MeSH Review:
Social Behavior
- Central mediation of the effects of interleukin-1 on social exploration and body weight in mice. Bluthé, R.M., Dantzer, R., Kelley, K.W. Psychoneuroendocrinology (1997)
- Long-term chlorpromazine in rhesus monkeys: production of dyskinesias and changes in social behavior. McKinney, W.T., Moran, E.C., Kraemer, G.W., Prange, A.J. Psychopharmacology (Berl.) (1980)
- Eukaryotic-like protein serine/threonine kinases in Myxococcus xanthus, a developmental bacterium exhibiting social behavior. Munoz-Dorado, J., Inouye, S., Inouye, M. J. Cell. Biochem. (1993)
- "Everybody in the world is my friend" hypersociability in young children with Williams syndrome. Doyle, T.F., Bellugi, U., Korenberg, J.R., Graham, J. Am. J. Med. Genet. A (2004)
- Altered anxiety-related and social behaviors in the Fmr1 knockout mouse model of fragile X syndrome. Spencer, C.M., Alekseyenko, O., Serysheva, E., Yuva-Paylor, L.A., Paylor, R. Genes Brain Behav. (2005)
- Deletion of the mental retardation gene Gdi1 impairs associative memory and alters social behavior in mice. D'Adamo, P., Welzl, H., Papadimitriou, S., Raffaele di Barletta, M., Tiveron, C., Tatangelo, L., Pozzi, L., Chapman, P.F., Knevett, S.G., Ramsay, M.F., Valtorta, F., Leoni, C., Menegon, A., Wolfer, D.P., Lipp, H.P., Toniolo, D. Hum. Mol. Genet. (2002)
- Stability of interindividual differences in serotonin function and its relationship to severe aggression and competent social behavior in rhesus macaque females. Higley, J.D., King, S.T., Hasert, M.F., Champoux, M., Suomi, S.J., Linnoila, M. Neuropsychopharmacology (1996)
- NC-1900, an arginine-vasopressin analogue, ameliorates social behavior deficits and hyperlocomotion in MK-801-treated rats: therapeutic implications for schizophrenia. Matsuoka, T., Sumiyoshi, T., Tanaka, K., Tsunoda, M., Uehara, T., Itoh, H., Kurachi, M. Brain Res. (2005)
- Preliminary evidence for reduced social interactions in Chakragati mutants modeling certain symptoms of schizophrenia. Torres, G., Meeder, B.A., Hallas, B.H., Gross, K.W., Horowitz, J.M. Brain Res. (2005)
- Gene targeting approaches to neuroendocrinology: oxytocin, maternal behavior, and affiliation. Young, L.J., Winslow, J.T., Wang, Z., Gingrich, B., Guo, Q., Matzuk, M.M., Insel, T.R. Hormones and behavior. (1997)
- Natural variation in a neuropeptide Y receptor homolog modifies social behavior and food response in C. elegans. de Bono, M., Bargmann, C.I. Cell (1998)
- Social interaction and sensorimotor gating abnormalities in mice lacking Dvl1. Lijam, N., Paylor, R., McDonald, M.P., Crawley, J.N., Deng, C.X., Herrup, K., Stevens, K.E., Maccaferri, G., McBain, C.J., Sussman, D.J., Wynshaw-Boris, A. Cell (1997)
- Neuronal substrates of complex behaviors in C. elegans. de Bono, M., Maricq, A.V. Annu. Rev. Neurosci. (2005)
- Methylphenidate in hyperkinetic children: differences in dose effects on learning and social behavior. Sprague, R.L., Sleator, E.K. Science (1977)
- Neuroendocrine bases of monogamy. Young, L.J., Wang, Z., Insel, T.R. Trends Neurosci. (1998)
- Differential effects of diazepam and pentobarbital on mood and behavior. Griffiths, R.R., Bigelow, G.E., Liebson, I. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry (1983)
- Altered activity, social behavior, and spatial memory in mice lacking the NTAN1p amidase and the asparagine branch of the N-end rule pathway. Kwon, Y.T., Balogh, S.A., Davydov, I.V., Kashina, A.S., Yoon, J.K., Xie, Y., Gaur, A., Hyde, L., Denenberg, V.H., Varshavsky, A. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2000)
- Stress and dominance in a social fish. Fox, H.E., White, S.A., Kao, M.H., Fernald, R.D. J. Neurosci. (1997)
