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Chemical Compound Review

Anthrapel     anthracene-9,10-dione

Synonyms: Hoelite, Corbit, Morkie, Morkit, Anthradione, ...
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Disease relevance of Bis-alkylamino anthraquinone


Psychiatry related information on Bis-alkylamino anthraquinone

  • BACKGROUND/AIM: To define the possible contribution of altered small intestinal motor activity to side-effects of bulking fibres, we sought to compare the relative effects of intraduodenal and intracolonic administration of the bulking fibre psyllium and the anthraquinone laxative senna on canine small intestinal motor activity [6].
  • Opponent process theory (R. L. Solomon & J. D. Corbit, 1973, 1974) and adaptation-level theory (H. Helson, 1948) are alternative explanations of this stability that explain how environmental effects on job satisfaction dissipate across time [7].

High impact information on Bis-alkylamino anthraquinone


Chemical compound and disease context of Bis-alkylamino anthraquinone


Biological context of Bis-alkylamino anthraquinone


Anatomical context of Bis-alkylamino anthraquinone


Associations of Bis-alkylamino anthraquinone with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Bis-alkylamino anthraquinone


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Bis-alkylamino anthraquinone

  • The receptor selectivity toward different anthraquinone derivatives 2 has been studied using 1H NMR spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, UV spectroscopy, and isothermal microcalorimetry (ITC) [36].
  • CONCLUSIONS: HPLC product analysis demonstrated that Iz is a key oxidation product of G through 8-oxoG in DNA photosensitized with riboflavin or anthraquinone [37].
  • Influence of functional group substitutions on the carcinogenicity of anthraquinone in rats and mice: analysis of long-term bioassays by the National Cancer Institute and the National Toxicology Program [38].
  • In addition, the role of the SR in ischemic preconditioning and in some instances of toxic myocardial injury (particularly, anthraquinone-induced injury) is discussed [39].
  • Three of 13 patients treated with chemotherapy containing anthracycline/anthraquinone attained complete remission, in contrast to none of the eight who were treated with regimens without anthracycline [40].


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