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Gene Review

CALCR  -  calcitonin receptor

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CRT, CT-R, CTR, CTR1, Calcitonin receptor
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Disease relevance of CALCR


Psychiatry related information on CALCR

  • These results suggest that N-PCT can function as an endogenous ligand for the CT receptor and may act as a catabolic signaling molecule in the central regulation of feeding behavior and energy homeostasis [5].
  • The performance of 56 homosexual men infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) was compared to that of 23 HIV antibody-seronegative controls on simple (SRT) and choice (CRT) reaction time tasks [6].
  • For the patients with Huntington's disease, this CRT/SRT difference was not significant [7].
  • There was no instance of ventricular proarrhythmia associated with atrial shock therapies, undersensing of ventricular arrhythmias, or interruption of CRT therapy associated with the combined device [8].
  • In contrast, a single dose of midazolam 15 mg induced a marked impairment in psychomotor performance and cognitive functions (significant reduction in CFF, increase in CRT and body sway, disruption of short- and long-term memory) [9].

High impact information on CALCR

  • Mutants in CTR1 exhibit a constitutive ethylene-response phenotype [10].
  • Both the ethylene receptors and CTR1 are negative regulators of ethylene responses [10].
  • Although the calcitonin receptor does not require RAMP to bind and respond to calcitonin, it can associate with the RAMPs, resulting in a series of receptors that typically have high affinity for amylin and varied affinity for CGRP [11].
  • Striking homology with the calcitonin receptor and lack of homology with other G protein-linked receptors indicate that receptors for these calcium-regulating hormones are related and represent a new family [12].
  • Thr-4 residues of the CTR repeats are functionally important phosphorylation sites [13].

Chemical compound and disease context of CALCR


Biological context of CALCR


Anatomical context of CALCR


Associations of CALCR with chemical compounds

  • The expressed hCTR was coupled to adenylate cyclase [2].
  • Attenuation of CT-induced CTR down-regulation by the competitive cAMP antagonist, RpcAMP, and high concentrations of H-7, but not by protein kinase C-specific inhibitors (sphingosine, staurosporine, and a lower concentration of H-7), suggested that the PKA pathway is primarily involved in homologous regulation of the CTR [20].
  • Biological activity of immunoreactive human and mouse IAPP components derived from pancreatic extracts was assessed by calcitonin receptor-mediated stimulation of cyclic AMP accumulation in T47D human breast carcinoma cells [22].
  • Calcitonin receptor mRNA expression in TT cells: effect of dexamethasone [23].
  • Two alleles of the calcitonin receptor gene ( CTR ) exist: a base mutation T-->C in the third intracellular C-terminal domain changes a proline (CCG) at position 447 to a leucine (CTG) [24].
  • Deletion and/or alanine replacement of the region of the calcitonin receptor between residues 150 and 153 resulted in marked reduction in cAMP responses to these compounds, with some compound-specific differences observed, supporting a critical role for this region [25].

Physical interactions of CALCR

  • CHO-P cells provide an environment conducive to a low, but significant, level of amylin binding with either hCTR isoform alone, unlike in COS-7, where RAMP coexpression is imperative for amylin binding [26].
  • The distinct functional characteristics of GC-2 and GC-10, which differ in structure only in the first intracellular domain, indicate that the first intracellular domain of the CTR plays a previously unidentified role in modulating ligand binding and signal transduction via the G protein/adenylate cyclase system [19].
  • In a two-hybrid screening, we found that the actin-binding protein filamin interacted with the C-terminal tail of the CTR [27].
  • These studies suggest that CGRP initially interacts with the calcitonin receptor to produce a calcitonin-like effect, which is followed by hypercalcaemia presumably by antagonising the action of endogenous circulating calcitonin [28].
  • Thus, membrane-bound TcCRT interacts with the collagenous portion Clq, and this Clq is recognized by the CD91-bound host cell CRT, thus facilitating parasite internalization [29].

Regulatory relationships of CALCR


Other interactions of CALCR


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of CALCR


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