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Chemical Compound Review

Indo-1     2-[4- (bis(carboxymethyl)amino)-3- [2-[2...

Synonyms: Indo 1, SureCN4079001, CHEBI:52084, AC1L2XYQ, LS-187497, ...
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Disease relevance of Indo-1

  • The whole-cell patch-clamp technique was used in combination with Indo-1-based microfluorometry to record Ca2+ current and [Ca2+]i simultaneously from single rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons grown in culture [1].
  • Thomas' Hospital solution and Stanford solution and subsequently reperfused for 1 h at 35 degrees C. In other groups of hearts, basal oxygen consumption and rest intracellular calcium (Indo 1 technique) were evaluated during ethanol-, hexanol- and potassium-induced cardiac arrest [2].
  • 3. Indo-1 was used to measure changes in intracellular calcium, [Ca2+]i. Anoxia reversibly increased [Ca2+]i from approximately 50-100 to approximately 200-450 nM in all cells tested [3].
  • 5. Scanning a single horizontal line across the cytoplasm with an ultraviolet argon ion laser (351 nm) and recording Indo-1 fluorescence with a confocal microscope demonstrated an inward spread of a rise in [Ca2+]i following a tetanus [4].
  • Although influenza virus itself did not generate O2-, it caused a transient increase in intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i), when measured with Indo-1-loaded cells [5].

High impact information on Indo-1

  • Changes in Cai were measured in Indo-1-loaded neonatal human foreskin keratinocytes after stimulation with extracellular ATP [6].
  • To study the mediation of Ca2+ influx by second messengers in myeloid cells, we have combined the whole-cell patch clamp technique with microfluorimetric measurements of [Ca2+]i. Me2SO-differentiated HL-60 cells were loaded with the fluorescent Ca2+ indicator Indo-1, allowed to adhere to glass slides, and patch-clamped [7].
  • The average cytosolic [Ca2+] in various leukocyte populations was measured in Fura 2-loaded cell suspensions while the cytosolic [Ca2+] in individual, Indo 1-loaded leukocytes was assayed by flow cytometric methods [8].
  • The Ca2+ influx was examined directly by loading oligodendroglia with the fluorescent dye Indo-1 in defined medium, and measuring changes in Ca2+ in individual cells with a laser cytometer [9].
  • Confocal microscopy of astrocytes loaded with Indo-1 demonstrated that intercellular calcium wave transmission in IL-1beta-treated cultures was potentiated compared with controls [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Indo-1

  • ROS generation was correlated with changing mitochondrial potential (rhodamine 123), [Ca2+]c (fluo-4, fura-2, or Indo-1), or ATP consumption, indicated by increased [Mg2+]c. We found that three distinct mechanisms contribute to neuronal injury by generating ROS and oxidative stress, each operating at a different stage of ischemia and reperfusion [11].

Biological context of Indo-1

  • Indo 1-loaded aggregates exhibit fluorescence transients during each transmembrane action potential [12].
  • To investigate whether free calcium levels are affected during apoptosis, we loaded egg chambers with the calcium indicator Indo-1 [13].
  • Tsien, Indo-1, has allowed us to resolve the temporal relationship between the rapid and transient cytoplasmic Ca2+ rise and the membrane potential change and to do so on very small samples by using a fluorescence-activated cell sorter [14].
  • Removal of IL-3 from cultures of 32D cells or control-transfected 32D-NEO cells for 1-2 days led to cell cycle arrest and oligonucleosomal DNA fragmentation and was associated with lower cytosolic free Ca2+ concentrations ([Ca2+]i), as measured by Indo-1 fluorescence of viable cells in Ca(2+)-containing media [15].
  • By using the calcium-sensitive dye Indo-1 and flow cytometry, we assessed CTL-target cell adhesion and CTL activation [16].

Anatomical context of Indo-1

  • Indo 1-loaded hearts were illuminated at 360 nm, and fluorescence was recorded simultaneously at 400 and 550 nm from the epicardial surface of the left ventricle [17].
  • METHODS AND RESULTS: Tissue resistance, intracellular Ca2+ concentration (Indo-1 fluorescence ratio), and mechanical activity were simultaneously determined in arterially perfused right ventricular papillary muscles from 11 normal and 15 failing rabbits [18].
  • The experiments were performed in isolated myocytes using the fluorescent indicators Indo-1 (to measure [Ca2+]i) and SBFI (to measure [Na+]i) [19].
  • Exposing Indo-1-labeled K562 cells to NmU induced an intracellular Ca(++) flux consistent with engagement of the NMU1R [20].
  • Depolarization with 40-60 mM K+ was used to analyze the activity of Ca2+ VOCs in Indo-1-loaded astrocytes in acute slices from the visual cortex and the CA1 hippocampal region of developing rats [21].

Associations of Indo-1 with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Indo-1

  • Simultaneous whole-cell recordings and ratiometric Indo-1 Ca2+ measurements indicated that agonist (CCh)-induced activation of TRPL channels was not always associated with a rise in Ca2+ [27].
  • Flow cytometric analysis by using Indo-1 showed that coaggregation of CD4, CD8, and CD2 with CD3/TCR clearly enhances a minimal signal delivered via CD3/TCR on immature thymocytes [28].
  • Indo-1 experiments revealed that TRH-increased [Ca2+]i was reversibly inhibited by Cd2+ [29].
  • With the major signal transduction pathway of endothelin-1 (ET1) acting via phospholipase C (PLC) and Ca2+, we used ET1 to analyse the nature of Ca2+ channels on cultured trophoblastic cells by means of cytofluorimetric analysis using the ratiometric Ca2+ indicator Indo-1 [30].
  • In addition, using fluorescent probes (Indo-1 and Boc-leu-met-MAC), we demonstrated that RGD120 added to prefusing myoblast cultures accelerates myoblast fusion into myotubes, induced an increase of cytosolic free calcium concentration, and concomitantly an increase of intracellular calpain protease activity [31].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Indo-1

  • In measurements of cytosolic free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) by flow cytometry in Indo-1-loaded platelets, ADP's dose-response for actin polymerization was similar to that for calcium mobilization [32].
  • We have taken advantage of laser photometry, the Ca2(+)-sensitive dye Indo-1 that allows ratio imaging, and confocal microscopy to eliminate the influences of unequal cell geometry and dye distribution [33].
  • With the calcium-sensitive dye, Indo-1, and immunofluorescence, we demonstrated that, despite the relative phenotypic immaturity of cells which express low levels of CD3/Ti alpha/beta, these antigen receptors are able to mediate transmembrane signaling when stimulated with CD3 monoclonal antibodies [34].
  • Quantitation of cytosolic [Ca2+] in whole perfused rat hearts using Indo-1 fluorometry [35].
  • 1. Single atrial myocytes obtained by enzyme perfusion from hearts of adult guinea-pigs were investigated using whole-cell voltage clamp and Indo-1 micro-fluorometry [36].


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