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Chemical Compound Review

Laxettes     3,3-bis(4- hydroxyphenyl)isobenzofuran- 1-one

Synonyms: Chocolax, Espotabs, Phenolax, Phthalin, Alophen, ...
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Disease relevance of phenolphthalein

  • Phenolphthalein regimens were associated with a slight rise in serum potassium concentrations (similar to placebo); this may have been due to extracellular volume contraction produced by high volume and sodium-rich diarrhea and acidosis secondary to bicarbonate losses [1].
  • A statistically significant level of chromosomal aberrations was elicited in SHE cells treated with phenolphthalein at the highest dose (40 microM) [2].
  • Using the structure of TS from Lactobacillus casei in complex with the nonsubstrate analogue phenolphthalein, inhibitors were designed to take advantage of features of the bacterial enzyme that differ from those of the human enzyme [3].
  • At the end of 4 wk all 50 animals were injected i.p. with a dose of 15 mg/kg body weight of phenolphthalein [4].
  • Risk of ovarian cancer in relation to use of phenolphthalein-containing laxatives [5].

Psychiatry related information on phenolphthalein


High impact information on phenolphthalein


Chemical compound and disease context of phenolphthalein


Biological context of phenolphthalein


Anatomical context of phenolphthalein


Associations of phenolphthalein with other chemical compounds


Gene context of phenolphthalein


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of phenolphthalein


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