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Chemical Compound Review

BUTADIENE     buta-1,3-diene

Synonyms: Butadien, Bivinyl, Butadieen, Divinyl, Erythrene, ...
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Disease relevance of BUTADIENE


High impact information on BUTADIENE


Chemical compound and disease context of BUTADIENE


Biological context of BUTADIENE


Anatomical context of BUTADIENE


Associations of BUTADIENE with other chemical compounds


Gene context of BUTADIENE

  • Seven of these mutations were a G-->C transversion in Hras1 codon 13, consistent with a 1,3-butadiene-specific Kras2 mutation previously reported in several other tumor types [27].
  • Different genetic pathways may be involved in the development of these chemically induced tumours since we have previously shown that mutations in p53 and ras genes are common in 1,3-butadiene- but not 2',3'-dideoxycytidine-induced lymphomas [28].
  • In contrast, homozygous deletions spanning the p16INK4a and p15INK4b loci were observed in only two of 31 1,3-butadiene-induced tumours [28].
  • Lack of increased genetic damage in 1,3-butadiene-exposed Chinese workers studied in relation to EPHX1 and GST genotypes [29].
  • In addition, the expression of CYP2E1, a gene playing a key role in BD metabolism, was determined by real-time PCR in peripheral blood lymphocytes, and the capacity of lymphocytes to repair gamma-ray-induced SSBs and to convert 8-oxoguanine in HeLa cell DNA into SSBs was assessed using in vitro assays [30].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of BUTADIENE


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