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Chemical Compound Review

dulcitol     (2R,3S,4R,5S)-hexane- 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexol

Synonyms: Euonymit, dulcite, dulcose, Melampyrin, Melampyrit, ...
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Disease relevance of galactitol


High impact information on galactitol

  • Moreover, galactose feeding results in changes in tissue AR activities that are not related, temporally or quantitatively, to the alterations in tissue AR mRNA or galactitol levels [6].
  • There were no large differences observed in survival sensitivities anywhere in the cell cycle, suggesting that galactitol was not a cell-cycle phase-specific agent [7].
  • Synchronized mitotic and G1 phase cells were equally sensitive to galacitol, with approximately 90% of the cells killed by 1-hour exposures to 12.5 mug galactitol/ml [7].
  • Cells in mitosis or G1 phases of the cell cycle at the time of treatment with galacitol progressed normally into the next stage of the cell cycle; however, cells exposed to galactitol in S or G2 phases exhibited dose-dependent delays in those phases of the cell cycle [7].
  • In addition, both galactose and galactitol accumulated in tissues of GK-deficient mice [3].

Chemical compound and disease context of galactitol


Biological context of galactitol


Anatomical context of galactitol


Associations of galactitol with other chemical compounds


Gene context of galactitol


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of galactitol


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