseal peptides oxytocin and vasopressin in the central mediation of complex social behaviors, including affiliation, parental care and territorial aggression [15].

Chemical compound and disease context of Social Behavior

  • The diazepam-produced deterioration in mood and social behavior was a subtle effect observed in a population for which usual therapeutic indications were lacking and at higher than usual therapeutic doses [16].
  • Altered activity, social behavior, and spatial memory in mice lacking the NTAN1p amidase and the asparagine branch of the N-end rule pathway [17].
  • Social behavior may lead to changes in reproductive state through integration of cortisol changes in time [18].
  • Based on this foundation, we then advance three major questions which are fundamental to a broad conceptualization of AVT/AVP social behavior functions: (1) Are there sufficient data to suggest that certain peptide functions or anatomical characteristics (neuron, fiber, and receptor distributions) are conserved across the vertebrate classes [19]?
  • The data presented in this paper are discussed with respect to both the structure of heparan sulfate and the putative role of heparan sulfate in cell social behavior [20].

Biological context of Social Behavior


Anatomical context of Social Behavior


Gene context of Social Behavior


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Social Behavior

  • Test-retest scores reflected significant improvement across all health and psychosocial scales of the Sickness Impact Profile. On the Social Behavior Adjustment Schedule, significant improvement was observed on scales measuring disturbed behavior, social role performance, and burden [35].
  • Using ovariectomized rhesus monkeys, we examined the effects of tamoxifen, with and without estrogen replacement therapy (ERT), on social behavior and central serotonin (5HT) systems thought to influence these behaviors [36].
  • A series of experiments were conducted with wild house mice to verify the effect of intrauterine position on females' anogenital distance at birth (AGD) and to examine the relationships between a female's AGD, used as a bioassay of androgen exposure during fetal life, and her social behavior and reproductive success in adulthood [37].


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