- Social behavior functions and related anatomical characteristics of vasotocin/vasopressin systems in vertebrates. Goodson, J.L., Bass, A.H. Brain Res. Brain Res. Rev. (2001)
- The effect of beta-xylosides on heparan sulfate synthesis by SV40-transformed Swiss mouse 3T3 cells. Johnston, L.S., Keller, J.M. J. Biol. Chem. (1979)
- The developmental biology of Dishevelled: an enigmatic protein governing cell fate and cell polarity. Wallingford, J.B., Habas, R. Development (2005)
- Attentionally modulated effects of cortisol and mood on memory for emotional faces in healthy young males. Van Honk, J., Kessels, R.P., Putman, P., Jager, G., Koppeschaar, H.P., Postma, A. Psychoneuroendocrinology (2003)
- Perinatal ethanol exposure alters met-enkephalin levels of male and female rats. Lugo, J.N., Wilson, M.A., Kelly, S.J. Neurotoxicology and teratology. (2006)
- Seasonality of adult male Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata): androgens and behavior in a confined troop. Rostal, D.C., Glick, B.B., Eaton, G.G., Resko, J.A. Hormones and behavior. (1986)
- Sex differences in Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata): effects of prenatal testosterone on juvenile social behavior. Eaton, G.G., Worlein, J.M., Glick, B.B. Hormones and behavior. (1990)
- Functional microsatellite polymorphism associated with divergent social structure in vole species. Hammock, E.A., Young, L.J. Mol. Biol. Evol. (2004)
- Social interaction deficits caused by chronic phencyclidine administration are reversed by oxytocin. Lee, P.R., Brady, D.L., Shapiro, R.A., Dorsa, D.M., Koenig, J.I. Neuropsychopharmacology (2005)
- Characterization of factor(s) in culture supernatants affecting cell social behavior. Weston, J.A., Yamada, K.M., Hendricks, K.L. J. Cell. Physiol. (1979)
- Social stress and corticosterone regionally upregulate limbic N-methyl-D-aspartatereceptor (NR) subunit type NR(2A) and NR(2B) in the lizard Anolis carolinensis. Meyer, W.N., Keifer, J., Korzan, W.J., Summers, C.H. Neuroscience (2004)
- Pervasive social deficits, but normal parturition, in oxytocin receptor-deficient mice. Takayanagi, Y., Yoshida, M., Bielsky, I.F., Ross, H.E., Kawamata, M., Onaka, T., Yanagisawa, T., Kimura, T., Matzuk, M.M., Young, L.J., Nishimori, K. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2005)
- Transmission disequilibrium testing of arginine vasopressin receptor 1A (AVPR1A) polymorphisms in autism. Kim, S.J., Young, L.J., Gonen, D., Veenstra-VanderWeele, J., Courchesne, R., Courchesne, E., Lord, C., Leventhal, B.L., Cook, E.H., Insel, T.R. Mol. Psychiatry (2002)
- Social behavior deficits in the Fmr1 mutant mouse. Mineur, Y.S., Huynh, L.X., Crusio, W.E. Behav. Brain Res. (2006)
- Subchronic phencyclidine administration alters central vasopressin receptor binding and social interaction in the rat. Tanaka, K., Suzuki, M., Sumiyoshi, T., Murata, M., Tsunoda, M., Kurachi, M. Brain Res. (2003)
- The TRPC2 ion channel and pheromone sensing in the accessory olfactory system. Zufall, F. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch. Pharmacol. (2005)
- Quality of life before and after orthotopic hepatic transplantation. Tarter, R.E., Switala, J., Arria, A., Plail, J., Van Thiel, D. Arch. Intern. Med. (1991)
- Tamoxifen fails to affect central serotonergic tone but increases indices of anxiety in female rhesus macaques. Mook, D., Felger, J., Graves, F., Wallen, K., Wilson, M.E. Psychoneuroendocrinology (2005)
- Urine marking and maternal aggression of wild female mice in relation to anogenital distance at birth. Palanza, P., Parmigiani, S., vom Saal, F.S. Physiol. Behav. (1995)